Friday, November 3, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 21

 Reincarnated elf (102), giving a guidance

"Sir Reese, I've spotted a group of magical beasts in the three o'clock direction. The count is... 5 of them, with 4 being D-rank and 1 being A-rank!"

As I raced through the sprawling Vistella Forest alongside Minoru, she used her finely honed appraisal magic detection skills to report the enemy's positions.

Appraisal magic was relatively straightforward, even in the realm of ancient magic.

However, it was of a different lineage than fire elemental magic.

The fact that she had managed to bring her appraisal magic to a reasonable level of proficiency in just two years was a testament to Minoru's talent and hard work.

"...Got it. Can you handle the A-rank?"

"――You can count on me!"

Minoru nodded with enthusiasm.

Even though they hadn't appeared yet, based on my estimation, the four D-rank magical beasts were likely Cockatrices.

These monsters had snake-like tails and chicken-like bodies, making them widely appreciated as magical beasts for both consumption and various other purposes.

Regarding the A-rank, it's a magical beast known as the Wild Bear. It has an approximate length of 2 meters. What sets this bear apart is its unique trait – it grows stronger by consuming other magical beasts. The Wild Bear I can currently see, thanks to my appraisal magic, has devoured a dozen or so magical monsters, making it a formidable mid-level opponent.

This bear has a tough, magically infused outer skin, and the standard tactic is to wear it down and deplete its magical energy.

Selling its materials to the guild in Kukule Fortress jurisdiction would provide enough funds for about a month of comfortable living. Although it isn't classified as a high-rank monster, it requires an entire adventurers' party to take it down. But with Minoru as she is now, she should be more than capable of handling it alone.

However, there's one concern that I should address later.

"Squaawk! Cluck, cluck, cluck! Squaaawk! Cawcawcawcawcawcaw!"

Suddenly, four Cockatrices burst forth from the thicket, flapping their wings together. It seemed like they were fleeing from something deeper in the bushes.

Thunderous footsteps echoed as the Cockatrices passed by Minoru. Typically, just before a fight, magical monsters would inadvertently release some of their magical energy, along with a bit of killing intent from the person. However, these Cockatrices passed by her without noticing her aura at all. It's quite remarkable that Minoru, who is usually quite aggressive, managed to suppress her magical energy loss.

With her wind-based magic, Mantis, she effortlessly beheaded all four Cockatrices. This would undoubtedly make for a luxurious dinner tonight.

Now, the real challenge lay ahead.

"Vroooaaaaarrr!" As the trees toppled, a massive, jet-black figure emerged from the depths of the thicket.

"Wild Bear...!"

Minoru instantly charged her sword with magic.


Her blade ignited with a bright white flame, containing highly concentrated magic.

"Vroaaar! Vaa! Oooooo!"

The Wild Bear swung its magic-infused arms toward Minoru, unleashing powerful attacks. Each swing tore into the ground, shrouding the area in a cloud of dust.

A year ago, Minoru's approach had been different. She would absorb some hits and then counter with even more devastating strikes, using her massive reserve of magic. Her signature style was a head-on confrontation.

But times had changed.

Now, she could read her opponent's moves by observing the flow of their magic, deflect their strikes with precision, and maintain her composure for a counterattack. Combining her previous straightforward combat style with meticulous magic control, her foes had no chance to retaliate.

Once she noticed the Wild Bear faltering in posture after its relentless arm swings, Minoru firmly kicked the ground.

Two years ago, her magical abilities were limited to enchantments of advanced spells. Today, she was pushing her limits with superior magic enchantments. Though her success rate remained around 30%, her current level of concentration was more than enough to handle it.

"Ultimate Fire Magic Enchantment! Phoenix!"

Minoru's sword blazed with intense flames.

With a crackling burst of magic, she advanced toward the Wild Bear and swung her sword horizontally in a fluid motion.

"O... Vaa..."

Accompanied by a soft groan, the upper and lower halves of the magic-hardened Wild Bear gracefully floated in the air.

"Ugh... Huff... Huff..."

A gentle hissing sound filled the air as magic dissipated from Minoru's sword. Even for Minoru, using superior magic took a toll on her concentration and stamina.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Minoru flashed a forced smile and said, "Sir Reese, I've succeeded in using superior magic...!"

"Great job, Minoru. I'd say your performance today was around 80 points. Your use of superior magic was flawless, and you managed to defeat the Wild Bear-class monster. You've exceeded expectations."

"Thank you so much...! I'm really delighted to be praised by you, Sir Reese!"

"Well, if I had to find a flaw..."

Suddenly, the bushes behind me rustled.


"Another Wild Bear!? Sir Reese—!"

Minoru prepared for combat again, but the moment it appeared, she dropped to her knees and collapsed.

"A hole through the heart...?"

"Ultimate wind magic: Piercing Gale. It's a magical projectile that compresses air."

My superior magic had blown the heart to pieces.

"If you had noticed that the other monster was observing us from a distance, I would've given you a perfect score. Nevertheless, your appraisal magic has significantly improved. With a bit more stamina, you'll be able to fire superior magic in the next battle."


With her sword sheathed, Minoru wore a warm smile.

Human growth is quite rapid.

Two years ago, she still had a somewhat childlike look. But now, Minoru had transformed into a strong and graceful young woman.

Over these two years, it was becoming apparent how much humans could achieve, and I was reminded of the time I had spent as an elf.

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