Sunday, September 17, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 11

 My lady is feeling unfulfilled.

"Welcome back, Mistress" the servants in the entrance hall greeted Isabella as she returned from the academy.

Their well-coordinated bows indicated their competence as servants fit for the Duke's household.

However, such scenes had become routine for Isabella, the mistress of the estate. After briefly acknowledging them, she appeared disinterested and continued toward her room.


In front of Isabella, an elderly maid named Martha Betzler stepped forward from among the servants. Martha was a veteran servant who had served the Duke's family for a long time and held the position of head maid, overseeing the other servants in the estate. She was one of the few people who could express their thoughts to the demanding Isabella.

"What is it, Martha?"

"What happened to Mr. Crow? I don't see him around" Martha inquired, looking behind Isabella. However, the black-haired young man who usually accompanied her was noticeably absent, and in his place stood Eins, one of his subordinates.

"Ugh... Crow is with His Highness again" Isabella grimaced, recalling the recent events.

After that incident in the dining hall, for some reason, Maria had become fixated on Crow. Every day after school, she would come and take Crow away as if he were her possession. Isabella resisted, but with His Highness there, she couldn't openly defy Maria. She wasn't foolish enough to challenge a royal command for the sake of a single servant.

However, that didn't mean she was entirely accepting of losing her butler.

"I'm done here. I'm going back to my room," Isabella declared.

"Mistress, everything is prepared for your meal and bath..."

"Not now. Leave it for later," Isabella replied, her tone indicating her irritation.

"Understood," Martha quickly grasped Isabella's sour mood and asked only the essentials before stepping back. Ignoring the lingering stares from the servants, Isabella made her way to her room alone.

"Aaaaaargh! What's the deal with that girl?!"

Once back in her room, Isabella hurled herself onto the bed, disregarding the wrinkles she created in her uniform. She flailed her limbs and shouted, releasing the pent-up frustration that had been festering inside.

It was infuriating.

Incredibly infuriating.

"Why does Crow, my butler, have to serve that little brat like she owns him, just like any other man?!"

She angrily punched the nearby pillow, but her irritation didn't dissipate. Isabella knew it herself; doing this wouldn't bring Crow back, nor would it soothe her frustration.


After tossing the pillow around and venting her anger, Isabella cast it aside and lay on her back on the bed, staring up at the canopy as she let out a long sigh.

Isabella's irritation wasn't solely because of Maria.

It seemed to be more about herself.


Over the past few days, Isabella had been having troubling dreams—or rather, her usual state had returned. It all began around the time when Crow had suffered severe injuries. Since then, when she woke up in the morning, she felt warmth filling her chest.

To be honest, she couldn't quite remember the content of those dreams. Dreams were fleeting; no matter how wonderful they might be, they dissolved upon waking. However, the warmth they left in her heart had been enough to satisfy Isabella's soul.

But recently, over the past few days, that warmth had abruptly disappeared. No matter how much she slept, she couldn't recapture the comforting sensation she had felt before. Along with Maria's actions, Isabella's stress had quickly reached its breaking point.


Isabella had been lying still for some time. However, when she shifted her position slightly, she suddenly felt a sweet ache in her lower abdomen, causing her to let out a soft gasp.

The changes that had been occurring in Isabella over the past few days weren't limited to her dreams alone.

"Ah... oh..."

As she sensed the warmth in her lower abdomen, Isabella softly moaned and involuntarily found herself rubbing her thighs together. She had experienced this sensation occasionally before, but it had been minor and usually subsided by the next morning. However, in recent days, the throbbing had gradually intensified. Now, once the switch was flipped, it wouldn't settle for a while, leaving Isabella to endure the sweet ache.

"This... I can't... endure it anymore..."

Isabella, who had been trying to endure it by curling up, had reached her limit. Despite being thoroughly explored by Crow during her sleep, her body had not accepted him over the past few days. Her instincts now overwhelmed her mind, craving pleasure.

"Ah, ugh.... ah...."

Isabella, feeling confused by the intense sensations surging within her, reluctantly gave in to her instincts. Slowly, she reached out to her own moist intimate area.

"Fuck! Those obsessed idiots!"

After enduring the unpleasant time spent with Lady Maria and her entourage and returning to the mansion, I vented my frustration with some colorful language as I walked down the corridor.

Being constantly dragged around like this, disrupting my duties of taking care of Milady almost every day, even someone as patient as me couldn't help but get frustrated. Milady would leave me behind, and by the time I returned and finished the remaining tasks, I would be mentally exhausted, resulting in days of collapsing straight into bed.

As a result, I haven't been able to enjoy Milady's company lately. It's been five days. I haven't touched Isabella in five whole days. Being put on hold like this is driving me crazy.

Lady Maria is annoying, and that damn prince, too... Honestly, if it weren't for that prince, I wouldn't be dragged into this pointless mess. He's using the royal family's power to separate me from Milady just to impress Lady Maria.

All that wasted effort... he could use it for something more productive.

For a brief moment, I pondered whether I should discreetly eliminate them, ensuring no one would find out... But I quickly discarded that dangerous idea.

After all, we're dealing with royalty here, not just some ordinary nobles. If I were to take such a drastic step, it would undoubtedly lead to a major scandal. Besides, it would cause trouble for Milady, who is engaged to that person.

I suppose I'll have to endure this situation for a while...

"Sighhh..... Milady, I've returned."

Feeling dispirited, I reached Milady's room, took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door.


However, despite waiting patiently, there was no response from inside the room. How strange.... According to the other servants, Milady was unquestionably in her room.

"Milady? ...I apologize for entering."

I knocked again, but still, there was no reply. So, with a brief apology, I cautiously opened the door to step inside.

"Hmm... ah..."


The moment I entered the room, I was left dumbfounded by the scene that met my eyes.

My lady Isabella lay on the bed, her uniform partially undone, revealing her chest. With her right hand, she fondled her exposed breasts, while her left hand explored beneath her underwear.

Is she... masturbating?

I couldn't help but freeze, utterly captivated by witnessing Milady's self-indulgence for the first time. She seemed somewhat inexperienced, cautiously tracing her fingers over the fabric of her black panties, occasionally trembling as if an electric current had coursed through her body. She would pause for a moment before tentatively resuming her movements, repeating this cycle.

Her other hand roughly kneaded her ample breasts, causing their shape to change, and Milady, entirely engrossed in her pursuit of pleasure, remained oblivious to my presence in the room.

"Hngg, ah..... why, can't.... I stop... aahh...."


How much time had passed like this? The usual dignified expression on Milady's face had completely vanished, replaced by one consumed by pleasure, bearing the unmistakable demeanor of a female in heat.

While I had been intimate with Milady several times before, it had always been while she was asleep, and I had never seen her in this state.

I couldn't help but feel a lump in my throat as I witnessed her intense indulgence.

However, Milady had never engaged in self-pleasure like this before. So why now? Had she been doing this all along without my knowledge? No, considering her unfamiliarity with it, that seemed unlikely. Perhaps she had only recently started pleasuring herself, and today might even be her first time.

The only significant change in her life recently was my newfound association with Lady Maria.


I suddenly realized something while thinking about that Lady Maria.

Over the past few days, I had been frustrated because I couldn't be intimate with Milady. But what if she felt the same frustration?

Since I took her virginity,  I had been developing her body daily, imprinting the shape of my manhood into her through our frequent encounters. When we were together, everything was fine, but Lady Maria's recent influence had kept us apart. It occurred to me that Milady might be feeling unsatisfied.


As this thought crossed my mind, I instinctively covered my mouth with my hand.

I had no concrete proof, but I had a strong hunch that I was right.

"Ehehe, hehehe....."

A subtle smile formed on my lips.

It meant that Milady desired me, at least physically, right?

Could there be anything more enjoyable than this?

With my typical butler-like expression, I cautiously approached Isabella, who was lying on the bed.

Ah, you know....... it's really Milady's fault, isn't it?

Being shown something like this, it's impossible for a man to resist.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...