Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 46

 The hero of the next generation, forming a party

"Mission accomplished. With this, the D-rank party 'Hopeful Travelers Lagridge' has been officially recognized as a C-rank adventurer party! Congratulations!"

Three months had passed since the two formed a party. Raidon and Jin received the proof of a C-rank adventurer party, a bronze guild button. The party, starting from the lowest rank, had advanced to C-rank in just over three months. Within the guild, they were beginning to be seen as an up-and-coming party.

Despite this celebratory occasion, the two sat at a corner table in the guild, their expressions far from cheerful.

Raidon, with a frustrated look, spoke while leaning on the table.

"We got promoted, but in the end, we've run into the same challenges as three months ago."

"I was so absorbed in completing missions that I didn't even think about the conditions for accepting C-rank party missions. Oops..."

With a wry smile, Jin looked down at the C-rank mission requests that they were supposed to be eligible for. There, he found:

[Required Condition: Party members with individual rank C or higher, minimum of three members.]

While nibbling on a piece of meat, Raidon sighed.

"There's no one crazy enough to want to join us after seeing us in action. We're a bizarre duo – he punches things and makes dirt, and this one here, boasting about being a legendary evil dragon, can only produce enough power to light a cigarette."

As he flicked a black shadow approaching the meat with his finger, a small dragon rolled over on the table, squeaking, "Nuoh!"

『Nununu...! W-Well, I'm still not used to this body! Originally, I possess enough power to slaughter an entire village, no, even a city! With just one roar, you would be reduced to ashes!』

"Sure, sure. Maybe I can manage to make a raw bird skewer or something."

『Unununu...! My strength only returned briefly. I've been deceived by that Reese! Reese is a quack healer! Naaah!!』

On the table, a miniature evil dragon flapped its wings in frustration. However, no matter how much it struggled, nothing happened.

"V-Vritra! Please calm down! Master Reese wouldn't make such a small mistake. There must be another reason―"

As Jin tried to calm the rampaging Vritra by holding it, a woman approached them silently.

"It's not entirely wrong what the dragon there is saying. I can see faint lines in the magic circuits running through its body. It seems like the one who treated you overlooked these details by using large amounts of rough magic. This is a mistake on the part of the one who performed the procedure."

Muttering this, a woman with transparent twin-tails, emotionless eyes, and a seasoned wooden staff silently arrived at their table. Jin couldn't hide his surprise at her appearance, especially the long ears characteristic of demi-humans.

"Y-You're an Elf!?"

"Lahab Lowley. I'm an Elf who's getting a bit older. Feel free to call me whatever you like. More importantly, the one who treated that dragon, was it someone named 'Reese'?"

『Naa! An Elf similar to you!! A presumptuous resemblance, almost identical too!』

"Hehe, similar to me, huh..."

As the conversation unfolded, Raidon, who had been bowing his head, suddenly looked up and, upon seeing the elves, let out a much louder exclamation of surprise.

"W-Wait, Lahab!? Is that the renowned Lahab Lowley!?"

"What's the matter, Raidon? Do you know her?"

"Know her? She's a legendary elf who rarely shows herself even among the legendary elves! A living history book that has existed for hundreds of years! A genius healer who instantly treats injuries and ailments in exchange for acorns! Our village ancestors also seem to have been indebted to her, but why would someone like her be in a place like this...?"

"Well, you see, I'm a wandering elf whose livelihood is searching for interesting things and delicious acorns. Lately, I happened to hear about it. About a promising adventurer party and the so-called 'Master Reese' that you often mention."

The gaze of Lahab Lowley, an elf from the Elf race, shifted towards Jin.

"Although you can't use magic, the fluid circuit and emission circuit of magical power are flawless. I've never seen such a mysterious being before. Could it be thanks to your master?"

Upon asking, Lahab, or rather Raidon, waved her hand dismissively.

"You better stop, Lahab. This 'Master Reese' they talk about is an elf who can use all attributes of magic, ancient magic, and is considered the strongest being in the world. It's a fantasy about the strongest creature imaginable. Once you start, we won't hear the end of it for at least two hours."

Mockingly saying so, Raidon sent a warm look towards Jin.

"Jin, was it? Do you respect this Master Reese?"

"Yes, of course! Besides, I know more about my master's greatness than anyone!"

"Hehe, I see. You really admire him. That's great. As a fellow elf, I'd love to meet your so-called master."

Saying this, Lahab handed a piece of paper to the two of them.

"As I've been observing you more closely, I find myself unable to look away. If you permit, could I join this party as well? My individual rank at the Adventurer's Guild is B-rank, so there should be no issue."

"The Esteemed Lahab wants to join us!? Hey, Jin, it'd be foolish to let such a big chance slip away! Let's go right away!"

"There are no bad people among the Elf race! Let's complete the procedures immediately!! Thank you so much!"

――And, without a second thought, the two who desperately wanted new members rushed to the reception.

Watching their noisy figures, Lahab smiled wryly.

"Even that child seems to be having fun in the outside world."

Muttering those words quietly, Lahab's words seemed to be heard only by Vritra.

"Could it be...?"

"If you keep this a secret, I'll heal your magical circuits. Besides, it's the duty of a master to fix their disciple's sloppy job."

"Understood! I'll keep it a secret!"

And so, a new member was added to the Hopeful Travelers Lagridge, and then...

"Lady Lahab~! Please stop disappearing like that all of a sudden! I'm exhausted... Wait, huh!?"

Seeing a girl tripping over the guild's steps, Lahab remembered something.

"Oh, right. I forgot to introduce my somewhat forgetful disciple."

"We found the new member!"

"We can go on the next mission! Now we can protect many smiles again as adventurers!"

"...Well, whatever. A little later."

Ignoring the two men who wouldn't listen, Lahab remained composed as if it was someone else's affair.

This twisted group centered around Jin Fritz would go on to achieve the fastest A-rank title in the jurisdiction of Kukule Fortress's Adventurer's Guild and gain tremendous trust from Lord Garius Garlanda. But that's a story for a bit later.

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