Thursday, September 14, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 3

  My lady is scheming

It felt like I had a very nostalgic dream.

When I came to, my entire body was enveloped in warm light.

I didn't sense any hostility. Rather, it was a gentle light that instinctively made me feel safe.


I wanted to stay in this light forever.

Surely, even the young lady would appreciate this light.


Oh right, Milady.

Where could she be?

There's no need to stay here

I need to return to Milady's side as soon as possible.

Because Milady is...

"Please wake up, Crow!"


My consciousness returned, and as I opened my eyes, I found myself face to face with a girl whose hair was the color of cherry blossoms.


"I'm so glad you woke up!"

For some reason, Lady Maria, who was looking down at me, had teary eyes, and her face was quite close. I noticed a gentle sensation at the back of my head, realizing that I seemed to be resting on her lap.

"Ugh... Why is Lady Maria here?"

"Hey, don't push yourself too hard! Your injuries were pretty bad!"

Ignoring Lady Maria's flustered state, I lifted myself up. I reached into my pocket to check the time with my pocket watch, but the clock face was shattered, completely broken.

"Come to think of it, my injuries... Did you perhaps heal me, Lady Maria?"

It was only then that I realized the changes in my body. I touched different areas, yet I couldn't feel any pain. The severe injuries that Milady had given me before I lost consciousness had disappeared as if they had never happened.

"That's right. I did my best to treat you, but you still need to rest" Lady Maria replied.

Lady Maria possessed the Light attribute. Light attributes were rare, but they were versatile and had almost all kinds of abilities. Among them, Lady Maria had a talent for healing magic, making it possible for her to treat such severe injuries.

"There was a sudden loud noise, and I came to check, only to find you covered in blood. It was quite surprising. What happened?"

"It's not something that concerns you."

Given the seriousness of my injuries, Lady Maria's curiosity was understandable, even though she had treated me. However, I couldn't reveal anything about Milady, so I chose to remain silent.

"I appreciate your assistance. I will properly thank you later. Goodbye for now."

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on a second!"

As I tried to wrap up the conversation and return to Milady, Lady Maria inexplicably grabbed my right arm, stopping me.

"Do you need something?"

"No, it's not about needing something. That's more like, 'Ah, I see. You want me to ask for a proper thank-you for helping you right away,' isn't it? Just listen!"

I couldn't fathom why I had to entertain such trivial talk. All I wanted was to return to Milady as soon as possible.

I shook off Lady Maria and touched the bracelet on my right arm, specifically the purple magical gem at its center, an amethyst.


When I said these words, the gem emitted light, activating the magical inscription engraved on the bracelet.

"No way... It's a super rare spatial attribute magical tool!"

"Did you know about it?"

Lady Maria opened her eyes wide in surprise as she looked at the black vortex that appeared before me. It was a bit surprising that she, as a former commoner, knew the value of this magical tool.

A magical tool is an item that enables people without magical abilities to use magic.

Ordinary magic is performed by individuals known as "magic wielders" or "those with magical power." They create magical symbols using their own magical energy and then use these symbols to cast spells.

Magical tools, on the other hand, use special gems called "magical gems" to supply the necessary magic instead of relying on the user's magical power. These gems activate pre-engraved magical symbols on the magical tool, allowing the user to cast spells without their own magical abilities.

While magical tools may seem convenient due to their apparent ease of use, they are not widely circulated in the kingdom. There are several reasons for this, but the primary one is the consumption of the magical energy stored within the precious magical gems, which makes them expensive and disposable.

Gemstones naturally have a high affinity for magical energy and, at the same time, possess the ability to accumulate it. When a vein is formed over the surging currents of magical energy flowing through the earth, gemstones within that vein absorb magical energy over many years, transforming into magical gems.

These magical gems have multiple uses. They can act as catalysts for casting spells and can be ground into fine powder and mixed with herbs to create essential ingredients for various magical potions.

These gems are in high demand and, as a result, quite expensive, as they play a crucial role in supporting society.

Additionally, the kingdom has a large number of people with magical abilities. It's more cost-effective to hire these magic users from the plentiful talent pool than to purchase these costly magical gems and rely on a single, somewhat limited magical tool.

As a result, the kingdom doesn't even produce magical tools, and currently, the only way to acquire them is through imports from the neighboring Grandz Empire.

Among these magical tools, those with the rare spatial attribute are particularly rare. It's safe to say that there are very few individuals in the world who can import and provide such tools to their attendants, apart from Milady.

"Now, this is my way of thanking you for the treatment" I said.

"It's heavy! No, I don't need such a large sum of money!"

My magical tool has a spell that creates a space about the size of a wooden box. It's a spell that's favored by merchants and others because it can carry items without bulkiness or weight.

I took out a leather bag filled with gold coins from that space and tried to hand it to Lady Maria, but for some reason, she forcefully pushed it back.

"If carrying it is a concern, I can have one of my subordinates carry it later."

"It's not that! I'm saying I can't accept such a large sum!"

"Why not?"

"Because I did it willingly. I can't accept money for that."

I couldn't understand what she was saying.

If she were a noble, she wouldn't refuse this offer. Refusing could damage the other party's reputation. Even as a commoner, there was no reason to turn down such a large sum of money.

Is it because she used to be a commoner? I wondered if that's why this girl was so unusual

"Sigh... Since you don't seem to realize it, let me advise you. Lady Maria, what you did for me in terms of treatment alone is worth that much. And in noble society, not repaying a favor is not just a problem for me but also stains the reputation of Milady. So, would you please accept it, at least for my sake?"

"Yes, I understand. But, um... could you maybe make it a bit more modest... or something?"

I successfully persuaded her, and she showed some understanding. However, it seemed she had a bit of dissatisfaction as she scratched her cheek and gave me a contemplative look.

"Considering the Duke's status, I can't make it too modest, but... How about this?"

She had agreed to accept something, and I didn't want to push too hard.

Thinking this, I tossed the leather pouch into the black vortex, and in return, I took out a small vial containing liquid.

"Oh, yes, this is just right. What's inside?"

"It's an elixir."


Lady Maria's cheerful expression froze in an instant.

It seemed that offering a "universal remedy for all diseases and injuries" wasn't enough to satisfy her. After all, she excelled in healing magic, so it couldn't be helped.

"Well, it may have lower value than what you did earlier, but it's not too bad for resale, and it still holds considerable worth as compensation. ...Should I change it with the gold coins from earlier, after all?"

"Good grief! Why does it have to turn out like this!?" Lady Maria exclaimed, clutching her head, clearly dissatisfied with my explanation.

"I understand. This will do..."

After further negotiations, Lady Maria finally agreed. She held a small vial containing the Elixir in her hand.

"Thank you very much. I'll take my leave now."


I tried to leave since my business was finished, but Lady Maria stopped me once more.

"Hey, Crow, why are you so devoted to Isabella?"

"Why... do you ask?"

I was getting tired of this conversation, and I wished she would let me go, but it seemed she had more questions on her mind.

"Those wounds from earlier, they were really caused by Isabella, right? You don't need to follow her to the extent of enduring such terrible treatment!"

What is this person saying?

I couldn't understand what Lady Maria was talking about, just like before. Her words seemed like her own opinions, and they had nothing to do with me.

"It's not just this time. Crow, you're trying so hard, but Isabella always neglects you!"

While I remained silent, Lady Maria continued to speak, drawing conclusions about my situation. I couldn't figure out how she knew so much about me.

"Someone so despicable is not fit to be your master, Crow!"

"...Shut up."

What did this person just say?

I tried to hold back my anger for a moment, but I couldn't tolerate this.

My master, the one I serve, is the worst?

Give me a break. This damn woman...


"I told you to shut the fuck up!"

Before I knew it, my body was already in motion.

I gripped the knife I had pulled from my sleeve and swung it straight down towards the woman's neck.


"H-Haa... Ah... "

The knife, which was supposed to end the woman's life, stopped just before touching her throat.

Perhaps it was at that moment that she finally realized she might be killed, as her face turned pale, and she started trembling uncontrollably.

"I owe you for healing my injuries, so I'll let it slide this time. However—"


As I slowly lowered the knife and returned it to my sleeve, the woman let out a relieved sigh, perhaps feeling safe again.

"Next time, try insulting Milady in front of me. I'll definitely kill you then."


I grabbed the woman's throat, and this time, I confronted her with my killing intent at point-blank range, causing her face to turn pale once again.

Even though her expression was contorted with fear, my anger couldn't be contained.

However, it was probably time to bring this to an end.

"Do you understand now?"

"Y, yesh..."

With a satisfied smile, I asked, and Lady Maria nodded repeatedly, almost like a puppet.

Satisfied with her response, I released my grip, and Lady Maria collapsed to the ground.

"I'm glad you understand. Well then, I'll take my leave for real this time."

"....."Lady Maria remained silent.

At this rate, I probably wouldn't be stopped again. Leaving Lady Maria gazing at me in bewilderment, I finally departed from the garden.


"Ugh... I've wasted too much time."

By the time I returned, all the classes had already ended, and only a few students remained in the lecture room.

There was no sign of the young lady.

At this time, she would most likely be in her usual place.

Leaving the lecture building behind, I headed for the central building at the heart of the academy.

The central building, which housed the headmaster's office, staff rooms, and the student council office, was typically off-limits to regular students.

On the second floor of this building, there was a room originally designated for hosting guests. However, Milady had been using it continuously since enrolling, thanks to her family's influence.

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"No, I should apologize."

"Um... Excuse me!"

As I approached the room I was heading to, I nearly collided with a hurried petite female student. She quickly bowed in apology and swiftly passed by me, running off.

"My apologies"

"You're late! How long do you intend to keep me waiting, even as a butler? I've already started the tea party because you're so slow."

As I entered the room, Milady's scolding immediately greeted me. In the room, aside from Milady and her entourage of girls, there were several other students enjoying tea and snacks placed on the table.

After school, Milady would regularly convene a tea party, bringing together students who followed her. Only a select group, mainly from the Valiaz Duke's household, had the privilege to attend.

Participating in this tea gathering was highly prestigious within the school. No one would underestimate the importance of connecting with these children. The Valiaz Duke's family possessed power comparable to the royal family, and Milady, their daughter, was the future queen. Establishing ties with her now would ensure a bright future for any noble family.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh well, it can't be helped. Crow, get ready quickly."


Lady Isabella quickly calmed down and instructed me to help with the preparations for the tea party.

Honestly, it was surprising.

Usually, Lady Isabella looked forward to this tea party, and any small mistake would make her extremely angry. The fact that it ended so easily was an unusual situation.

I found it curious, but for now, it was time to work. I took over tasks from the maid staff and began preparing the new tea.

"Milady, did something good happen?"

After observing for a while, it seemed that Milady was in a good mood. As I poured tea into her empty cup, I couldn't help but notice her somewhat elusive expression, as if she were about to burst into song.

"Oh, can you tell? Well, it's finally time to put that cheeky girl in her place."

"Is that so... Is there any connection between what just happened with Lady Elina, who left earlier?"

"Oh, right, that was her name. Yes, she was quite insistent on something, so I made a little 'request' of her."

The girl who left earlier, Lady Elina, came from a small and less prestigious baron family. There was no way a daughter of such a minor and vulnerable noble house could refuse a "request" from the daughter of a duke.

It was not uncommon for Milady to make "requests" of lesser noble children like this.

"Hehe... You'll understand tomorrow. Crow, look forward to it. You'll get to see something interesting."

Saying that, Lady Isabella, with the fragrance of freshly brewed tea filling the air, wore a smile that could enchant anyone who looked at her.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...