Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 41

 The butler is the subject of rumors

While Milady was enjoying her shopping as usual at the main branch of Libra Trading Company, which boasts the largest scale in the kingdom, I was escorted to a separate room and found myself face-to-face with the company president, Selpan.

"So, I've heard that the things I asked for are ready."

"Yes, here they are."

When I mentioned that the requested items were ready, Selpan, who was sitting on the sofa across the table, smiled warmly and signaled to his assistant standing behind him.

Following his instructions, the assistant slowly placed the items on the table.

As he uncovered them, we saw a palm-sized crystal sphere and several earrings made from the same crystal.

"I'll check them. ...Eins."

"Excuse me."

I picked up one of the earrings and handed it to Eins, who was standing behind me. Then, I took the crystal sphere in my hand.

As I ran my finger along the surface of the crystal, the magical device responded to pre-set commands and activated.

In front of me, the crystal emitted a faint light, gradually sharpening the previously blurry image until it finally displayed the back of a man seated on the sofa.

Of course, that figure was me.

This crystal was showing the scene captured by Eins' earring.

"I see, I've indeed verified it."

This crystal was made from an item recovered from a presumptuous individual who had tried to spy on Milady's skin in the past. It was adapted into a magical device, allowing even someone like me without magic to use it.

Since there were no technicians capable of handling magical devices in the kingdom, I had to request help from the Empire's magitech engineers through the Libra Trading Company.

While the crystal's size limited its communication range, having a means of communication was always beneficial.

"I'm pleased that you seem satisfied. Now, please take a look at the next item."

The next item presented was a simple bracelet-shaped magical device. I had bought one like it here before; there was no mistaking it. It was identical to the one fitted on my left arm, a magical device for enhancing the body.

Originally, there had been no precedent for body-enhancing magical devices, so the one I had commissioned previously was essentially a prototype. This one seemed to be an improved version.


I decided to activate it for a test, and I couldn't help but feel puzzled by the significant difference. Unlike before, there was no excruciating pain that felt like my entire body was being torn apart upon activation. To be precise, there was still some discomfort, but it was far less severe compared to before.

"Indeed, Mr.Crow, it appears you've noticed the change."

"What's going on here? This isn't just an improvement; it's an entirely different thing."

It was clear that not only had the strain been reduced, but the enhancement's power flowing through my entire body had increased. It had reached a point where it wasn't just an improvement; it was an entirely new creation.

As I reacted to the changes, Selpan looked at me, and he couldn't hide his joy—it was as if he had an uncontrollable grin.

"Well, well, just like with the communication crystal earlier, the items created this time weren't made by the technicians contracted by our company."

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, a technician who became quite interested in the body enhancement magical device you ordered last time really wanted to make this himself. Oh, please don't make that face. It's okay; I assure you of his skill. After all, he's the Empire's top magitech engineer."

I gave him a skeptical look, but this man was an experienced merchant. If he said this, it meant there was no chance of receiving a subpar product. If it were otherwise, I'd confront him right here.

"Oh, you're really pulling out all the stops by involving the Empire's top figure."

"Not at all. You see, these magical devices were actually crafted by none other than the Empire's Head Magitech Engineer!"


What Selpan revealed was way beyond what I expected. The Head Magitech Engineer was the ultimate authority in magitech research and development in the Empire. While I didn't have detailed information about important figures in other countries, the current Head Magitech Engineer was renowned as a genius. In just a few years, starting at a young age, they had advanced the Empire's magitech development by a century.

To think that such a prominent figure had been involved in this kind of task left me flabbergasted.

"You really live up to your reputation, Mr.Crow. You consistently exceed our expectations. I never imagined you had a connection with the Head Magitech Engineer. We'll need to reevaluate our strategies for the Empire moving forward!"

Selpan continued excitedly, seemingly unconcerned about my reaction, which was unusual for his usually composed self. I had noticed his unusually high energy today, and now I understood why.

"My apologies. I got carried away with excitement. Well then, please accept this."

Finally realizing my icy glare, Selpan cleared his throat and calmed down. He handed me a new paper bag.

"I won't accept a bribe."

"That's not it. With our newfound connection to the Empire's Head Magitech Engineer, our company's growth is virtually guaranteed. This can be seen as our way of expressing gratitude."


"We aim for fair trade, so it wouldn't be ideal for one party to benefit unilaterally. Naturally, besides this, we plan to offer you and Mr.Crow more conveniences in the future, so...?"

"I understand. In that case, I'll accept it."

I have zero interest in this man, honestly, but refusing at this point would only create unnecessary complications. If accepting it satisfies him, it's probably better in the long run for Milady's sake.

With that in mind, I pick up the paper bag placed on the table. Inside, I hear the clinking of several hard objects, indicating there are multiple items.

"...What is this?"

I decide to open the bag to check its contents, and I'm left bewildered by what I find. It's not about what the contents are but rather why they're being given to me.

"I thought perhaps you liked this sort of thing, Mr. Crow. Doesn't it suit your taste?"

With his usual dubious smile, Selpan glances at Eins, who stands behind me.

...For now, it's clear that the man in front of me has a significant misunderstanding. It's true that I've bought contraceptives and such from this company before, so he seems to believe that Eins and I have that kind of relationship. Of course, he couldn't possibly imagine that I've been using them to attack my own master in her sleep.

In hindsight, I realize how foolish my actions have been.

"...Alright, I'll use them then."

"I'm glad you're satisfied."

I felt sorry for Eins, but I decided to let this man's misunderstanding stand. There was no way I could tell him the truth, so it was unavoidable. I mentally noted to make it up to Eins later, closed the paper bag, and stood up.

"Is there anything else? I'll take my leave now."

"Yes, please feel free to use our company again when you need anything."

After confirming that there were no more items to receive, I left the room. Selpan nodded and bid me farewell, and I headed back to rejoin Milady.


In general, the slums completely cut off their connections with the surface world. However, there is one exception: the entertainment district located in a corner of the surface allows residents from the top world to freely come and go.

Beautifully dressed courtesans stand on street corners to attract customers, while sturdy men survey their surroundings with sharp gazes, providing security. Amidst all this, a carriage passes through the district.

Finally, the carriage stops in front of the grand casino, the largest building in the entertainment district. A man in an exquisite suit steps out of the carriage.

"Well, well, it's quite a bother to be summoned here unilaterally when I have my own matters to attend to, don't you think?"

The man who disembarked from the carriage is Selpan, the chairman of the Libra Trading Company. He adjusts his hat to cover his face more, following the lead of his guards, and enters the building.

Inside the lavishly decorated and glamorous building, people from paupers to the wealthy all dream of making a fortune, their eyes filled with desire.

As Selpan passes by the casino filled with swirling desires, he is led to a room at the very back of the casino, reserved only for VIPs. A massive round table is placed in the room, and a young man sits there.

At first glance, he seems too young to be in such a place. However, he is the one who summoned Selpan - Ralph, the leader of Wild Fang, one of the three major organizations governing the slums.

"You're late; the appointed time has long passed."

"Well, well, my apologies. There was an important deal that couldn't be missed. Unlike you, our schedule is packed for the next three months, so being called suddenly is quite inconvenient for us."


Ralph had no choice but to clench his teeth in silence in response to Selpan's sarcastic remarks.

The current dynamic between them was far from what it used to be. They were now in an equal partnership, or some might even argue that Ralph's organization, the Wild Fang, was in a less favorable position.

That's precisely why Selpan had deliberately arrived late, and it seemed the other person who hadn't arrived yet had the same intention.

"I'm barging in!"

As Selpan took his seat and waited for the missing person, a sudden commotion erupted outside. Ralph, expecting something, stood up. Just as the door was forcefully pushed open, a woman entered the room.

She was dressed in a provocative, form-fitting dress that highlighted her impressive figure. She unabashedly showcased her long, slender legs as she confidently walked into the room and took her seat.

"Regina! You! You made us wait, and yet, you have the audacity to act like this!?"

"You're quite the stickler for details, aren't you? I came here only because you insisted. You should be grateful."

Regina, the leader of the "Beehive" a group of courtesans in the slums, casually blew smoke from her cigarette while ignoring Ralph's protests.

Regina, once the top courtesan in the slums, had manipulated countless men. To her, the complaints of an inexperienced young man were hardly worth her attention.

Knowing this, Ralph had no choice but to quietly back down.

"Oh, how rare. Did you come as well?"

"Yes, he said it's an important meeting in the slums. As the leader of 'Ouroboros' I couldn't stay out of it."

Regina's interest shifted from the inexperienced leader of the struggling organization to the other leader who rarely appeared in public. With widened eyes, Selpan, no longer acting as the president of the Libra Company but as the cunning leader of 'Ouroboros,' locked eyes with Ralph and wore a sly smile.

The 'Beehive' of women, the 'Ouroboros' of wealth, and the 'Wild Fang' of power - the current slums were managed and operated under the control of these three major organizations. Typically, they refrained from interfering with each other's territories, but this gathering marked the first time the heads of these three organizations had convened in the current structure.

"Get to the point quickly. We're not exactly free ourselves" Regina urged as she sat heavily in her chair, exhaling white smoke in Ralph's direction to kickstart the meeting. Despite being the last to arrive, no one dared to challenge the queen, the most seasoned figure in the slums.

"Ah, the reason I've called this meeting is to discuss the recent kidnappings in the slums."

"We're already looking into it, and some of our people have been affected."

"We've also had problems as valuable talents we had our eyes on were taken from us."

Ralph frowned as smoke wafted his way but then stood up to address the main topic of this meeting.

Reports of recent kidnappings, which had been causing Ralph considerable trouble, were also coming in from the other two leaders.

It seemed that these criminals were operating widely throughout the slums, just as expected.

"Are you sure this isn't your doing? Handling slaves is your specialty, isn't it?" Regina taunted Selpan with a mischievous look.

Certainly, Selpan's organization, the Ouroboros, had a motto of providing anything for the right price, including a wide range of products that couldn't be openly displayed, including slaves.

In that sense, he could be considered the most suspicious among them.

"That's quite rude. If we were involved, we would have done it more skillfully" Selpan replied.

"Well, that's probably true" Regina conceded.

But Selpan was no fool. It was clear that someone as inept as those behind these reckless actions couldn't possibly control both legitimate and underground businesses. Understanding this, neither Ralph nor Regina pursued the matter further, and the discussion continued.

"You know, these kidnappers have been operating in our territory without our permission. And recently, it seems they've expanded their operations to the surface"

"Yes, we've also received information about noble children going missing"

Selpan nodded in agreement with Ralph's information. Ralph hadn't known this additional detail, but given the kidnappers' motives, it was a reasonable possibility. While they were inwardly impressed with Selpan's ability to gather this information, they weren't surprised by the information itself.

"I don't like beating around the bush. Get to the point."

"Alright, here's my proposal: let's establish a temporary cooperation between our organizations to resolve this case."


As Regina had suggested, Ralph carefully chose the right moment to explain the purpose of gathering the leaders of the three major organizations.

The goal was to establish a cooperative relationship among these organizations and swiftly eliminate the troublemakers causing chaos in the slums.

Upon hearing this proposal, the two leaders remained silent but encouraged Ralph to continue with their expressions.

"Already, this issue goes beyond the slums. If more harm happens, people from the surface world might step in. If that happens, the whole slum will suffer even more. To prevent that, we should cooperate, even if only temporarily, among these three organizations to catch the culprits!"

Indeed, since the harm has already extended to the surface world, we can't be picky about our methods anymore. If we leave the situation unattended, there's a chance the Royal Knights might wrongly accuse us and launch an attack. Actually, that might be the culprits' goal. While we're uncertain about whether they intend to exploit the chaos to escape or take further actions, we have no intention of playing into their hands like this.

"Got it, I understand your point. It's true that we've received information about the Royal Knights ramping up their investigation recently. If they start looking our way as they dig deeper, it could lead to substantial losses."

"Well, yeah. We can't just let these troublemakers run wild in our territory."

It seemed like the two leaders grasped Ralph's perspective, and their reactions were positive. Although both were strong-willed individuals, being leaders of organizations in the slums, Ralph felt relieved that they seemed open to persuasion. With the three major organizations in the slums working together, Ralph believed they could swiftly resolve the issue.


"However, we won't be teaming up with you."


Regrettably, Regina's words shattered the faint hopes Ralph had just nurtured. He could only express his confusion despite the previously favorable atmosphere. Moreover, this was a crisis in the slums, and Ralph couldn't fathom the reason for their refusal.

"Exactly. We have to decline your proposal."

Desperately seeking support from Selpan, Ralph turned to him, only to find Selpan shaking his head in agreement with the rejection. Even though there might be some losses involved, it was evident that neglecting this issue would ultimately cause significant damage to his organization. Selpan should have understood this, but it appeared that he did not.

"Why not? This is a crisis for the entire slum!"

"You're making a racket. We get it, okay?"

"Then why!"

"However, it's simply too risky for us to team up with you."

Ralph pounded his fist on the table, trying desperately to persuade them, but both leaders remained resolute in their rejection. They mentioned risks, but were there really greater risks than letting this issue fester?

"Why? Is it because I'm inexperienced and untrustworthy?"

"No, that's not it."

Initially, Ralph thought they might doubt him because he was a young leader. Having risen through the ranks based solely on combat prowess, Ralph was younger and less experienced than the two of them, leading to frequent underestimation. He believed that might be the reason, but Selpan denied it.

"Then why?"

"Well, it's because you're a 'traitor.'"


A traitor. There was only one thing Ralph could think of when he heard that word.

"Ten years ago, I won't let you forget how you ingratiated yourself with the leader of Wildfang back then."

"But that's all in the past..."

Indeed, a decade ago, Ralph had betrayed his own organization. He had done it to gain favor with Wildfang, the most influential group at the time, as a means to climb his way back into high society. However, in the context of this slum, such betrayals were everyday occurrences. It seemed unreasonable to refuse cooperation over something like this.

"Right, the act itself isn't the problem. Even if you betrayed your own and handed your organization over to a rival group after they saved your life, it's those who got betrayed who should be blamed. This is the kind of place we're in."

"But, in your case, the person you betrayed was too influential. Even now, there are 'his' devoted followers lurking in this slum, and likely even within our organizations."

Ralph's biggest mistake was underestimating this. Back then, for the kids at the bottom of the slums, the adults who oppressed them, especially the aristocrats who represented ultimate power, were nothing less than tyrants. And the one who brought those tyrants down, "him," was viewed as a savior.

Even when he was an outcast among the slum dwellers, his faith only grew stronger after Wildfang, the dominant force in the slums at the time, targeted him for elimination. In fact, his faith deepened even further after his final act, just before he was driven out of the slums.

"So, that's the deal. If we were to join forces with you, it might not sit well with 'them'—the ones who hold a grudge against you."

Selpan and Regina were no ordinary leaders, but even they wanted nothing to do with fanatics. Since then, both of them had expanded their organizations to the point where they couldn't keep track of all the new recruits. It was virtually impossible to single out anyone from the generation that had been children back then in the sprawling slums, where it seemed like new children were born like weeds.

"Damn, is that bastard still going to haunt me even after death?"

"Well, we can't cooperate, but we'll continue our investigation here. If we find out anything, we'll let you know."

"Very well, it seems our conversation is over, then. I shall take my leave."

With that, the two of them got up and left, leaving Ralph in a state of powerlessness, lost in thought for a while.

"...So, what's the real story here?"

As she heard the door close behind her, Regina broached a topic they couldn't discuss in front of Ralph as she walked alongside Selpan.

"What do you mean, 'what's the real story'?"

"Don't play dumb. You understand, right? That 'kid' is still alive, isn't he?"

Ralph had thought of 'him' as a specter from his past, but Regina didn't share that belief. She believed that 'he' was still alive somewhere.

"Didn't he die in a showdown with Wildfang's top fighter?"

"But there was no body found... right?"

"Maybe he just burned up completely?"

Indeed, when you think about it logically, what Selpan said does make sense. The area where it's believed he had his final battle had turned into a raging inferno back then. Someone without magical powers like 'him' shouldn't have been able to survive. Some even suspect his survival due to the absence of a corpse, but the one who created those flames was that sinister sorcerer. It's only natural to assume that he turned to ashes.

Up to this point, this information is common knowledge among those in the slums who were there at the time. Everyone concluded that 'he' had perished and moved on as part of the past.

"Then what about five years ago when those kids suddenly disappeared? I'm sure it's the same for you, right?"

However, these two had information beyond that. The girls who scattered to various places after losing their master years ago. These two invited them into their organization and gave them shelter, so they knew the truth.

"So, are you suggesting that he survived that incident ten years ago and took those girls with him as his followers?"

"That's the only logical conclusion, isn't it? Those girls wouldn't obey anyone except the boy they considered their master."

As they talked, Regina couldn't help but imagine the gray-haired girl who had once worked under her. The girl had no name, identifying herself only by the number given to her by her master. Where could that girl be now, and what could she be up to?

"Well, who knows? I have no idea"

"I had a feeling you'd say that" Regina sighed in exasperation at Selpan's evasive reply.

Selpan was a skilled merchant who could deal with just about anything as long as it could be bought and sold. Naturally, information was a valuable commodity in his trade. Regina didn't expect to obtain it for free.

"So, can you procure anything as long as you can pay for it?"

"Yes, I can provide anything from mythical creatures to noble daughters of the kingdom, and even the latest Imperial magic weapons, as long as you're willing to pay the price."

It was an impressive range of offerings, but Selpan's talents as a merchant were undeniable. With enough money, he could supply nearly anything.

"If you were to sell me information about that boy, how much would it cost?"

Regina had a hunch that this man might know the whereabouts of that boy. And perhaps, he could shed light on her whereabouts as well.

"Well, in that case... I'd be willing to provide any information I have for around 5,000 platinum coins."

"That's the national budget for the kingdom for how many years... And isn't it meaningless if you don't know anything?" Regina slumped her shoulders in response to Selpan's answer.

She understood that this information was something he had no intention of selling. It was only natural, as revealing such information to the actual person could lead to retaliation and the potential destruction of their organization. "He" was a fearsome individual who could make the seemingly impossible possible, and avoiding such risks was a prudent decision for a businessperson like Selpan.

"Will you make the purchase?"

"Who would buy that!"

Nevertheless, Regina firmly pushed away Selpan's outstretched hand, which held a detestable price tag.

"Really, I wonder where that boy is and what he's up to now..."

As Regina and Selpan were about to board their respective carriages after leaving the casino, Regina puffed on her pipe and looked up at the sky. The sky, glimpsed through the narrow gaps between buildings, was clouded and obscured, as if refusing to reveal their current state.

"Well? Perhaps he's serving some noble somewhere?"

"Hah! That boy hated nobles more than anyone, and he killed them more than anyone. He wouldn't be doing something like that!"

In response to Regina's words, Selpan gave an absentminded reply, but she simply scoffed at it.

She didn't know the extent of the grudges he held, but that boy had relentlessly slaughtered the nobles who were considered trump cards for various factions. That's why he was feared by all the residents of the slum and ultimately crushed by Wildfang, the largest faction at the time. So it was safe to say that such a scenario was impossible.

"Yes, you're right..."

Upon hearing those words, Selpan wore an unusually subtle expression.

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1 comment:

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...