Monday, September 18, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 12

 My lady is being fooled

Carefully choosing the right moment, I slowly approached Isabella, who was lying on the bed, her body seemingly drained of energy. Isabella, as if sensing someone's presence, faintly opened her eyes and gazed blankly at me.

"What...!? C-Crow!?"

With her consciousness returning, Isabella quickly sat up, clutching the nearby sheets to her chest.

"I have just returned, Milady."

"If you were back, you should have announced yourself sooner!"

Seeing me maintain my usual demeanor, Isabella initially displayed a fleeting expression of relief before promptly attempting to act as if nothing had happened.

However, the emotional afterglow of her excitement still lingered on her face, making it evident that the earlier scene was undeniably real.

"I apologize. I thought it best not to disturb you, Milady..."


But realizing that she had been entirely observed, Isabella emitted an inaudible scream. Her face rapidly turned crimson as she glared fiercely in my direction.

However, trembling with embarrassment and glaring at me with her flushed face, Isabella looked more adorable than terrifying.

"Just go away, now!"

"......But, Milady, are you sure about this?"

"What's the matter with you?"

Seemingly irritated by my lingering presence, Milady continued to shout with her face still beet-red. Under normal circumstances, I would have quietly exited the room, but after witnessing that spectacle, there was no way I could contain myself.

"After seeing what I just witnessed, it seems you might not be completely satisfied yet, Milady. Would you like me to assist you further?"

"W, wha.... what are you talking about!?"

Isabella was momentarily taken aback, but as she grasped the meaning of my words, her mouth moved rapidly. She clutched the sheet covering her chest tightly and began to inch away on the bed, putting more distance between us.

While Isabella continued to give me an intense glare, I couldn't help but notice a brief flicker of fear in her eyes.

"Why are you so embarrassed, Milady? I'm simply offering to give you a massage." I said, acting casually and wearing a puzzled expression. Isabella, clearly confused by my response, blinked rapidly, displaying a mixture of emotions.

Hmm... It seems Isabella doesn't quite grasp the nature of her earlier actions.

You'd never guess it from her usual behavior, but Isabella is actually quite ignorant when it comes to matters of sex. While she knows the basic expectations of her role as a noblewoman, which is to bear an heir, she's never been taught the specifics. The likely intention was to shield her from any unnecessary knowledge beyond her duty of producing the prince's child.

Naturally, she wouldn't read explicit books, and she hasn't had anyone to educate her in such matters. In essence, Isabella is a sheltered, purebred young lady who possesses only textbook-level knowledge.

"But, I mean, something like this..."

"Milady, I believe many of your friends engage in such activities as well."


Isabella, who had been hesitating, had her long, arched eyebrows twitch at the mention of her friends.

Despite always being surrounded by people, they are merely entourage members drawn to her by her title as the Duke's daughter. In reality, due to her high status and difficult personality, Isabella doesn't have a single person she can truly call a friend.

Of course, as someone who has served Isabella for a long time, I am well aware of this. But given her personality, hearing such a statement might...

"I see... Of course, I knew that! It's just a massage, right? Isn't that normal for anybody."

"Well said. I couldn't imagine our Milady, the Duke's daughter, not knowing such common knowledge. Please forgive my rudeness."

"H, hmph... Well, I'll make a special exception this time."

"Thank you very much."

──She took the bait!

I realized that my face had relaxed slightly while nodding. Isabella, with her high pride, would never admit to not knowing common sense due to the lack of same-aged friends. Nevertheless, I didn't expect it to be this easy.

It's as if she's a bit too trusting, to the point where I worry she might be deceived by the wrong person someday.

"Well then, may I proceed with the massage?"

"Ah... W-wait a moment...!"

"No, I won't wait."


Isabella, who had been pretending to be strong and knowledgeable, seemed to be taken aback and attempted to stop me abruptly when faced with the real situation.

However, we had come this far, and there was no turning back now.

Isabella was surprised by my refusal to obey her command. She froze in place as I proceeded. Ignoring her reaction, I removed my shoes and got onto the bed.

"Don't come any closer!"

Startled by my presence on the bed, Isabella tried to push me away with her free hand. I had no intention of letting her hit me, so I calmly caught her slender wrist and gently pulled her closer to my side.


"Oh my, is Milady scared? A member of the Duke's family, the noble heiress herself, scared of a mere commoner like me?"

I teased Isabella as I pulled her arm closer, leaning in so close that our breaths intertwined. Her emerald eyes widened, and within them, I could see the image of a man with a mocking smile, raising the corners of his mouth.

Its expression was grotesque. As if it had transformed into a beast.

My usual facade as a butler had completely fallen away, and I could no longer control my emotions. Looking at Isabella's fearful expression sent shivers down my spine, and my heart raced, pumping hot blood throughout my body.

Oh... I wondered what kind of moans she would make if I were to pin her down and have my way with her...

"Don't be ridiculous! Who's scared? It's just a massage. Get on with it!" Isabella snapped, shaking my hand away and glaring at me, her eyebrows raised.

The fear she had shown just moments ago had disappeared, replaced by her usual confidence. She truly was a fitting match for my master. Well, I must admit, her quick agreement after a bit of provocation is a bit disappointing.

With Isabella's permission granted, I was ready to serve her to the fullest.

"Before we begin, I need this to be removed" I said as I gently took Isabella's wrist, removing a ring from her finger. I activated the bracelet's magical device and made the ring vanish into another dimension.

Now, Isabella couldn't use her magic.

"What... Hey!" Isabella protested as I swiftly took her ring. "I need that!"

"I apologize for any inconvenience. I had to remove your accessories as they might get in the way during the massage. If you feel uncomfortable without your ring, I can return it" I replied calmly, though my true intention was to prevent her from casting spells while I enjoyed her body.

Isabella hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed, "Ugh... fine. Just make sure you know what you're doing."

"Of course, leave it to me," I assured her, feeling relieved that she didn't refuse outright.

The Isabella in front of me had lost her magical abilities and was now just an ordinary young woman.

Understanding this, I couldn't help but admire her confident demeanor.

But precisely because of this, I had a strong desire to witness her expression contort in pleasure, completely overwhelmed by ecstasy.

"Alright Milady, please go ahead and remove the sheet," I calmly instructed.

".......Very well," Isabella responded, complying with my request. She released the sheet she had been clutching to her chest, allowing the pure white fabric to slide down and reveal the two mounds hidden beneath.


I couldn't help but swallow hard at the sight. Not only were her well-rounded breasts adorned in elegant black lingerie a sight to behold, but the sheer power of Isabella's blushing face and her furtive glances, trying to appear nonchalant, were incredibly captivating.

"Excuse me," I said as I moved closer to unhook her bra. Isabella flinched for a moment, and though she shivered slightly, she didn't resist in any significant way. It seemed she would indeed accept the massage, just as she had agreed earlier.

Confirming this, I placed my hands on her back, unfastened the bra, and gently slid it off, allowing her two supple breasts to be free.

Even though I had seen and touched these curves countless times, I found myself irresistibly drawn to the soft, swaying mounds right in front of me.

"Mmm...!" As I gently placed my hand beneath her bosom, Isabella let out a soft moan and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. She tried to maintain her composure, but her face had turned crimson with embarrassment.

"Mmnn...... hngg....."

I couldn't help but find her reaction endearing. I continued to explore her ample breasts with my fingers, handling them delicately as if they were fragile objects. My index finger traced her pink areola, and it was clear that Isabella wasn't accustomed to this kind of touch. She trembled slightly and desperately suppressed her moans, which ignited a sadistic desire within me.

"Milady, how does it feel?" I asked while gazing directly into her eyes.

"Ugh...! W, well...! It's nothing special, really......" Isabella replied, momentarily displaying surprise before quickly regaining her composure.


"No, Milady, that won't do. You shouldn't tell such lies" I said with a cheerful smile as I deliberately pinched both of her nipples simultaneously.

"Higyuaah!?" The effect was nothing short of dramatic. Isabella arched her back, trembling all over, and climaxed intensely. The expression on her face at that moment was one of complete ecstasy, not suitable for public view.

"Ah... haa... haa..." 

After coming down from her orgasm, Isabella was left panting and dazed for a while. But once she regained her composure, she glared at me.

"You, you!"

"No, Milady. This is simply a massage, and I'd be troubled if you told lies" 


I replied calmly, shifting the responsibility back onto Isabella when her anger was about to explode. She couldn't find words to refute, and reluctantly retreated.

"Now, Milady, does it feel good?" I asked again while fondling her breasts.

"Mmm, well, it's not like... that..." 

Isabella stubbornly refused to admit her pleasure despite her erect nipples and the fact that she had surrendered to the sensations. Truly, she was quite a handful.


"Ugh... it feels good....." 

Isabella muttered softly as she lightly pinched her own nipples seemingly recalling the sensations from earlier and turned away from me.

Even though it was just one word, the fact that Isabella had followed my command made me unable to hide my grin.


It seemed like Isabella understood the implications too, as she was now glaring at me with a murderous look.

Terrifying. I might actually be killed tomorrow for this.

"Milady" I said, ignoring her chilling stare.

"What is it... Kyaa!" 

I forcefully pushed Isabella onto the bed, straddling her. I pinned her arms down as I gazed straight into her eyes.

"It hurts! Let go of me!" Even though she struggled, without her magic, Isabella couldn't resist a man's strength. Her eyes showed signs of distress as she seemed to grasp the reality in her body, not her head.

Enjoying the sight of this adorable prey, I slowly brought my face closer to Isabella's.

"Wa-wait... Please! Are you serious!?"

Ignoring her loud protests, I continued to close the distance between us. Despite all her earlier fuss, Isabella gradually realized that resistance was futile, and she slowly closed her eyes.

And then...



At last, my lips touched something soft, and I couldn't resist passionately kissing it.

It was Isabella's soft neck...

"Wait—what? Why..."

"Hehe... What's the matter, Milady? Did you expect to be kissed?" I teased.

"Argh!" She noticed she was being taunted, and Isabella's face turned even redder with anger and embarrassment.


Satisfied with her reaction, I moved my face closer to her breast, trailing my tongue across it.

Isabella, abandoning her angry retorts, let out unexpectedly cute screams.

"Eek, don't suck on it like a baby... Mmm!"

As I took her breast into my mouth and sucked on it vigorously, Isabella writhed and shuddered, her body trembling with pleasure.

She was probably not used to the sensations her body had developed while she was asleep.

Her face was now soaked in tears and mucus, a result of the relentless teasing of her breasts and the continuous pleasure she had experienced.

"N-No...! I can't take it anymore... If you continue, I'll... I'll experience another one like before!"

I usually only violated her in her sleep, so it was fun to provoke her when she was awake.

She was likely nearing climax.

Isabella reluctantly shook her head, attempting to resist, but I had no intention of letting her escape.

"Milady, that feeling is called cumming. Come on, say it just like I taught you," I said with a smile while taking both of Isabella's erect nipples into my mouth, lightly grazing them with my teeth.

"I... I'm... I'm cumming! Ahhh!"

With that cue, Isabella screamed, pressing my head against her chest while her body convulsed with climax, not just once, but twice or even thrice.

After a while, when the strength of her arms that had been holding my head in place began to weaken, I withdrew from Isabella's cleavage just in time to avoid suffocating.

"Are you alright, Milady?" I asked.

"Huff... huff... After doing something like this to me, you don't expect to get away with it, do you?" Isabella retorted, still panting heavily.

She had experienced an intense climax, so I was concerned. I peered into her face, but she still had the energy to glare at me. It seemed like she was surprisingly okay.

Certainly, I may have gone a bit too far, but I had received her consent, so I hoped she wouldn't be too angry.

"Milady, it's just a misunderstanding. This is a massage, so a little bit of force is unavoidable. Besides..."


Before I could finish my sentence, I playfully tweaked her still erect pink nipples with my fingers, causing Isabella to squeal and her body to tremble.

"Did it feel good?" 

I asked, wearing a smirk. Isabella hesitated briefly and blushed before averting her gaze, seemingly recalling her recent embarrassing moments.

"Well, for now, let's consider the massage done, shall we? I'm going to bed. Crow, prepare for my sleep" 

Isabella declared, attempting to bring things to a close. However, it appeared she had misunderstood something.

"What are you saying, Milady? The main event is yet to come" I responded.


Isabella exclaimed, her face contorting with surprise as she abruptly turned back to me.

"Is that what you consider 'preparation'? You must be joking!"

"No, I'm not joking. Come on, lie back on the bed."

"It's impossible! I can't do this!"

"Don't worry, Milady. You can do it. I promise to make you feel even better this time."

With her trembling like a small animal, I gently pushed Isabella back onto the bed and, with a reassuring smile, once again covered her presence.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...