Saturday, October 21, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 70

 The butler lays a trap

A few days have passed since I learned the truth about this world and the dire fate that awaits My Lady Isabella.

I've conducted investigations, but something still gnaws at me.

The central issue isn't just the annulment of the engagement, which, by itself, seems implausible. Noble engagements are far more than mere love affairs; they are binding contracts between influential families. If the prince were to unilaterally break the engagement, his advisors would not stand idly by. Moreover, trying to silence these advisors would likely lead to a fierce retaliation by the Valiaz family.

So, the root problem appears to revolve around the potential downfall of the ducal house. If the Valiaz family loses its noble status, Milady would inevitably lose her position as the prince's fiancée.

According to the reports, the prince has been making strategic moves, leading to defections among several noble houses. However, such political betrayals are not unusual in our aristocratic society, especially among those who have long harbored grievances against the Valiaz family's heavy-handed tactics. But the Valiaz family's sustained power comes from their ability to subdue dissident nobles through legal or illegal means. They've been the kingdom's shadow rulers since its founding, and that reputation is well-earned.

I've pored over Maria's copied notebook several times, searching for clues about the Valiaz family's impending downfall. Regrettably, it offered no insight into the matter. This lack of information might be because it wasn't part of Maria's in-game scenario.

It's tempting to dismiss this as just a game scenario, but I find it hard to believe that a powerful family like the Valiaz could fall so conveniently. Even if we consider the possibility of this world being a game created by an unknown deity, there should be reasons behind every event. If divine will or a world-altering force exists, my minor actions shouldn't have thrown everything into chaos.

So, what's the actual cause? My initial thought was that the prince wanted to eliminate Isabella. But that doesn't seem plausible. While the prince is undoubtedly talented and next in line for the throne, he's unlikely to be the mastermind capable of outwitting the Valiaz family's head. Instead, there's probably someone behind the prince orchestrating the Valiaz family's downfall—whether it's the royal family, another noble house, or some other faction is unclear. Maria and the prince are likely being manipulated for the convenience of this mastermind.

Even if we were to remove Maria and the prince from the equation, it wouldn't make much of a difference. The mastermind appears shrewd and cautious, capable of crafting a plan to bring down the Valiaz family independently, even without the prince and his allies interfering. I wouldn't have realized this without Maria's previous-life gaming knowledge, which is a cheat-level advantage. A being as cautious and clever as this mastermind wouldn't rely on a plan that could be foiled by the prince and his allies vanishing.

As I continue my investigation to apprehend the mastermind in the future, it's evident that time is quickly running out. There's a real possibility that we won't unveil their true identity by the deadline.

Considering this, I've decided to take an additional precaution. While we can't predict how the mastermind will act in the future, one thing is certain: they need critical evidence to orchestrate the downfall of the Valiaz family. They require indisputable proof of substantial wrongdoing, a reason for the family's downfall that cannot be refuted.

From the information gathered from Maria's notebook, it appears that the Valiaz family's fall from grace was due to the exposure and condemnation of their past misdeeds. It seems the mastermind has somehow obtained this evidence and intends to present it to the prince.

However, it's highly unlikely they can simply hand over the evidence without arousing suspicion. Even if they obtained it from another source, it would probably result in trouble for that party rather than harming the Valiaz family. In the end, the evidence must be gathered from within the Valiaz family's estate.

Intruding outsiders would surely raise the alarm of the vigilant knights guarding the estate. Furthermore, my subordinates, including Eins, are inside the estate. They are exceptionally skilled and would be the first to detect anything amiss.

But, I've never received any reports of anyone infiltrating the Valiaz family's estate until now.

"If that's the case, a traitor, perhaps..."

The most likely scenario involves an inside job, probably orchestrated by someone within the Valiaz family. It's a more practical approach than trying to infiltrate the estate, bypassing its formidable security.

However, the number of potential suspects is overwhelming. The estate houses nearly a hundred people, including the staff. To uncover a traitor among them, we'd need a systematic investigation.

In an ideal situation, having the Lord Duke himself lead the inquiry would be the quickest solution. Unfortunately, reporting the Valiaz family's downfall would be in vain; it would be dismissed as mere gossip from a commoner. Even with my knowledge from a previous life, it would sound like I'm speculating about some kind of conspiracy or treachery.

I'll still try to communicate it through the head butler, although the odds of getting cooperation are low.

"Whoever is responsible for all this trouble...!"

Frustration boils within me, facing a situation with limited resources and time, all while directing rapid instructions to Eins, who's been standing by.


"Sir Crow."

"Hmm... what is it?"

It was a few days later, in the middle of the night. My consciousness was stirred by a voice calling me. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in darkness, gazing into emerald eyes looking down at me.

"We've caught our prey."

"Ah, I see. What's the situation?"

"Currently, the target is fleeing towards the western district. A unit led by Drei is in pursuit."

As I carefully tried to slip out of Milady's comfortable embrace without waking her – she was fast asleep, clutching me like a pillow – Eins delivered the report I had been eagerly waiting for.

We had been conducting an investigation within the Valiaz family estate, and it seemed my hunch was correct.

... I didn't expect things to go so smoothly, though.

"We're going after them, too. Eins, can you make the jump?"

"Yes, the preparations are already complete. Please take my hand."

Managing to extract myself from the embrace without waking Milady, who was soundly asleep and clinging onto my body like a pillow, I got up from the bed and put on the coat Eins handed to me. With all preparations in order, I turned to face Eins and took the hand she offered.

"I'll count on you."

"Then, here I go. 『Gate.』"

As Eins activated the teleportation spell, we descended into the spreading darkness on the floor. When our heads were swallowed up, our vision was entirely obscured, and in the next moment, we found ourselves in a narrow alley.

"A warehouse district..."

This was an area close to the commercial district, lined with warehouses owned by various trading companies. It made sense; this secluded place was perfect for making an escape.

When I looked ahead, I saw that our subordinates had already formed a perimeter, and a maid clutching some documents was glaring at her surroundings as if threatening those nearby.

"Now, could you kindly return the taken documents, Serena?"

"Sir Crow!? Why are you here?"

Upon spotting me emerging from the path our subordinates had cleared, Serena, who served as both Zane's retainer and mistress, displayed a shocked expression. Indeed, her master Zane was already involved in various political matters as the next head of the Valiaz family. It wouldn't be surprising if she had some knowledge of the family's confidential documents. Considering her circumstances, she had more than enough motive for seeking revenge against the Valiaz family.

In other words, the Valiaz family brought this upon themselves.

"No matter what, as someone in service to the Valiaz family, I cannot turn a blind eye to actions that could harm the family."

"Lies... but you helped me seek revenge against that man, Sir Crow..."

"Ah, we greatly appreciated that incident. Thanks to it, we were able to eliminate the nuisance interfering with Milady. So, please return the documents, and if you tell us who instructed you, your crimes will go unpunished."

It appeared that my prior assistance in seeking revenge against Zane had given the impression that, like Serena, I also harbored resentment against the Valiaz family. To be honest, I couldn't care less about her revenge or the downfall of the family. However, I couldn't let anything harm Milady.

It was irritating that I had to clean up that man's mess, but there was no choice.

"I-I can't accept that!"

"Why not?"

Though I initially attempted peaceful negotiation, Serena firmly clutched the documents and rejected my proposal. Evidently, there was no way for her to escape this situation.

Even if she didn't accept the proposal, it would lead to her death, but was she so consumed by her desire for revenge that she couldn't make a rational judgment?

"You understand, don't you? You know how corrupt those people in that house are! How many people have suffered because of them?"

"Yes, I'm well aware that the Valiaz family has been oppressing the common people."


After affirming Serena's opinion, her expression suddenly brightened. It seemed she wanted to convince me to be on her side.

──Though it's futile.

"So, what?"


Her pointless rambling was getting old. I cut her off with a cold, dismissive tone.

"The Valiaz family isn't the only one oppressing the weak. In fact, you're working with another family to bring down the Valiaz family, aren't you?"

"No! I'm doing it for justice!"

"Justice, huh..."

It's true that the Valiaz family is evil, and trying to take them down can be seen as a just cause. I don't deny that. But I won't let anything harm Milady's happiness, no matter how much Serena insists on justice.

"Well, if that's the case..."


I set aside the previous hostility and suddenly put on a gentle smile. After all, I was one of the romance game's targets with good looks. It seemed Serena had developed feelings for me.

With my looks and her budding romantic feelings, it wouldn't take much effort to win her over.

"Then, farewell."


Seizing the opportunity, I activated my bracelet's strengthening enchantment. In one swift movement, I closed the distance and brandished the knife I had drawn. However, before Serena could react, the blade was dangerously close to her pale throat.

...Suddenly, an explosion erupted within our encirclement. A figure cloaked in crimson flames gracefully slid between us.

"What's the meaning of this?"

I fixed my glare on the unknown assailant, my blade caught by a fiery sword.

"What's your intent, pointing a weapon at an unarmed woman?"

As the flames eventually subsided, the identity of this intruder was revealed. He stood as a guardian in front of Serena, using his blazing sword to parry my attack. This red-haired man was Leon, the son of the Kingdom's knight commander and a member of the Prince's personal guard. He was the hero of this realm and, in the game, one of the romanceable characters. Leon now gazed intently at me with sharp eyes.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...