Sunday, September 17, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 10

My lady clenches her teeth.

"Ah... ah... ah!"

In the late hours, within the darkened room, you can only hear heavy breathing and the soft moans of a woman.

"Haah... haah... haah!"

I've pinned down Isabella, who's sleeping helplessly on the bed, and I thrust my hips vigorously towards her well-rounded buttocks.

Ever since the night I took Isabella's virginity, I've been giving her sleeping pills almost every day and engaging in these actions. I know in my mind that I should stop, but unfortunately, I lack the willpower to resist when faced with such an enticing body.

"Isabella, Isabella!"

As I moved my hips and called out the beloved woman's name before me, her vaginal folds embraced my manhood, delivering an exquisite pleasure.

Even after multiple encounters, Isabella's inner walls continued to grip my manhood just as tightly as the first time. However, her familiar vaginal walls seemed eager to coax out my seed.

One could argue that Isabella's body was designed to bring pleasure to a man.

"Ah... mmm..."


Seemingly sensing my approaching limit, Isabella, who should have been asleep, suddenly wrapped her legs around my waist. Whether it was an instinctual desire for offspring or not, her slender legs firmly pressed against my hips, urging my manhood toward the entrance of her womb.

I understood that this was an involuntary action on her part. Nonetheless, no man could resist such a situation without giving in to his desires.

"Uoh, ugh.... Hnnng!"

"Mmm, Mnnn!"

In the heat of the moment, as I passionately kissed Isabella, her vaginal movements changed. Without resisting the squeezing motion from the base of my manhood, I climaxed for the fourth time, aiming straight for her womb.

The semen poured into her, filling her womb to the brim. It couldn't contain the fresh load, spilling out with a squelching sound from our connection.

"Haah... haah... Isabella..."

"Mmm... ugh..."

After a while, when the climax subsided, Isabella finally released her grip on my body. As we separated, it seemed like she hesitated for a moment, though it might have been my imagination.

Looking at the still-connected area, the spilled semen ran down Isabella's round buttocks, leaving a large stain on the bed.

"Mm.... zzz...."

As I gently caressed Isabella's lower abdomen while she slept peacefully, I felt a subtle sense of satisfaction within me.

I had deposited a considerable amount of my seed into her. At this moment, countless sperm might be swimming toward Isabella's eggs. Fertilization could have even occurred already.

Just the thought of it sent pleasurable shivers through me.

"Haah... What am I doing?" I muttered, regaining my composure and letting out a sigh.

Indeed, the intimacy with Isabella was exquisite, but it also brought a sense of guilt. If, by some chance, an unknown commoner's child were to be conceived, Isabella would face disownment as a disgrace to the ducal family. In such a scenario, someone who took pride in nobility might struggle to maintain their sanity.

In the end, a future together for Isabella and me was simply impossible.

"I understand that much"

I retrieved a small vial, swallowed its contents, and then shared it with Isabella through a kiss.

It was a contraceptive meant for nobility. This way, there wouldn't be any chance of Isabella getting pregnant from our actions today.

I'm aware.

I'm a commoner, and she's a noble.

In truth, having these feelings is a mistake.

But, even so...

I couldn't stop these emotions.

"haah, haaah......"

In fact, my affection for Isabella was growing stronger each day.

For now, things might seem okay, but if I continued like this, I knew I'd eventually do something irreversible.

That day might not be too far off.


"Guess what Al said back then?"

"Come on, Maria, can we skip that story?"

"It's alright, Your Highness. I'm curious too."

Inside the school garden, there was a spot with tables where students could enjoy tea. Currently, one group had taken it over., and nobody dared to approach them.

Lady Maria was at the center, surrounded by five young men. The rest of the students wisely kept their distance.

"The First Prince, the Knight Commander's son, the Prime Minister's son, the Mage Commander's son, and even the King's younger brother. It's impressive how she has managed to gather such a distinguished group."

Observing their actions from the bushes, I couldn't help but sigh in disbelief.

These men around Miss Maria were all sons of royalty and influential figures in the country.

To be honest, everyone over there is a high-profile figure, and just eliminating them would seriously harm the country. It's quite frustrating to see these influential individuals so captivated by a young girl.

Given this situation, I had Lady Maria investigated once, suspecting her to be a foreign spy or something of the sort. But the result was negative. She's undoubtedly a native of this country.

In other words, they aren't falling for some honey trap; they're simply infatuated with that girl. It's truly baffling.

"So, with them sticking around like this, it's challenging to make a move on Lady Maria. Milady, what would you like to do?" I asked Milady, although I knew it was a futile question.


Milady who had been hiding in the bushes with me had a handkerchief in her hand, and she wore an expression that was far from her usual ladylike demeanor. She finally broke the silence.


"I know! Certainly, that's a situation we can't do much about. Let's go back for now."


Honestly, it was surprising. Normally, our Milady would have given some bold command by now, but she was choosing to withdraw quietly. Additionally, something had changed... I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it seemed like Milady had become more reserved lately.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Milady scolded me, having somehow walked ahead without my notice.

Yeah, maybe it's just my imagination.

The harassment towards Lady Maria had stopped for the time being, and we returned to our normal daily life.

Sometimes, there were still outbursts from Milady, but I managed to relieve that stress through intimate moments with her during the night. So, overall, it had been a peaceful period.

I wished these days could last forever.

However, whether it was my wishful thinking or not, the next problem came our way.


I sat in a chair, gazing absentmindedly at the plate of food on the table in front of me.

The plate was pure white and crafted by skilled artisans. It held a beautifully presented dish that showcased the chef's creativity.

By my estimation, this single dish could cost a commoner several months' worth of expenses. It was a testament to the extravagance of a noble academy to provide such delicacies daily.

Let's stop escaping from reality for a moment.

Now, you might wonder why such a lavish meal is being served in front of someone as commoner as me————well, let's address that.

"What's going on, Crow? If you don't start eating soon, this delicious food will get cold." a girl sitting to my right, her wavy sakura-colored hair gently swaying, expressed concern for my untouched meal. There was something about her that resembled a small, delicate creature, stirring protective instincts.

Her name was Maria Norton, the same person My lady Isabella viewed with hostility and the one responsible for the current situation.

Let's rewind a bit.

During lunch break, as usual, Milady was elegantly dining alone at a table reserved for high-ranking nobles and royalty in the school cafeteria. Since servants weren't allowed to sit with nobility, I stood nearby, my stomach growling in response to the tantalizing aroma of the gourmet dishes.

Normally, I'd wait patiently for Milady to finish her meal. But today was different.

Out of nowhere, Lady Maria, accompanied by a group of young men, approached Milady's table. Strangely, she expressed a desire to dine with them.

Of course, Milady initially declined Lady Maria's request. However, Prince Albert, a member of Lady Maria's entourage, became furious and shouted, demanding that Milady comply with Lady Maria's request. Faced with such pressure from royalty, Milady reluctantly agreed.

As a result of Lady Maria's gracious remark, "It would be pitiful to leave Crow alone," I ended up seated at the same table for the meal. Mixing commoners with nobles at a dining table was quite an unusual situation and felt like a form of torture.

When I looked in Lady Maria's direction, she blushed and flashed a smile at me, seemingly misinterpreting something. I couldn't help but think that her charming smile could easily lead inexperienced young men astray, especially those with little romantic experience. Unlike noblewomen who valued their pride and lineage and often refrained from interactions with the opposite sex, Lady Maria actively engaged with men to create these kinds of misunderstandings.

It occurred to me that Lady Maria, with her background growing up in an orphanage in the slums, might have acquired certain skills that could explain her behavior.

"No, I'm just not used to dining in such formal settings, so I might seem a bit out of place, but I'll be fine." I replied, trying to reassure Lady Maria.

"That's right! I was quite nervous when I first came here too." Lady Maria enthusiastically joined the conversation.

As Maria delved into her life story, sharing details about her time in the orphanage and the challenges she faced after being adopted by the baron's family, I found myself growing increasingly disinterested. I could listen to Milady's stories all day, but hearing irrelevant tales from another woman felt like a waste of time.

Moreover, I couldn't fathom how this girl could maintain her cheerfulness in such a situation.

Throughout this exchange, I felt a piercing gaze directed at me, so I nervously turned my head to the left to observe Milady, who was seated in the adjacent chair.

"Hehe... What's the matter, Crow?" Lady Isabella asked, her tone playful.


I couldn't help but shudder... 

S, scary...!

Milady's unusually gentle voice, a tone I had never heard from her before, sent shivers down my spine. She wore a warm smile on her face, but her eyes betrayed a different emotion.

Those eyes were undoubtedly filled with anger...

Just think about it; when Milady displays such a loving and caring smile, something is definitely wrong! The only reason I can't take action right now is because the prince is by her side, but deep down, she probably wants to eliminate Lady Maria immediately.

"So, Crow!"

While trying to deal with Lady Maria, who continued to engage in conversation without any concern, I couldn't help but notice the numerous eyes fixed on us from elsewhere.




The men in Lady Maria's group were the ones giving me those looks. They seemed to despise me and were jealous, twisting their faces in displeasure because I appeared to be getting Lady Maria's attention. If they disliked it so much, why didn't they try to stop Lady Maria first or change their behavior? Instead, they chose to glare at me, probably to avoid earning Lady Maria's displeasure.

It was truly frustrating to deal with such troublesome individuals.


In this situation, enjoying a meal was impossible, and I couldn't fully appreciate the exquisite dishes prepared for us.

I'm done with this crap...

Unfortunately, my misfortune didn't end here.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...