Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 13

 My lady was clearly enjoying herself.

"Wait a moment! Listen to me!" Isabella protested.

"Excuse me."


Ignoring Isabella's protests, I touched her exposed and vulnerable belly, which made her let out an adorable yelp of surprise.

"Ah... Hey, don't touch my stomach like that..."

I found her reaction amusing, so I continued to stroke her soft belly. Isabella shivered involuntarily, despite her initial protests. She subtly hinted that she wanted more, almost like a puppy begging for attention.

"Wait! This is just..."

"Ah... My head feels so fuzzy..."

"Ah... Ahhh~..."

"Eek... Ah..."

I got carried away and continued to stroke her, only realizing later that Isabella had become completely limp, her face flushed with embarrassment. It seemed she had climaxed a few times during my ministrations, particularly when I lightly touched the area around where her womb would be. It turned out that Isabella was quite sensitive, a reaction I hadn't anticipated from simple belly rubs.

"Kuh... How dare you... do that to me!" Isabella, who had naturally regained her composure, was now visibly angry.

It was evident that I had gone too far, and while I acknowledged that, I couldn't afford to end things here. I was far from satisfied.

While Isabella was still unable to resist effectively, I slid my hand from her belly down to her lower body. I caressed her delicate waist before lifting her left leg, which extended from her pure white skirt, with both hands.

"As expected of Milady. Your legs are remarkable – firm yet delicately feminine."

"Is that so? Well, of course! My body is perfect!"


"W, what? What's so funny?"

I praised her while gently rubbing her smooth thighs, causing Isabella to quickly drop her earlier anger. She was now in high spirits, proudly displaying her chest.

Her behavior was somewhat childlike, and it made me smile. Even these aspects of her were endearing.

"No, it's just that I truly admire your perfection, Milady. Smooch..." I said, and leaned in to plant a quick kiss.


When I gently kissed her thighs, Isabella reacted with a small giggle and lifted her hips as if tickled. While in this position, I continued to kiss her thighs tenderly, adorning them with bright red kiss marks.

"Smooch, slurp....."

"Mmm... Why are you doing this to... it feels kind of strange... licking..."

Gradually, I moved my kisses towards the junction of her legs, slipping under her skirt, savoring each kiss, and exploring with my tongue. Isabella responded with sweet moans, her body trembling.

"Ah... This feels... unusual... it's getting weird... ohh..."

I proceeded to the other thigh, marking it with just as much care as the first. In this position, I couldn't see Isabella's reactions, but her secret place was dripping with arousal, wetting not only her underwear but also the sheets.

"Nngh... Is it... over...?"

After thoroughly enjoying her thighs and leaving them adorned with saliva and kiss marks, I lifted my head. Isabella, with her upper body slightly raised, looked at me with a dazed expression. I could see a mix of relief that it was over and a hint of dissatisfaction, as if wondering if this was the end, in her eyes.

"Not yet, Milady. Please bear with me a little longer."

"Is that so..."

With Isabella's agreement secured, I proceeded to the main event. Lifting her skirt, I exposed her intimate area, covered in black lingerie that matched her bra and garter belt. As I touched the panties concealing her most sensitive part, her abundant arousal clung to my fingertips, forming glistening threads.

"Well, well, it seems you're quite wet."

I intentionally made suggestive sounds while tracing my finger along her slit. This caused Isabella to blush with embarrassment and shoot me an annoyed glare.


"I'm going to take them off."

Ignoring her protests, I removed her panties, revealing numerous glistening threads of arousal between her crotch and her slit. I casually tossed the discarded panties onto the bed and closely examined the hidden folds.

Isabella's slit remained tightly closed, reminiscent of a virgin, adorned with delicate golden pubic hair, which gave her an innocent appearance. However, this place had already memorized my male form. This unchangeable fact only further fueled my excitement.

"It's a lovely shade of pink. Truly befitting of Milady" I commented.

"~~~~!? Ngh... Mm... Hmph... O, of course it is!" Isabella replied.

As I gently parted her folds using my index and middle fingers, her vivid pink inner walls were revealed before me. The embarrassment seemed to reach its peak for her, knowing that her intimate area was being observed so closely. Isabella's face reddened further, and her eyes appeared slightly teary. She was trying to maintain her composure, but her voice quivered.

Seeing her in this state, it was impossible not to be aroused.

"Milady" I said softly.

"Ah... Hah..." 

Isabella's hips twitched involuntarily, clearly trying to entice me. I brought my face closer to her quivering entrance and sensually ran my tongue along it. The slight texture of her sparse pubic hair added to my enjoyment as I carefully licked away the moisture around her entrance.

"Stop... That's dirty...!" Isabella protested.

"There's nothing dirty about your body, Milady," I reassured her.


Despite her resistance, I firmly held onto her hips and continued to delve my tongue deeper into her velvety inner recesses.

In truth, I could lick any part of Isabella's body if ordered to do so. If asked, I was confident enough to even drink her urine.

"Slosh, slurp, slurp...! Nnn..."

"Wait... Don't move inside... Ahh!"


"Just a moment, wa-wait... Ahh, noooo!"

As I flicked my tongue inside her tight passage and audibly lapped up the flowing juices, Isabella, overwhelmed by pleasure, tried to restrain me by pressing my head down.

My face was pressed against her most intimate area, and Isabella struggled, disoriented by the sensation. As if triggered by that stimulation, she explosively reached her climax, squirting in ecstasy.

"Haaa, haaa....."

I managed to free myself from Isabella's grasp, gasping for air. I wiped away the love juices that had splattered onto my face and took a moment to observe Isabella once again. She lay sprawled on the bed, her face filled with the aftermath of pleasure, her clothes disheveled, and her love juices flowing freely from her nether region in an undignified state that seemed to beg for further advances. My already dwindling restraint was completely shattered by this sight.

"Huuff... Puff.... Fuuh...."

"Wha... Cro, Crow! What's that thing for!?"

As I unbuckled my belt and discarded my pants along with my underwear, baring my naked body, Isabella, who seemed to have regained some semblance of consciousness, shrieked upon seeing my erect meat and turned her face away.

Isabella's body was already in a state of readiness, prepared to release the pent-up desire from the past few days. It seemed that the intensity of my erection was a bit overwhelming for her.

"That's the male organ, commonly known as a penis" I replied.

"I-I know that! What I'm asking is why you have it out like that!"

"That's right, because I'm going to use it now," I explained.


Nervously, Isabella seemed to have some basic knowledge of reproductive anatomy, and my words seemed to give her a vivid idea of what was to come.

Oh dear...  I thought to myself, seeing that expression only makes me want to tease her more...

"It's okay, Milady. While it's true that if I were to insert it here, it would lead to procreation..." I trailed off.


Isabella's hips writhed as she unintentionally pressed her secret place against my erect meat. Her body, despite her conscious thoughts, seemed to crave the pleasure that had been instilled while she was sound asleep.

I wondered what kind of sounds Isabella would make and what expressions she would show me if I took her here.

I can't deny my curiosity.

But I also knew that it would leave emotional scars on Isabella. Despite being a scum myself, I didn't want to see the tears of a woman I loved.

"Simply doing it like this, by rubbing against each other, is perfectly fine."

"Ah... Ah..."

However, continuing like this wouldn't work for me much longer.

So, instead of inserting it, I began to move my hips slowly, allowing my manhood to graze against Isabella's private area. It was essentially what they called "outercourse."

"How does that feel, Milady?"

"Nngh, ugh... It's so different from earlier... Ah!"

The mixture of Isabella's abundant fluids and my pre-cum acted as lubrication. As our intimate parts rubbed against each other, they created explicit, squishy sounds. With each friction, her pubic hair stimulated the base of my shaft, and her intimate area clung to mine, providing a unique pleasure distinct from actual penetration.

"Ugh... Milady!"

"Ah!? If you suck my breasts now, nnnggh!"

Every time I thrust, her breasts, swaying enticingly in front of me, tempted me. Isabella could only shiver and endure as I rolled her nipples inside my mouth and licked them.

"Heh, heh... Nngh..."

"Nngh, ah, ahh..."

Leaning slightly forward and continuing to suck on her neck, I kept rubbing my manhood against her. Gradually, both of us were consumed by the pleasure in front of us, unable to think of anything else, and we were nearing our limits.

"Ah, no... again, just like before... it's coming again!"


Isabella called out my name, her eyes filled with fear. It seemed that she was overwhelmed not only by the recent sensations but also by the impending climax. Given the circumstances, experiencing an orgasm now would be an entirely different level of pleasure compared to earlier. It was not unreasonable for her to feel scared.

So, I reached out and gently touched her cheek.

"It's okay, Milady. I'll always be here with you."


As I stroked her soft cheek and reassured her, Isabella widened her eyes and looked at me. I couldn't be sure if it had the desired effect, but I had no time to confirm. My own limits were approaching.


"Whoa!? Damn it, ahh!"

"Nngh, st-stop, ah, ah... ahh!"

In the final moment, Isabella suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck and forcefully pulled me closer to her. I couldn't resist, and we both reached our climax almost simultaneously.

"Umm..... Milady?"


A while after the lingering sensation of climax had subsided, I tried to move, but Isabella's arms were tightly wrapped around my neck, refusing to let go. Despite my attempts to break free and numerous calls, she remained unresponsive, using her strength to keep me close.

What should I do in this situation?

We were both nearly naked, our bodies entwined, with the soft sensation of her chest against mine and my meat nestled between us. It was a state of bliss for me, but it couldn't continue indefinitely.



Startled, I wrapped my arms around Isabella's back, and she showed a slight reaction. It seemed like her grip around my neck had tightened.

Apparently, this was the right move. Somehow, Isabella wanted to stay in this position.

So, as her servant, my next course of action would be...

"...Stay like this for a while" Isabella finally spoke, breaking the silence. Her voice was softer than her usual orders, more like a plea.

"As you wish, Milady."

I didn't understand what Isabella was thinking. But if I could be of any help to her, then that was enough.

After that, I continued to embrace Isabella's body until she fell asleep.

"You.... Stupid Crow!"

The next morning, when I opened the door to Milady's room, I was greeted by an ear-piercing scream that made my ears ring.

"Good morning, Milady. What's the matter? Why such a loud voice this early in the morning?"

Milady's face had turned as red as an apple, and I couldn't quite grasp the situation. I decided to ask calmly.

As soon as I realized her usual fits of hysteria were beginning, I noticed my subordinates, the maids who had been helping Milady change, hastily leaving the room.

Hey, don't leave me behind...

I tried to signal for help from Eins, who was among them, but she only nodded as if she understood the situation and quickly exited the room with the other maids.

Having people who catch on too quickly can be a bit of a double-edged sword.

I couldn't help it, so I shifted my gaze to Milady in her school uniform, who was glaring at me while her freshly set vertical curls swayed.

Honestly... What on earth did I do?

"Y-y-you! You can't just do that to me and expect to be forgiven!" 

Milady trembled with a mixture of anger and embarrassment as she glared at me.


I see... So she's feeling embarrassed about yesterday's massage and is now trying to scold me for it.

"But, Milady, you seemed to approve of it at the time..."

"Enough with your excuses! That's irrelevant!"


It was still absolutely absurd and irrational. Well, if I think about it normally, I'm the one at fault for deceiving and taking advantage of her, right?


While pondering, I noticed a magical attack coming my way and instinctively tilted my head to avoid it. The misguided magical projectile struck the candelabrum behind me, shattering it into pieces.

"Why did you dodge it?"

"Well, if that had hit me, I might have died!"

"We have elixirs, so you probably won't die!"


Once again, Milady unleashed a magical projectile while shouting, and once again, I dodged it. Perhaps my actions from last night had inflated my confidence. In the past, I might have deliberately taken countless magical projectiles, but now I effortlessly evaded them one after another. This only seemed to further fuel Milady's anger.

"Enough of this!"

As Milady continued to fire magical projectiles at me, she became increasingly agitated. However, I had experienced her magical attacks enough times to anticipate her moves.

"Just let me hit you!"

"I'd rather not."


I was growing tired of this cat-and-mouse game, so I closed the distance between us in one swift movement. Milady tried to raise her arm in response, but I grabbed it and circled behind her. With my hand inside her skirt, I traced her slit through her underwear with my fingertips.


I held Isabella close, her body quivering, and whispered near her ear.

"I'm deeply sorry, Milady. I had no idea it would affect you this way..."

"Mmnnn...... ah...."

Isabella moaned softly as my finger gently slipped beneath her panties, tracing her clit. While I apologized with insincere words, my finger continued its sensual exploration.

"I had your best interests at heart, Milady, but it seems I've caused you distress..."

"Mnnn, nnnh! Ahh...."

She responded with more moans and trembles as I sensually explored her.

"I promise not to engage in such actions again. Please, find it in your heart to forgive me."


Isabella gasped as I suddenly withdrew my finger from inside her.

"Now, it's about time for school."

As I tried to leave the room, Isabella, still dazed, grabbed hold of the hem of my clothing.


"I, it's not like I hate it....."

Isabella gripped my clothes, appearing somewhat lost, and glanced around hesitantly. Eventually, she muttered softly.

"Is that so?"

"Well, yes... That's why..."

Isabella stopped herself from elaborating and looked at me with her teary eyes. Although I had initially intended to playfully tease her further, it seemed this was enough.

"Alright, understood. I'll continue providing you with massages."

"Uh, yes. That's fine..."

Her response was somewhat subdued.

Was there something else she wanted to say?

I examined Isabella once more.

Her teary eyes, flushed cheeks, erratic breathing, and her thighs fidgeting together... I got it now.

Even though I had only lightly teased her, it appeared that Isabella was already quite eager. However, it was time to leave the mansion.

That's why.....

"Should we continue when we are inside the carriage?"

Isabella's face turned bright red, and she shivered slightly in response. After a moment, she nodded quietly.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...