Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 40

 My lady makes sure

As the bell rang, signifying the end of the last lecture for the day, the lecturer, who had been on the platform, exited the lecture hall. Immediately, the room erupted into a cacophony of voices and chatter among the students.

"What should we do after school?"

Sitting in the back row of the classroom, Isabella rested her chin on her hand, gazing down at the students, as she thought about her plans for after school.

With no lessons scheduled for the day, there was no immediate need for her to return to the mansion.

"Hey Crow, do you have any good ideas?"

"Let me see...."

She couldn't think of any good ideas, so Milady, sitting next to me, turned her gaze towards me.

However, I had already tried nearly everything to please her in this capital city.

While it wasn't likely that a perfect solution would come to mind, I started searching through the information I had gathered for moments like this, flipping through my notebook to find something that might be useful.

"If that's the case, there's news that a new item has just been released at Sufair. How about going there?"

"What, really!"

Luckily, we found the perfect information right away.

It's about a new dessert at Milady's favorite cake shop. When I quickly shared the details, her reaction was quite dramatic.

"I'm going right now!"

"Wait, what... Milady!"

Milady suddenly stood up and grabbed my arm. She was surrounded by a magical light and left the lecture room in a hurry, taking me along.




As Milady dashed down the corridor, she abruptly stopped, causing me to crash to the ground due to the sudden halt.

With my body aching and tears in my eyes, I looked up to see Milady facing Maria and her companions.

"Maria, I can't get through if you're there. Could you please move?"


Milady was unusually argumentative, perhaps due to her eagerness for the desired cake. The corridor was blocked because Maria and her group were in the way.

Honestly, why does this woman have to show up at the worst possible time.

Encountering her at the worst moment, I couldn't help but feel like complaining.

"W-Whoa... Isabella, calm down..."

Turning my gaze to Albert, whom I had convinced for moments like this, I saw both of them in a state of confusion.

This guy is utterly useless! And he's supposed to be the future king!?

As the standoff continued between them, I decided to intervene, and the situation began to change.

"Sorry, we'll move right away."

".....? Sure, as long as you understand."

Maria surprised us by bowing her head and directing her group to make way for Milady.

Milady, initially confused, chose to accept the corridor graciously and prioritize the cake.

Did Maria really change her ways and feel remorse for her past actions? No, that seemed unlikely.

While I pretended to focus on moving forward to avoid drawing attention, I kept an eye on Maria. As soon as Milady passed by, Maria's true, ugly nature emerged.


She went from being quiet to giving Milady a hostile, intense glare, filled with animosity. There was no sign of her previous condescension towards Milady; it was now a strong, almost hateful feeling.

"What are you doing? Let's go quickly."

"Yes, I'm coming."

Isabella noticed me pausing due to Maria's behavior and turned towards us. In an instant, Maria returned to her previous demeanor, as if her earlier hostility had been a lie. She obediently followed along.

I had to stay alert; something might not be right with Maria's behavior. Despite my uneasy feeling, I followed Milady.



In the aristocratic district, there's a renowned cake shop called 'Sufair.' This place has a long history, dating back to the kingdom's beginning. It's the most prestigious shop in the entire kingdom, and even nobles compete fiercely to get its treats.

However, for the Valiaz family's heiress, who holds immense power in the kingdom, things are different. She uses her influence to visit the cafe attached to Sufair discreetly. Some nobles go there secretly, and she uses a private room for confidential discussions. Right now, she's in one of these private room, contemplating the menu.



"You're being noisy! I'm currently deep in thought, so please be quiet!"

When I spoke up, Milady gave me a sharp look. I didn't want to disturb her, but I had to say something.

"I'm sorry. However, you've been contemplating for quite some time now..."


A considerable amount of time had passed since she opened the menu. If a decision wasn't made soon, it seemed like we needed to do something.

But first, what could be bothering Milady so much...

"To think that there are two new cakes available...!"

For this autumn season, there are two new cake options, and she's having a tough time deciding which one to pick.

However, it's unusual for her to be so indecisive. It's just not like her at all.

"I don't know, but if you want both, why not order both?"

"You can't do that!"

"Why not?"

Sure, the items in this shop are pricey, but for her, they're like pocket change. Normally, she'd order both without a second thought. So, what's going on?

"Well, you see... There were some things during the summer, and I got a bit careless..."

As I puzzled over her response, she looked away as if trying to hide something. It's related to her reluctance to eat the cake, something stemming from her carelessness.

"Ah, I understand now. You're worried about gaining weight, aren't you?"

"That's right! But you don't have to say it so bluntly!"

It seems she's a bit embarrassed and protests with a shy expression. It's rather endearing... I mean, if she just stops worrying about gaining weight, there wouldn't be an issue.

What, that's no big deal.

"But Milady, please don't worry. Even if you ate a lot and gained a little weight, I'd still remain loyal."

"That's not the point!"


I thought that, but it seems I reacted wrongly.

The menu was thrown at me so fast that it hit my face, making me fall back. Even though this private room is soundproof, it's not a good idea to cause a commotion.

"Who are you calling a pig? I may have gained a bit of weight, but it's not that much!"

"That's right, Milady, you're as beautiful as ever."

I picked up the menu that fell nearby and dusted off my clothes as I got back up. Well, it's true that Milady's tummy has become a bit softer lately, but that's also one of her charms. Honestly, Milady worrying about her weight is quite adorable.

"What's with that look? I bet you don't believe me, so why don't you check for yourself?"

I don't know how my gaze was interpreted, but Milady, who got angry on her own, lifted her uniform.

Her white belly was exposed. Although she's been training a bit, her belly still looked soft and feminine. I couldn't help but stare, as if I were unexpectedly presented with a delicious feast. It's like the chains of my own restraint cracked a bit.

"Look, what do you think?"

Milady, completely unaware of my thoughts, proudly showed off her exposed belly.

Oh, goodness...

I feel like I need to teach her about how men behave. Maybe confining her for a month and making her think she's pregnant with my child would help her realize the gravity of her actions. It seems like a better idea.

"Well, even if you ask... Excuse me."


Suppressing my desires, I knelt and reached out to her belly as she had suggested. She flinched when my fingertips touched her skin.

If she's doing this on purpose, she's quite adept at playing with men's emotions. No, it might be worse because she doesn't seem to be aware of it. Every reaction from her feels like an unintentional temptation.

"Your belly still looks lovely, Milady. I could keep touching it."

"Mnn, nghh..... Enough with that, make sure you confirm it properly...."

I understand the desire to confirm, but I've been thoroughly enjoying this every night.

By closely observing, I can indeed see that there's a slight increase in her belly's softness compared to before the summer. To be honest, considering her age and everything, I think it's natural for some weight to come on. But it seems that's something women worry about.

In the end, it's a matter of whether Milady is satisfied, so no matter what I say, it doesn't matter.

More importantly, I'll just enjoy this situation for now.

"Hmm, I still can't quite tell. May I confirm a bit more?"

"D-do whatever you want, uhn...!"

At this point, I have no intention of confirming anything. I'm focused on savoring Isabella to the fullest. Under the guise of confirmation, I bring my face closer and nuzzle her belly, which makes her gasp in surprise. As I feel the softness of her belly against my cheek, I gently stroke her lower abdomen, right around where her uterus is.

"Mmm, ngh... Ahh...!"

With each stroke that seems to assert my ownership of what lies beneath, Isabella's voice, suppressed in her head, can't help but escape.

Oh, this woman is truly delightful. What if I were to push her down right here and thrust my meat into her secret place? I wonder what kind of sounds she would make. Forcibly taking her and hearing her scream in ecstasy must be incredibly satisfying. And in the end, I'd release my desires deep inside her, nourishing her exceptional eggs with my seed. Just imagining Isabella carrying my child in her womb makes me incredibly aroused.

"Hyaa!? Wait, just a moment... Ahh..."

Yes, this woman is mine. Ignoring her attempts to stop me, I continue to sensually explore her belly with my tongue, causing Isabella to shiver and moan softly.

As I go further and discover her cute navel, I playfully trace it with my tongue, eliciting more reactions from her.

This is mine, and mine alone...

"Enough of this, stop it!"


Lost in my actions, I receive a powerful blow to the head and am slammed onto the ground. Naturally, the pain wipes away all the excitement I had moments ago.

She's way too merciless...!

"I did tell you to confirm, but I didn't approve of this! Show some restraint, at least consider the time and place!"

"Ouch ouch.......I thought I was going to die"

With a faint aura of magic surrounding her clenched fist and veins throbbing on her forehead, Milady finally expresses her anger. Lately, she hasn't been getting angry much, so I got a bit carried away.

I manage to stand up, but my head still throbs from that punch. I might have pushed my physical abilities a bit too far.

Anyway, I take out a healing potion, gulp it down, and finally, the pain starts to fade away.

Wait, what did Milady just say?

"So, it's okay if I do it as long as I consider the time and place?"

"~~~~!! Just shut up with that reckless talk!"

As I listen to Milady's scolding, her face red with embarrassment, I can't help but stifle a grin at how adorable she looks.

"Now, have you finally decided on your order?"

"Why did you think I could make a decision in the middle of all that...?"

After regaining her composure for a moment, Milady gives me an exasperated look. Despite our conversation going way off track, the original plan was to pick a cake. If Milady can't decide, it's getting a bit tedious, so I might as well make the choice for her.

"I see. Well then, let's order both."

"Wait, were you listening to me?"

"Yes, I was, and I'll help too. If we each eat half, we can savor both flavors, right?"

Milady frowned and protested my decision, but I understood her thoughts. She didn't necessarily want to eat both cakes entirely; she was simply curious about their flavors. So, if I tried just a bite, and I could handle the rest of the cake, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Hmm... alright, that works."

"In that case."

Milady agreed, and I nodded before calling over the waiter who had been waiting outside the room to place our order.

"Which one would you like to start with, Milady?"

"I'll go with this one..."

"Alright, then I'll have this."

When the cakes and tea were brought to the table a while later, Milady's eyes lit up with anticipation as she eagerly picked up her fork.

"Mmm, this is so good!"

After taking a bite of the small cake, Milady's usually dignified expression transformed into an unguarded, delighted smile.

Despite her noble status, Milady is still a young girl at heart. Just like any other girl her age, she finds joy in indulging in sweets. Observing her happiness also brings a smile to my face.

"Wha, what is it....."

As I sipped my tea and affectionately watched her, Milady noticed my gaze and paused in her cake-eating. Despite claiming to eat only half, she had already devoured more than sixty percent. It was clear she was completely immersed in enjoying it, and that made me smile even more.

"Well, Milady, your happiness is the most important."

"~~~Ugh! Enough of that. Don't just stare at me. You should eat too!"

"Yes, Milady."

Perhaps she thought I was trying to outdo her in eating, or maybe she was just embarrassed, but her face turned a deep shade of red as she encouraged me to eat. Following her prompt, I started savoring my own cake.

The gentle sweetness of chestnut flavor filled my mouth. However, what fascinated me more was Milady sitting before me.

"...Your cake looks delicious too."

"Hehe... does it? Well then, please have some."

As expected, while I enjoyed my cake, Milady couldn't resist stealing glances at it. With a friendly smile, I scooped up a small portion with my fork and offered it to her.

"Huh... what's this?"

"Come on, Milady, open your mouth. If you don't do it soon, your cake will fall."

"What? All of a sudden!? ...Fine!"

Milady looked confused by my actions but quickly understood the situation and hurriedly complied. Worried that the cake might topple over, she leaned forward and eagerly took a bite with the fork I offered.

"So, how does it taste?"

"It's delicious..."

"I'm glad to hear that."

As we enjoyed the cake and settled back into our chairs, Milady seemed a bit embarrassed about her behavior. However, her slight smile showed that she was genuinely pleased.

Watching her, I sipped my tea contentedly.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...