Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 50

 The hero of the next generation, tempted by whispers of a demonic contract

From the past, he had always dreamed of becoming a strong adventurer. Just like those in stories, adventurers who traveled the world, defeated magical beasts, and protected the smiles of the people were the coolest. However, he lacked the most crucial thing for an adventurer—he couldn't use magic. Being unable to wield magic, he was branded a burden many times over.

Even so, he couldn't give up on his dream.

Day by day, he trained, encountered a wise mentor, formed bonds with new companions, and embarked on numerous adventures—until finally...



The swords clashed once again – one enveloped in the darkness of magical energy, the other radiating the light of magic. However, Uva clearly held the upper hand in this relentless duel.

"Hero magic seems to be nothing more than this. No need to bother our Demon Lord with it."

Amidst the explosive turmoil, Uva vigorously imbued his sword with magic and swung it forcefully.

"Hero, Magic Manifestation, Magic Infusion Enchantment! Overlord Sword's Blessing, Elhiraah!!"

Light once again surged from Jin's sword. Despite the repeated attempts to nullify it, the sacred light persisted, gently enveloping Jin's body in protection.

Uva and Jin found themselves surrounded by the densest miasma in the world.


Miasma, when exceeding the tolerable limit, could easily erode a human body. Jin was exposed to miasma well beyond human tolerance. Raidon, poised to intervene in the chaotic battle, was halted by Lahab.

"Right now, just getting close to that place would expose us to miasma. If you don't want to turn into a demon, it's wise not to go."

"I-Is it okay with Jin in there!?"

"For now, the hero's magic provides some protection. Besides, you understand the situation the best, don't you? The current Jin Fritz hasn't fully unleashed the power of the hero yet."

"Well, that's true, but..."

"Either way, there's no one other than Jin Fritz with the ability of a 'Hero' who can defeat the Demon Lord. If he falls here, we all perish together. So, we have no choice but to believe in our party leader."

Lahab, always calm and watchful among the party members, consistently played the role of an elder sister.

"Besides, I'm the healer. If you don't focus on kicking the enemies around you, I won't be able to do my job. If you increase the burden any further, I'll add a request to Kino's tab."

Indeed, the current situation was sustained by Lahab promptly sending healing magic whenever the Kukule Fortress soldiers were injured. If the morale and injury rate of the fortress soldiers exceeded their limits, this frontline, barely holding on, would be breached.

Raidon scratched his head, clenched his teeth, and had no choice but to unleash a massive burst of magic toward the surrounding lesser enemies.

"Jin! Make sure you defeat that guy! If you die here, I'll live my whole life resenting you!"


"――It seems your companions outside are saying something. But do you really still have that power, Hero?"

In the space swirling with dense miasma like thick fog, Jin's body no longer moved as he wished. Uva freely manipulated the concentration of miasma around him, giving no indication of his diminishing magical power.

However, the more Jin used his magic, the less he could convert it into Hero's magic. The sword he received from Reese was already in tatters. If he applied magical enchantment to it again, it would likely shatter completely.


Jin's vision, thrown against a nearby large rock, swayed and wavered. His body felt as if it were burning. The magical circuits in his body were in disarray, and on top of that, thick miasma pressed heavily on the depths of his body. It felt as if all the blood in his body was boiling.

"To still maintain sanity after being exposed to this much miasma. Truly, the attribute of being a 'Hero' is nothing but a hindrance."

"This amount of miasma is nothing compared to the pressure of Master Reese's magical presence..."

Training with Reese carried an even heavier pressure, as if on the verge of collapse. Losing here, in a place filled with memories of Reese, was unthinkable for Jin.

Feeling his body strain, Jin stood up.

"I don't get what pushes you so hard," Uva began, prefacing his words. "Have you ever thought about why your will is so strong? Why subject yourself to such danger? You don't have to endure all this pain."

Uva applied a constant enchantment of dark magic, closing in on Jin.

"Is that will truly your own, or is it just a role assigned by this twisted world to oppose the natural order for the Demon Lord's revival? Your will is merely a role handed to you by this world. There's no need for you to let such a thing determine your life."

With that, Uva wore a smile.

"That's why I ask. If you step back here, the Demon Lord's army won't touch 'Hero' Jin Fritz and those around him. We only seek the pure revival of the Demon Lord and to expand the habitat of our fellow demons to the same extent as humans."

It was a literal invitation to a demonic contract right before Jin's eyes.

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