Monday, November 13, 2023

Akuyaku no Oujo ni Tensei Shitakedo Chapter 12

 Day 12:  Royal Family's Wishes

The next morning, I awoke with aching in my left shoulder. As I got up and reached into the collar to touch my shoulder, I could feel a considerable amount of heat.

Having consumed the last piece of pain-relieving candy the previous night, I found my throat parched, perhaps due to the lingering fever.

Throwing off the blanket, I opened the room door and navigated the corridor toward the well, ensuring solitude before addressing the pain in my left shoulder and drawing water.

Taking a gulp from the bucket, the coldness surprised me. Thirstier than anticipated, I drank more than usual, glancing around to ensure solitude.

Deciding to shed my dress, the sight was startling. Overnight, the shoulder bruise had transformed into a deep purple. The entire petite left shoulder displayed discoloration, justifying the accompanying pain. Other bruises adorned my arms and legs.

Cooling them all seemed impractical. The sky was clear, promising a pleasantly sunny day. Even if I got wet, it should dry swiftly.

Managing to lift the bucket again, I poured its contents over my head twice. The cold sensation, despite being a bit shocking, proved soothing on my fevered body.

Fetching water once more, I repeated the process. Though my underwear was thoroughly soaked, I shrugged it off.

Returning the bucket, I retrieved my dress, wringing out the moisture from my underwear. Seating myself on the grass, today's wind, coupled with the warm sun, made catching a cold seem unlikely.

Hanging the dress on nearby shrubs, I squeezed the moisture from my underwear and enjoyed the grassy seat. The wind tenderly touched my body, imparting a refreshing chill. Though the initially cold sensation lasted only briefly, the combination of evaporating water and the breeze helped cool my now-drying body.

Once completely dry, I planned to retreat to the room and spend the day in repose.


I curl up, knees to my chest, and shut my eyes.

...I miss Lulu.

Although only two days have passed, it feels like an eternity since I last saw him. The emptiness, like there's a void in my chest, grows day by day.

Lonely, sorrowful, poignant, and anxious.

I long for his hand to caress my head.

I ache to hear him say "Lucienne" with that drawn-out tone.

I want to witness his gray eyes squinting.

...I crave the warmth of his tight embrace again.

I realize my fingers have grazed my dry lips.

...My lips feel parched.

Of course, I haven't given them any care. To minimize trips outside, I've restricted water intake, and proper meals have been neglected.

It's no wonder my skin and lips are dry.

...Yet, Lulu still kissed me.

...No, thinking of Lulu brings both joy and a sense of solitude.

I soak in the sunlight with my eyes shut.

The wind gently tousles my hair.

Silent moments pass unhurriedly.

Each day seems prolonged without the sight of Lulu.

...The impending coup is near.

A little longer enduring these days of maltreatment. Afterward, Lucienne will be adopted into the new royal family, the Fayette family, and lead a life befitting a princess.

Lulu has assured me that we'll reunite even if I leave this place.

So, there isn't much to worry about afterward.

...Things will unfold as they may.

I exhale a soft sigh.

I remain in the sun until my body dries off.

* * * * *

Three days passed without Lucienne's presence.

During this time, Lefebvre's mood gradually soured, but Bernard, the client, tactfully avoided bringing it up. Had he mentioned it, Lefebvre might have responded with, "Give the job to someone else."

Unfortunately, it didn't come to that.

As a result, Lefebvre spent another day on the dull task of monitoring the king.

Resting his chin on his hand, he observed the scene spread out below from the ceiling.

It was lunchtime, and today, unusually, the king, queen, the first princess, the first prince, the second princess, the concubine, and the second prince were all gathered in the dining hall.

Decked out in elaborate attire, they made the already glamorous dining hall even more dazzling, and it seemed like it might become painful to the eyes.

"Thank you for indulging my selfishness today," the queen said.

Apparently, it was something the queen had wished for.

The king nodded and cast a fleeting glance at the queen's neckline.

Even though she was the mother of three, the queen remained beautiful, and her feminine figure, enhanced by a tightly laced corset, inevitably drew the king's attention. The concubine, while beautiful, lacked the same feminine physique, and the king had shared a bed with her only a handful of times.

Perhaps because of this, even though the concubine gave birth to the second prince with amber eyes, she had limited influence in the harem and among the royal family.

The second prince looked a bit pale after glancing at the queen.

It was understandable.

Given the numerous attempts on his life by poison, it was only natural for him to be frightened of the queen. The queen's children, including the second prince, just grinned and watched him without making any attempt to speak.

"Well, having a family meal is a good thing. You're busy most of the time," the queen said.

"Yes, yes, being the king is no easy task. Naturally, you're busy," the response from the king did not sound like words from someone genuinely interested in state affairs.

The queen, aware that the king was indulging in his love for extravagant things, pretended not to know. However, she was probably seething with anger inwardly.

Being a woman with high self-esteem, she surely couldn't feel indifferent about the king, who had numerous mistresses. Even the concubine, who couldn't even put on a good face, probably knew about the king's dalliances.

Despite that, she endured it because he was the king.

If the second prince were assassinated, the king might also have been targeted for assassination, but that was a future that never came to pass.

"That being said, my children, you have all grown so much," the king turns his gaze towards the princesses.

The princesses respond with innocent smiles. "Yes, Father. We recently started learning magic," the eldest princess states confidently. "We even practice targeting with magic occasionally."

"I excel in wind magic!" adds the second princess.

The king nods several times and then shifts his gaze to the second prince, who seems to be looking down.

"I, um, apologize. I'm still not proficient in using magic," he admits.

"I see," the king says with a somewhat exasperated or disappointed tone, and then returns to conversing with the queen and the princesses.

Beside the second prince, the queen consort bites her lip, clearly troubled. Despite giving birth to a prince with amber eyes, he struggles with both physical activities and magic, showing little improvement. His only notable skill is in academic studies.

Well, both the queen consort and the second prince vent their frustrations on the courtiers and continue their extravagant lifestyle.

The queen consort remains unaware of Lucienne's existence.

In the expansive palace, the queen consort and the second prince rarely encounter Lucienne, who is confined to the farthest reaches of the palace. If the queen consort were aware of Lucienne's presence, she likely wouldn't remain silent. Lucienne might have faced the risk of being killed by the queen consort had she been aware.

Perhaps the king has even forgotten Lucienne's existence, but the deliberate silence of the queen consort might contribute to erasing that memory.

While the king, queen, and their children enjoy lively conversation, the queen consort and the second prince remain silent, continuing their meal.

Unable to leave midway or engage in conversation, though pitiable, the queen consort and the second prince are partly responsible for draining the treasury.

...It would have been better if they had returned to their hometown with the prince.

That way, they might have avoided getting involved in the coup.

But it's too late now.

In two days, the coup is set to happen. Already, about half of the gatekeepers and soldiers have aligned with the noble faction, ready to guide our soldiers into the castle when the coup unfolds.

Surprisingly, there are few knights guarding the king. Many have resigned, unable to endure the actions of the current king since his ascension. Few want to be near the whimsical royal family, resulting in a decrease in the number of guards.

The remaining guards are managing somehow, but without a sense of loyalty, they will likely flee at the first sign of a coup.

Moving through the ceiling to another room, I noticed a figure near the serving room close to the kitchen.


Stealthily, the figure mixed something into the king's meal and hastily left the serving room.

That maid seems somewhat familiar.

Descending from the ceiling, I deliberately used a silver fork for the king's meal, dropping bits of food onto the tablecloth.

The silver changed color, indicating poison.

I can't afford for the king to die before the coup.

As soon as I returned to the ceiling, a servant arrived at the serving room and noticed the silverware had changed color on the king's plate. They rushed to the kitchen in a panic.

There might be some suspicion, but it's better than the king dying.

The chef arrived, saw the empty plate, and said, "Prepare a new dish! Someone probably tried to taste it, but they got scared because the silver changed color."

Seems like a convenient misunderstanding.

Guarding the king isn't an easy task. Poison testing was done, but the subsequent act of mixing something indicates knowledge of the castle's workings.

Even so, considering he's Lucienne's father, I'll consider this incident an extra. I moved away from the noisy serving room and returned to the dining hall.

* * * * *

Now that my body is completely dry, I decided to return to the storage room. I put on the dress I had hung around, let my hair out, and walked towards the building.

Quietly opening the door and entering, I followed the familiar path to the room. Even with just that, my body feels feverish. Perhaps due to the pain in my shoulders, I have no appetite.

I rolled onto the blanket, wrapping myself in it.

Dealing with the indescribable sensation of being both hot and cold, I closed my eyes. ...I have to get better before Lulu returns. Surely, Lulu will worry about me. Maybe he'll give me painkillers or medicine.

But relying on Lulu alone is not good. I don't want to inconvenience him too much, and the thought of him disliking me is a little scary.

I don't care what the queen or the princesses think, and I'm not concerned about that, but I don't want Lulu to dislike me.

...I guess I'm really in bad shape. It's lonely without Lulu, but thinking about him makes me happy, and my chest warms up. The loneliness fades away while I think about Lulu.

I remember Lulu again. His name is Lefebvre Nicholson. He taught me the nickname Lulu. An assassin, probably in his mid to late teens, with a beautiful face.

He gives me food, painkillers, candy, treats my wounds, and helps me. His speech is slow and relaxed, but sometimes it can be frightening. A mysterious person, cool and kind.

...Is it strange for an assassin to be kind? But he treats me like that.

I'm curious, but I can't ask. I hope it's not just for work. But he said I could still see him after leaving the palace, so I want to believe it's not just for work.

No, it's not. Even if it's for work, it's okay if I can meet Lulu. The important thing is "meeting Lulu." Of course, it would be most delightful if Lulu came to see me willingly, but even if not, it's enough if he thinks it's okay to meet me.

And even though Lulu hasn't come for two or three days, it doesn't mean I won't see him again. It's the third day today, so surely he'll come tomorrow. If I think that way, I can endure tonight.

Curling up my body, I close my eyes. ...I'll see you tomorrow, Lulu.

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