Friday, October 13, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 57

 My lady shut herself in

As winter approached, many households in the capital had already begun using heating. The Valiaz family's mansion was no exception, with the study enveloped in warm air thanks to magic. However, when Isabella entered the room, she felt an intense cold that seemed out of place.

"This is a disgrace to our family."

"I apologize, Father..."

Gallius, seated at the desk in the back of the room, had an expression of disdain that was hard to believe was directed at his own daughter. Under his chilling gaze, Isabella meekly lowered her head, enduring his anger.

A few days ago, during the magic tournament, Isabella had suffered defeat at the hands of Maria. An aristocrat, the daughter of a duke, had been soundly defeated by a baron's daughter, and in front of the king and a crowd of the kingdom's citizens. It was a matter that couldn't be dismissed as a mere student squabble.

Aristocrats were respected and feared because of their power. The consequences for the Valiaz family, if Isabella were to be labeled as weak after this incident, were immeasurable. High-ranking nobles typically refrained from participating in such events, but Isabella had forcibly entered and lost. She had been unconscious since the finals, and upon waking up, she had been immediately summoned to this room. Though she didn't have precise details, judging by her father's expression, she was aware of her own wrongdoing. Had she lost after a closely fought battle against anyone other than Maria, the situation might have been different, but the reality was harsh. It was all a result of Isabella's recklessness.

"Originally, I had no expectations for you beyond fulfilling your role as a vessel to produce the next king. But to expose such disgrace... Can you not even behave quietly and avoid causing me trouble?"

"...I'm sorry."

Gallius didn't bother hiding his frustration. He slammed his fist on the desk, causing Isabella to flinch involuntarily at the sound. She looked around as if searching for something, and her gaze seemed to wander anxiously.

However, there were only two people in this room, Isabella and Gallius. The black-haired butler who usually protected her was nowhere to be seen. This fact, for some reason, made Isabella feel vulnerable, and she unconsciously placed her hand over her chest.

"Master, I have brought the documents you requested."

"Come in."

"Excuse me."

Norman, the butler, entered the room and interrupted Gallius's relentless scolding. He walked past Isabella and placed several documents on the desk. Then, he began to report to Gallius, whispering in his ear.

Gallius's expression gradually darkened, indicating that the news was likely not favorable.

"Damn, causing me more trouble... I no longer have time to deal with you. Withdraw and stay in your room quietly."

"Yes. Excuse me, Father."

Gallius sighed in irritation, instructed Isabella to leave the room, and turned his attention back to the documents, as if he had lost interest. In response, Isabella hastily curtsied, then quickly left the room, eager to escape the situation.


As Isabella walked away, only Norman watched her with a worried look.


Some time had passed since Milady was summoned by her father.

It was only Milady who had been summoned. Since I'm just a servant, I couldn't accompany her. Therefore, I was left waiting for her return in Milady's room. But it was far from calming.

Even though the doctors had treated her, it was concerning that the Duke had summoned Milady immediately after her awakening from severe injuries.

"Welcome back, Milady."

"Ah, Crow..."

As I waited anxiously in the room, the door finally opened, and Milady returned. However, something was amiss.

Milady appeared different from her usual self, lacking her usual spirit, and her expression was dark. I couldn't help but worry about what had transpired. I leaned in to see her face, but she turned away from my gaze as if evading it.

"Could you leave me alone for a while?"

"Milady? If you're feeling tired, should I prepare some tea..."

"Just go, right now!"


Milady forcefully pushed me out of the room. I could only stand there, dumbfounded, as the door was slammed in my face. She even locked it. Milady's clear rejection left me in a state of shock, and I couldn't think of anything.

"Ugh, ugh, hicc... Father..."


I stood there, completely lost and unable to move. I could hear sobbing coming from the other side of the firmly closed door. It was shocking to realize that Milady, usually so confident and averse to showing vulnerability, was in tears.

(What am I doing?)

All I wanted was to open the door immediately, hold Milady, and offer comfort. But she had explicitly forbidden it. The fear of facing further rejection if I were to defy her orders left my legs trembling.

I was at a loss for words, overwhelmed by my own helplessness.

As I leaned against the door, sinking down to the floor, Milady's cries showed no sign of abating. I knew I was powerless, but an increasing sense of urgency compelled me to take action.

(But why is Milady crying in the first place?)

What could have caused this? It was clear who was responsible: her father, that man. I didn't know the details of their conversation after she was summoned, but something within it had left Lady Isabella in such distress.

The Duke, Isabella's own father, had gone too far in his actions toward his daughter.

What does nobility or being a Duke even mean? What a foolish thing. Is there anything more significant than seeing Milady in tears?

Yes, he's the source of Milady's sorrow.

Anyone who causes Milady pain is an enemy.

"My enemies... I won't let them go unpunished."

The conclusion was clear.

So, I must take the necessary actions.

I stood up slowly and began walking down the corridor, albeit somewhat unsteadily.


In front of the Duke's office in the mansion, two strong knights were standing side by side, guarding the door. Their task was to keep a watchful eye on the surroundings while Galious worked inside, ensuring there were no disturbances. If anyone attempted to attack their master, they would become little more than rust on the swords hanging at the knights' hips.

"Captain," one of them said.

"Don't waste words; focus on your duty," replied the other.

"But isn't this originally the job of the first squad? Why are we stuck with it?" The knight beside him began to complain.

Guard duty, however, often involved little more than standing around with nothing happening. Perhaps due to the excessive lack of action, this knight's lighthearted tone provoked his colleague.

Jerald, the provoked knight, looked at his troublesome comrade with an exasperated expression. Indeed, the primary duty of the Third Knights was to guard the residences in the capital city, while the protection of nobles and aristocrats was typically the responsibility of the First Knights. The crucial members of the First Knights had apparently delegated their security tasks to Jerald and his colleagues, now likely enjoying their freedom in the capital.

"Our job includes protecting the lords as well. It's explicitly stated in the contract we signed when we joined, isn't it?"

"True, but aren't we mostly assigned to the Mistress? Shouldn't others handle the Lord Duke's security?"

"I couldn't care less. Complain to the high-and-mighty folks in the first squad who passed this task down to us."

"Well, we can't say that to them, so we're just letting off steam here."


The difference between the First Knights, who are always by the lords' side, primarily composed of noble families, and the Third Knights, like Jerald, often assigned to guard the royal estate and left to their own devices, is evident.

Considering their roles, the First Squad knights have a higher social standing, leagues ahead of Jerald and his fellow minor nobility.

Given their assignments and the circumstances, it's improbable they would voice any complaints to their higher-ranked counterparts.

"On another note, it's quite peaceful here, isn't it?"

"Could use a bit more seriousness..."

"Well, there's hardly a need to be on edge within the estate, right? No one would dare attack the lord in a place like this."

Still, the work is relatively straightforward. The estate is fortified with defensive magic, and the robust knights like Jerald are in charge of security. Additionally, the Valiaz family's skilled covert agents handle surveillance.

As one of Jerald's subordinates mentioned, breaking through such rigorous security to infiltrate the estate and target the lord is an unlikely scenario.

"Well, that's true, but...!?"

Jerald, who was about to agree with that statement, suddenly felt an intense sense of danger at his throat and quickly raised his head.


"Who's there?"

Jerald, who hadn't quite grasped the situation yet, didn't have time to calmly explain to his subordinate. He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and shouted down the hallway towards the source of the threatening presence he had felt.

From around the corner of the hallway, a figure emerged, swaying gently, and fixed a sharp gaze on the door that Jerald and his men were guarding. This uncommon black-haired butler in this country had a piercing light in his eyes, a dangerous look.

"Isn't that the butler from Mistress's place...?"

"Yeah, damn it! I'll ask just in case, what do you want? Entry beyond this point is prohibited."

Jerald, who had known the butler for a while, understood that the situation must be pretty dire. The only possible reason for the man to be in such an agitated state was the Mistress herself.

This man always showed intense emotion only when it came to matters concerning Mistress.

"Move aside... I have business with the Duke."

"We can't just let someone who's giving off such a murderous aura pass so easily!"

"I see..."

Given the dense and intimidating aura he was emitting, it was clear that he hadn't come for a peaceful conversation. While Jerald didn't want to confront Crow in his current state, he had no choice but to block his path. As he hoped that Crow would depart peacefully, he closely watched Crow's every move, prepared to draw his sword at a moment's notice.

"If that's the case, are you all also Milady's enemies?"

"Come on, seriously? Give us a break..."

After this exchange, it appeared that Crow had unmistakably identified Jerald and his comrades as enemies. Crow suddenly wore a broken smile and focused the intense aura he had been emitting on Jerald and his group without discrimination.

In response, Jerald, his face contorted, assumed a full combat stance, drawing his sword and preparing to fight. Even though their adversary was a commoner without magical abilities, it was clear that his skills were genuine. Winning the fight with restraint wasn't an option; it was inevitable that continued combat would result in fatalities.

While Jerald and the others prepared themselves with grim determination, a new figure suddenly appeared.

"Butler Norman!?"

Norman, being scrutinized from both sides, nodded slightly, as if he had figured out something while observing everyone. He then turned his attention to Crow, who still exuded an aura of murderous intent.

"Is this authorized by Milady, Crow?"


Crow's intense glare, resembling a hungry beast, wavered as Norman mentioned Milady. He let out a small groan in response.

"Also, even if you were to eliminate Master, do you really think it would please Milady?"

"Well, that..."

"You've left an opening."

"What the...!?"

Norman seized this opportunity and swiftly closed the distance between them. With remarkable speed, he unleashed a right fist that accurately pierced through Crow's flank, causing Crow to fold his body into a 'く' shape and crumble to the ground.

"Cough, cough...!"

"While your butler skills are splendid, you lose points for letting your emotions get the better of you when it comes to Milady."

Norman, looking down at Crow who was retching violently on the corridor's carpet, smiled warmly as he assessed the situation. As a former mentor to Crow, Norman had always been adept at exploiting Crow's weaknesses.

"What should I have done in that case?"


It appeared that Crow had regained some composure after being defeated and spoke these words with a hint of weakness.

"What can a commoner like me truly do for Milady? I can't do anything for her! Damn it! Damn it...!"

Lying on the floor, Crow clenched his fist in frustration.

He wasn't foolish; he likely understood what Norman had pointed out. But he couldn't help himself.

"Sir Jerald, can I entrust him to us?"

"Well, I don't mind..."

With a serene smile, Norman watched Crow and then turned to Jerald, indicating he would handle the situation.

Since Jerald hadn't suffered any actual harm, and considering Norman's position as the butler, he was fine with leaving it to him.

"Thank you. Well then, Crow, shall we find a quieter place to talk? I'll also prepare some delicious tea."


Norman gently helped Crow to his feet, and they departed down the corridor, with Crow still feeling dejected.


"What's up?"

"Are all the Duke's servants this messed up?"

"I don't think so..."

As they watched the two of them walk away, the remaining knights exchanged tired glances.


"Are you feeling more at ease now?"

The butler's tea was exceptional, and its soothing aroma helped settle my frazzled nerves. I sat at the dining table, sipping the tea, while Norman, seated across from me, observed me with a gentle smile.

"Butler Chief, I'm truly sorry..."

"It seems you've taken some time to reflect on your actions, which is a positive step."

Realizing this, regret for my previous actions washed over me. I understood that without the Chief Butler's intervention, I might have caused significant trouble for Milady. It was a point I couldn't overlook, and I couldn't deny my mistakes.

"Earlier, Crow, you mentioned that you couldn't do anything for Milady, correct?"

"Yes, I'm just an ordinary commoner with no significant abilities."

As I stared into the cup of tea, my mind wandered back to the incident. Norman brought up my past actions, which I found rather embarrassing. While it was true I had acted presumptuously, I struggled to accept that my influence on Milady had been so significant.

"I don't quite see it that way. Milady Isabella has indeed brightened up, and you played a role in it."

"No, it's not that big of a deal..."

In truth, I hadn't made any grand gestures. My role was simply to serve Milady to the best of my abilities. While I might have gotten carried away at times, I couldn't believe I had that much impact on her.

"You don't need to be so modest. The previous Milady always seemed to be pushing herself, but recently, she has been wearing a much more gentle smile. Especially when she's by your side."

"Even without someone like me, Milady would have overcome these things."

"Hehe... Crow, it seems you genuinely love Milady."

"!? Cough, ugh...! Why would you say that all of a sudden!?"

I choked on the tea I was drinking, startled by Norman's comment.

"I haven't just grown older for nothing. I could see it clearly from the moment we reunited."

"Uhm, uhm..."

"Don't worry, only my wife Martha and I have noticed this."

"Even the Head Maid..."

Feeling embarrassed, I slumped onto the table. I thought I had hidden it well, but it was apparently quite obvious to Norman and the others. Imagining what they might have thought of me all this time, my face turned red.

"Milady is someone who deserves our sympathy. She was born into this family and is fated to walk a path filled with hardships. If she had been born into any other noble family, she might have had a much happier and more ordinary life."

"That's... true."

Indeed, when compared to other noble families, the Valiaz household appeared to be quite unusual. It wasn't merely because of their noble status; there seemed to be a deeper issue related to the darkness within the family. They treated every family member as tools to ensure the prosperity and survival of the household, which set them apart from regular families. Their obsession with their noble status led them to forsake fundamental aspects of humanity. Given these circumstances, it was challenging to envision a typical, happy life awaiting Milady, who was born into this family.

"Crow, I have one request."

"What is it?"

Norman's expression changed from a gentle smile to a serious one. Realizing that this was the central topic of their conversation, I sat up in my chair, waiting for him to continue.

"Would you consider leaving this household with Milady?"


It was an incredibly shocking request. Leaving the family was not as simple for Milady, as she was a ducal daughter, engaged to the Prince, and the promised future queen. Running away was a far more complex matter than it might be for other young ladies.

"I'll handle the necessary preparations, and Crow, I'd like you to talk to Milady."

"Do you even understand what you're saying?"

"Of course, I do. But staying in this household, Milady will likely suffer in the long run. I believe it's in her best interest to leave this place and live in a new environment with someone who truly cares for her."


Norman's argument had some merit. It was hard to imagine Milady having a happy life if she remained in this house. Marrying that awful prince would likely lead to an unhappy life. If given the opportunity, I would cherish and look after her. It was my deepest desire.

"But... that's impossible."

"Why is it impossible?"

"Milady takes great pride in being the daughter of the ducal family above all else. She wouldn't allow herself to cast that aside."

However, that idea of happiness was shaped by others. Milady would never accept it herself. She had a strong sense of nobility and pride, and she wouldn't compromise them for anyone.

"So, even if it means she might face an unhappy fate?"

"...A servant's role is to fulfill their master's wishes. If Milady desires it, I'll respect her decision and support her."

"I see... that's unfortunate."

Norman sighed with a touch of sadness, acknowledging that my determination remained unwavering. His genuine concern for Milady's happiness was palpable, and I couldn't help but feel somewhat guilty.

"I'm sorry for making your kindness go to waste."

"Well, I do understand that I've asked for the impossible, so please don't worry."

"But why would you, as the Duke's right-hand man, suggest such a thing?"

Norman came from a long line of servants dedicated to the Valiaz family, and he held a position of great trust as the Master's right-hand man. Despite knowing the immense harm that letting Milady go would cause to the ducal family, why did he propose this?

"Well, you see, we have a daughter of our own. When I see Milady, I can't help but empathize with her."

"I had no idea."

This was the first time I heard that Norman, as the Chief Butler, had a daughter. Given their long history of service to the Valiaz family, I assumed their daughter would also work as a maid, but this was new information.

"Since she had passed away before your arrival, it's understandable that you didn't know."

"I apologize."

"No need to apologize. It's a story from a long time ago, so there's no need to fret. Our daughter passed away at around the same age as Milady is now, and I can't help but see her resemblance."

I noticed a fleeting moment of sadness in Norman's eyes, even though he smiled and spoke about it as if it were an ordinary matter.

"Let me offer some advice from the perspective of someone with more life experience, Crow. Sometimes, a servant should act against their master's will when the situation demands it."

"What do you mean?"

Feeling a bit uneasy in the room's atmosphere, I unconsciously finished my now-cold tea and started to rise from my seat. It was at that moment when Norman shared his wisdom.

"Servants must be there to guide their masters when they veer off the right path. Right now, I suspect Milady is blaming herself in solitude, isn't she?"


With those words, everything became clear, and I understood what I needed to do.

"Chief Butler, I'm sorry, but I need to go."

"Of course, please do your best to help Milady."


With a clear purpose in mind, there was no time to linger. I left the dining room, leaving Norman's gentle smile behind.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...