Sunday, October 15, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 60

 My lady is being sucked dry

Within one of the numerous rooms in the Duke's mansion, a single candle provided the only source of illumination in this windowless chamber. The room was filled with various tools, magical gemstones, and materials from different magical creatures, creating a somewhat peculiar sight.

It was evident, to anyone with even a basic knowledge of the arcane, that this place served as a magician's workshop. The nobility often had such workshops on their estates due to their deep connection with magic, where they conducted magical research and experiments.

In the heart of this workshop, Isabella wore a distinct outfit - a black robe and a pointed hat - as she stirred a large cauldron filled with an eerie, colorful liquid. She couldn't help but sport a wicked smile.

This unique attire was a requirement because of the hazardous materials involved in magical practices. It was embedded with protective enchantments, which made it a necessity. Although Isabella had some reservations about the design, it was a long-standing tradition that she couldn't easily change.

With her sinister grin, she muttered, "This will show that little girl a lesson!" Isabella's motivation behind these actions was to settle the score with her arch-nemesis, Maria. Isabella couldn't accept her defeat in the previous magic competition. 

..... In the first place, that girl can use time-based magic – I never agreed to such a thing! It's practically unfair!

"Are you really still not giving up on this?"

Isabella, stirring the cauldron's contents with bated breath, noticed Crow's exasperated expression as he brought the remaining materials into the workshop.

Lately, she couldn't shake the feeling that this butler had been somewhat lacking in respect towards her. Maybe it was time for some re-education.

"Of course not! I can't just sit back and do nothing!"

"But by doing such things, you're setting yourself up for another scolding from the Lord Duke, you know?"


Crow's half-lidded gaze reminded her of the incident from the other day, leaving Isabella to mumble in response.

The memory of her father's severe scolding from not too long ago was still fresh in her mind, and she'd rather not go through that again. Still, she had taken action today, choosing a day when her father was absent...

"Y-Yes, I'm fine! I'll succeed this time, you'll see."

"Well... I suppose there's no helping it. If you end up crying and needing comfort again, I'll be here to soothe you, so please, feel free to do as you wish."

"Why are you assuming I'm going to fail? ...And for the record, I haven't been crying! Not at all!"

With a resigned expression, Crow gazed at her kindly. Isabella couldn't help but snap at him.

Lately, Crow had been pampering Isabella. She didn't know what kind of magic he was using, but when his big hands caressed her head, she felt warm inside, and when his strong arms held her, she felt incredibly at ease. Once she experienced that, it was hard not to want more.

However, the relationship between Isabella and Crow was one of master and servant. A master who enjoyed being pampered by her servant's caresses wouldn't be very dignified. It was time for Isabella to assert her authority as a master.

"Alright, alright. I understand."

"Enough of that...! If you've brought the materials, then quietly leave!"

"Of course, be careful."

"I know that much!"

Ignoring Isabella's thoughts, Crow regarded her with a look as if he were dealing with a spoiled child.

Frustrated by his attitude, Isabella's temples throbbed as she ushered Crow out of the room.

"Haa... haa... I'll make her regret it!"

Even after Crow left the room, Isabella continued to tremble with anger for a while. But eventually, she regained her composure and turned back to the cauldron.

Thanks to Crow's help, she had gathered all the necessary ingredients. Now, by mixing these together and brewing, she should be able to complete the desired potion.

With a serious expression, Isabella resumed her alchemical work.

- Poisonous herbs

- Magical gemstones

- Some rather dangerous ingredients

Mixing them all together would create an extremely potent concoction!

Or, at least, that's how it should have been.

However, young Isabella accidentally added some extra ingredients she shouldn't have.



It was...


Right after that, a rainbow of light overflowed from the cauldron...





As I was transporting a tea set for a quick break, an unfamiliar and deafening explosion rocked the entire mansion. It appeared to originate from the direction of the room where Milady was. I couldn't believe she had already messed up despite my warning, but recent events involving her repeated mishaps kept coming to mind.

I had to retract my previous statement; this could be another disastrous episode.

Leaving the tea wagon behind, I rushed towards Milady's room.

"Ugh... You've really messed up big time, haven't you, Milady? 『Protect me』" I sighed.

Upon arriving at her room, I encountered a scene that was, to some extent, as anticipated. Doors had been blown off their hinges and were scattered in the hallway. The entrance to the laboratory was engulfed in noxious, colorful smoke. There was no sign of Milady, and it was likely that she was trapped inside the smoke-filled room.

To be honest, I hesitated to enter such a hazardous environment. I quickly used a magical device to create a protective wind barrier that shielded me from the toxic smoke. With determination, I entered the room.

The scene inside was even more chaotic. It was evident that a large explosion had occurred, with tables, shelves, materials, and tools strewn across the floor. The central cauldron lay in shattered fragments, apparently the epicenter of the explosion. The rainbow-colored liquid splattered throughout the laboratory.

"Are you safe, Milady?"

Amid this turmoil, I found Milady with her head buried in a pile of rubble in the corner of the laboratory. Initially, she appeared stuck, with her backside protruding from the debris. After a moment of hesitation, I grabbed her legs and pulled her out.


Milady, whom I had just pulled out, seemed disoriented and had fainted.

Though a cursory examination showed no visible injuries, it would be wise to get her checked by a doctor soon.

I carried Milady's limp body and hastily left the laboratory.

"First, she's not in any life-threatening condition."

"That's a relief..."

The head maid, who had been attending to Milady, finally looked up. I let out a sigh of relief at her words.

Her assurance, coming from someone with medical knowledge, was comforting.

However, the head maid still wore a concerned expression, unlike my evident relief.

"Milady had an accident while working on a magic potion, correct?"

"Most likely..."

The explosion had originated from the large cauldron that Milady had been using for her concoction.

I wasn't present at the time, so I couldn't be certain of the details, but it was a reasonable assumption.

"If that's the case, there's no guarantee that the potion won't have some unforeseen effects."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I can't say for sure. While magical potions have been around for ages, it's often unclear when or how their effects will manifest."

Even though magical potions were common, their composition was not solely based on the properties of their ingredients. The influence of magical energy made it challenging to fully understand their effects. As a result, the study of magical potions lagged behind general magic research.

"While we can make educated guesses about the ingredients Milady used for her potion, it's uncertain what might have been mixed in..."

The laboratory's destruction prevented us from identifying any foreign substances in the potion.

"For now, it seems that the potion hasn't had life-threatening effects. We'll monitor her condition as she rests. Please call me immediately if anything unusual happens."


As the head maid left, I continued to watch over Milady as she lay quietly on the bed.

I could only hope that everything would turn out fine...

Afterward, when Milady woke up, the effects of the magical potion became apparent, and the changes occurring within her were indeed quite unusual.



"Are you alright, Lady Isabella?"

"You seemed unwell since the middle of the lecture..."

A few days after the explosion incident, as the school bell rang, the teacher left the classroom, and Milady, who had been sitting upright, listening to the lecture, suddenly collapsed onto her desk as if she were drained. She groaned softly while clutching her chest, causing concern for her from her classmates, Elina and Nora, who were seated in front.

"If you're feeling unwell, perhaps you should head to the infirmary."

"Yes, you should! Don't overexert yourself!"

"Yes, you're right... I suppose I will. Crow, let's go."

"Yes, Milady."

Convinced by their words, Milady sluggishly got up and grabbed my hand, forcefully dragging me along. With a worried expression from the two girls seeing us off, we left the lecture hall.

"Was it a good idea to come here?"

We didn't go to the infirmary, but instead, Milady brought us to a private parlor she had reserved, locking the door to ensure no one could enter. As she turned around, she stood in the center of the room, her face reddened, and it was apparent that she had something to discuss.

"I get it... Hurry up!"

"Well, I need a clear order to understand."

"Grr... Remember this when I get better..."

In reality, I fully understood Milady's desires, and this playful banter was unnecessary. Yet, seeing Milady in her weakened state, I couldn't resist teasing her.

She continued to gaze at me, frustrated.

"C-could you... my breasts?"


"S-So... please, squeeze my breasts."

Upon uttering those words, Milady began unbuttoning her uniform by herself. She revealed her chest, clad in cute lingerie, and kept a close eye on me without moving. In response, I used my gaze to indicate what she should do. Blushing and slightly trembling, Isabella shifted her hands beneath her bra to expose her breasts. It was a task that clearly embarrassed her, as her already flushed face grew even redder. It felt like we were engaging in something more intimate than usual, but that didn't seem to be the main issue.

"Great job, you're doing well."


As I gently touched Isabella's cheek, she seemed to relax and nuzzled her cheek against my hand, seeking comfort after releasing her tension.

I recently learned that Isabella enjoyed being caressed in this way.

"Now, please place your hands on that table."

"Is... is this okay? Mmm..."

"Yes, just stay relaxed... That's right."

With her tension eased, I instructed Isabella to place both of her hands on a nearby table.

I hugged her from behind as she faced the table, and I supported her ample breasts from below with my hands.

As I moved my hands slowly from the base, lifting her heavy bosom and gently squeezing, milk began to flow from her nipples.

This wasn't because I had impregnated Isabella or anything like that.

It appeared that the recent effects of a magic potion had made Isabella's body produce milk. To be honest, I didn't understand it when I first saw this, and even now, I can't quite grasp it, but I reluctantly accepted that it was the result of the magic potion.

"Your milk is starting to come out. Let's not push too hard and get as much as we can."

"Mmm, nn...! Even though I don't have a baby... but still..."

As I gently massaged her breasts, milk began to flow from her nipples into a container I had prepared on the table.

Isabella's breasts were constantly producing milk due to the effects of the medicine, making her chest feel uncomfortably full until the medicine's effects wore off.

That's why, for the past few days, I've been helping her collect the milk like this regularly.

Isabella squirmed in my arms, her body shivering with excitement in this unusual situation – producing breast milk even though she wasn't yet a mother.

"You'll have to endure until the medicine wears off, Milady."

"I understand, but... oh... nngh!"

This wasn't our usual massage; it was a purely medical procedure. I continued to gently extract milk from her breasts. Isabella let out sweet moans each time milk flowed from her nipples.

Caught up in this unfamiliar sensation, her fair neck and ears peeking through her hair had already turned bright red.

"Why are you making that face? This is just a medical procedure," I reassured.

"But, it's just... nngh, ah...!"

Her expression, as she turned to face me, held the allure of a lustful female.

Although I had the urge to kiss her right then and there, I kept my focus on the medical aspect of the situation.

In response to my words, Isabella, who was well aware of her pleasure, blushed and sensually moved her hips.

"Nhh.... Hmm, nghh, ah...."

Isabella tried to muffle her sounds with her hand, but her occasional breaths were enticing.

It seemed like her excitement grew as she held back, and more and more breast milk flowed.


"What's wrong, Milady?" After a while, Isabella couldn't hold back any longer and called my name.

Even though I knew what she wanted, I pretended not to. Isabella looked at me resentfully but eventually spoke.

"Please... let me finish..."

"Yes, you said it well." I smiled and touched her neglected nipples.

Gently, I played with her pink nipples, which were still dripping milk, tracing the areolas with my index finger.


"Ah, nooo...!" I whispered in her ear and pinched and pulled on both nipples, causing Isabella's pent-up pleasure to overflow. She moaned and shivered in my arms, releasing milk in spurts.

"Are you okay, Milady?"

"Haa... haa.... mm... nn..."

I helped Isabella sit on the sofa as her body trembled.

Her exposed breasts were dripping milk, and her flushed face gave off an alluring aura. I had to turn away; otherwise, my restraint might waver.

As I shifted my gaze and attempted to focus on tidying up.

My arm was seized.


"More..." Isabella urged.


She forcefully pulled me backward, and I tumbled onto Isabella.

My face ended up in her cleavage, and the sweet scent of milk made me a little lightheaded.

Isabella firmly held my head with her arms, preventing me from getting up.

Even after everything we'd done, it seemed she wasn't quite satisfied yet.

She had certainly become quite a seductive young woman.



Reluctantly, I moved my head and started to suck on the nipple in front of me. Isabella let out a joyful cry and shivered with delight. Even with just a gentle suck, a lot of breast milk flowed from the nipple, quenching my thirst.

Maybe it was because Isabella's magic infused the milk, but it tasted much richer and sweeter than the cow's milk I usually had. Honestly, it was starting to become a bit addictive.

"Hehe... like this, Crow, you're like a baby. You can drink more," Isabella sensed something motherly in my focused nursing and gently stroked my head.

I had to admit, being pampered like this didn't feel all that bad.

"Then, I won't hold back."

"Ah! Hey, don't... suck so strongly...!"

But I'll save that for another time. Right now, it's more important to satisfy Isabella. As I gently squeezed her breasts with my hand, I made a slurping sound while sucking. In response to this sudden sensation, Isabella was surprised and let go of the arm she had been using to restrain me.

"After squeezing you so much earlier, you're still producing milk, just like a dairy cow."

"I'm not a cow! Ah...! Hey, wait... you're sucking too much...!"

"You're letting your milk flow endlessly, so why are you complaining? I'll drink it all, so please release it."


This time, I pressed Isabella's body onto the sofa and eagerly sucked on her breasts, trying to control my desire. As I focused on one side, milk almost spilled from the other nipple. I licked it up and moved to the other breast.

I continued to alternate between both nipples, determined to extract every last drop of remaining milk from her breasts.

"Ah... nngh! Oh, ah...!"

Unbeknownst to me, my pants had become quite tight due to my stiffening arousal.

I didn't bother with removing my pants, instead rubbing my crotch against Isabella's body while I was intensely engaged in nursing her breasts.

The pink nipples had become wet from saliva, and Isabella could do nothing but moan, occasionally drooling from her open mouth.


In the end, it was me who reached my limit first. A sudden release of built-up semen in my pants created an uncomfortable sensation. Amid the intense pleasure of climax, I brought Isabella's two full breasts together and took both of her nipples into my mouth at the same time.

Then, I gently grazed my teeth while forcefully sucking them.

"Hyaaah!? Aaahhh...!"

It seemed like the pain triggered something, as Isabella arched her body, scattering breast milk everywhere. She shuddered and climaxed repeatedly.

"A.... Hmm, ahh...."

Even after the climax, Isabella continued to breathe heavily, basking in the afterglow. I reluctantly pulled my face away from her chest. As she sat up, she used her sleeve to wipe her sticky mouth.

There was only a small amount of breast milk still trickling from Isabella's slightly moving breasts, so everything seemed fine.

"Now, the question is, how to deal with this mess..." I looked around and sighed.

The living room sofa and table were splattered with various liquids, including breast milk, making the cleanup quite a task.

Leaving Isabella with vacant eyes, I rolled up my sleeves and began the cleanup.

"Welcome back, Lady Isabella! Are you okay?"

After handling everything, I returned, and Elina and the others rushed to greet us, clearly worried.

"Yes, I rested for a bit, and now I'm feeling better."

"That's great!"

"...? Lady Isabella, do you smell something like sweet milk?"


Elina looked pleased, while Nora seemed puzzled. Isabella froze at Nora's question. Considering how much breast milk she had scattered earlier, it wasn't surprising if the scent had clung to her.

But, of course, she couldn't explain that. So, I decided to help out a bit.

"It's probably the milk we used for the milk tea we prepared for Milady."

"Wow, I've never known milk to smell so good!"

"Yes, it's a special milk from unique cows, and it has an exceptional taste. Isn't that right, Milady?"

"Well, yes... that's right..."

With a little nudge from me, Isabella managed a forced smile, her cheeks twitching. After all, I wasn't lying. That milk was a rare find, not something you could get anywhere else, and once you tasted it, you'd become addicted to its flavor.

I'm sorry, but please refrain from pinching me in a way they can't see.

"I had no idea such milk existed."

"I wonder what it tastes like? The scent is so lovely; it must have a high-class flavor..."


Isabella felt uneasy under their adoring gaze, and in response, she pinched me harder as an outlet for her frustration.

Well, if she's going to have that kind of attitude, I've got an idea.

"How about it, Milady? Since we have this opportunity, why not treat them to freshly squeezed milk?"

"What, uh...!?"

As soon as I suggested it, Isabella, her face now beet red, turned toward me with a shocked expression. In essence, it meant revealing that intimate scene to the two.

"That's impossible, isn't it!"

Overwhelmed by embarrassment and completely losing her cool, Isabella's cry resonated throughout the area.

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1 comment:

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...