Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on

"Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country."

The castle grounds are vast, and walking takes time. Like in the kingdom, we use magical vehicles instead of carriages for transportation.

As I ride in the car driven by the escort, Luke, and sit in the back seat, I pay attention to Dietrich's words as the car sways.

"I've heard that the second prince, who lost in the succession dispute in the old Farland Kingdom, fled with his followers and founded a country in the harsh northern land."

"Yeah, that's about right. They faced the tough environment of this land after escaping. In the past, the kingdom was quite turbulent, with power struggles causing the country to split multiple times."

Especially in succession disputes, it turned into a country-dividing struggle, and the winner faced a tough reality in exchange for glory, awaiting the defeated.

The surviving members of the second prince and his faction managed to escape pursuers, crossed the border mountains, and came to the barren northern land of the continent, barely clinging to life.

"Fortunately, the magical energy flowing through the ley lines isn't scarce, thanks to the nearby Enchanted Forest. Using this magic, people created a basic survival environment, but that was the limit. In this tough setting, there was no room for distinctions between nobility and commoners, so they collaborated to develop the country."

Magic originates from the Magic Forest in the east and spreads throughout the land via ley lines. Although not as abundant as in the kingdom, cultivating the once barren northern lands was still a challenge.

In the empire, where magic and resources were scarce compared to the kingdom, nobles and commoners had to collaborate to survive. It became a country where even commoners could rise in a meritocratic system, unlike the kingdom's one-sided nobility-commoner relationship.

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 55

 Reincarnated Elf (??), Discovering the Mentor's Role as Clan Leader

A week had passed since Lulu, the girl bedridden by illness, had recovered.

"Please come again! I'll be waiting forever!"

"Thank you, Mister Reese!"

Lulu, now full of energy compared to when we first met, and her sister Kikka bid farewell. In just a week, I had become unexpectedly close to the village.

"I will surely repay this favor and pass it on to the next generation."

The village chief deeply bowed his head and expressed his gratitude.

Next generation... The chief probably realized that he might not live to see me again.

In my 200 years as an Elf, I had lost track of even my recent age. Time's flow had made me increasingly oblivious.

"When I'm near again, I'll be sure to visit."

As I waved goodbye, Lulu and Kikka, even in their real ages, looked much younger than they were.


Reincarnated Elf Chapter 54

 Reincarnated Elf (??), Following the Mentor's Path

The girl lay on a small bed, breathing heavily, her vacant eyes staring blankly. Her shoulder-length golden hair clung damply to her neck, and she was soaked in sweat. Lips pale blue, she clutched a withered wooden twig in each hand, holding onto them as if they were precious. It seemed she had been bedridden due to illness for quite some time, and if help had arrived a bit later, it might have been too late.

"I'm Reese Klein, the top disciple of Lahab. Don't worry; I won't do anything bad. Just stay still," I reassured her.

Seemingly relieved by my words, the tension in the girl's body eased a bit.

"Advanced healing magic, Goddess's Breath: Twilight Doll," I incanted, summoning the healing goddess behind me. The goddess kissed the ailing girl, extracting the malevolent elements from her body. A faint green light enveloped the girl, gradually dissipating the illness.

Her previously labored breathing eased a bit. Witnessing the improvement, the older sister at the bedside, Kikka, looked at me with concern.

"Mister Reese, is Lulu getting better?"

"The goddess has absorbed all the bad things from your sister. If she rests a bit more, she'll recover. You did well bringing her here," I assured.

"Thank goodness," Kikka sighed, her shoulders relaxing. She collapsed onto the bed as if her energy had been depleted.

Approaching from behind, an elderly man who had been observing the treatment spoke.

"I never thought I'd come across elves twice in my lifetime. Thank you so much, Sir Reese. I won't forget this kindness as the village chief."

Reincarnated Elf Epilogue 4

 Epilogue 4: 67 Years After Defeating the Demon King

54 years after defeating the Demon King, Jin Fritz passed away.

The death of the "Hero" sent shockwaves not only through the Kingdom but across the entire world. Newspapers delivered by the magical messenger bird, Messeltaope, had been reporting about Jin for a whole year. During this time, foolish youngsters, aspiring to become the next hero, started recklessly venturing into the forest, emboldened by the catchphrase "Like a hero!" Their careless actions only provoked the magical beasts in the forest.

Consequently, my workload increased a bit.

58 years after the Demon King's defeat, Vais Garlanda passed away.

Following in the footsteps of his grandfather, Grilette, who halted the invasion of magical beasts, and Galius, who repelled the Demon King's army, Vais gained fame as a political figure primarily focused on talent development and fostering diplomatic relations within the Kingdom.

Around this time, communication through magical messenger bird Messeltaope, originating from the Kukule Fortress, ceased. However, by then, I had stopped visiting the fortress altogether.

I would extract provisions from the subspace my father provided, eat, gaze at the branches of Yggdrasil for a while, and then go to sleep. Despite having no specific reasons, a hole seemed to have opened in my heart several years ago, and it hadn't closed.

"Everyone seems to leave first, huh..."

Luckily, Yggdrasil's branches had grown significantly, enhancing the barrier's capabilities. Unless something extraordinary happened, it was unlikely that humans would find me. There were no significant threats, no signs of disturbance. I still had plenty of magical tomes brought back from the demon realm. It's not like there was nothing to do, but...

Reincarnated Elf Epilogue 3

 Epilogue 3: 52 Years After Defeating the Demon King

The world entered an era of unprecedented peace. The annual decline in magical beasts and increasing cross-border movement of people between nations were signs of this newfound tranquility.

The Hero Party, the Hopeful Travelers Lagridge, accomplished their mission and disbanded 25 years after the Demon King's defeat. Just before their separation, party members, excluding Lahab, made a special visit to our residence.

During this period, Jin introduced us to a son born to one of the party members. They likely lead a serene life in some quiet village.

38 years post the Demon King's defeat, Galius, the current lord of Kukre Fortress, passed away. Honored for his role in defending the nation alongside his father, Grillet Garlanda, a grand funeral was held.

Upon receiving an invitation from Weiss, Galius's successor, I descended to the fortress. The overwhelming number of attendees surprised me. Eventually, I found solace in having a drink with Weiss, listening to his stories in front of the combined graves of Grillet, Silfa, and Galius, rather than amid the bustling crowd.

Weiss continued to understand and support us, ensuring our lives remained peaceful, with Minori's swordsmanship dojo and the Yggdrasil branch hut.

Over 30 years, Minori, as the head instructor, produced numerous skilled magic swordsmen. Dedicated to a lifelong commitment, she frequented the dojo regardless of the weather.

I promptly healed any minor injuries or illnesses Minori faced. Thanks to my supreme healing magic, she never endured suffering for more than ten minutes.

However, 52 years after defeating the Demon King...

At last, that day was on the verge of arriving.

Reincarnated Elf Epilogue 2

 Epilogue 2: Six Years After Defeating the Demon King

Minori and I couldn't have children.

Despite numerous historical accounts of crossbreeding between different species, none were successful. Additionally, there was no magic in this world capable of determining the life or death of unborn beings at their core.

Reflecting on it, even magical elements like "Reincarnation" and "Isekai Rebirth," which influenced the essence of life, were distinct from regular magic.

Living organisms have an instinct to leave proof of their existence by ensuring the continuation of their lineage. Minori chose to leave her "Living Proof" by spreading the swordsmanship she had developed at the cost of her own life.

"You don't need formal permission, but it's a great idea. I'll support you. Have you already picked a location?"

"Yes! While shopping in the fortress earlier, Lord Garius suggested a vacant piece of land."

Minori indicated a specific area on the fortress map.

"I understand. If you've chosen this place, she'd probably be delighted in heaven."

It was the former site of a popular cafeteria operated by Mrs. Silfa, Mr. Grierret's wife.

"If I pass away, feel free to use the cafeteria as you see fit, Minori. Use it when you've achieved your goals. I'll inform Garius too."

In the past, Mrs. Silfa had left this testament to Minori. Despite the high cost of owning land in the fortress, a crucial defense stronghold and source of interaction with other nations, Garius, following Mrs. Silfa's wishes, preserved the land without alterations.

Akuyaku no Oujo ni Tensei Shitakedo Volume 2 Chapter 5

 A small birthday party

The next morning, Father wasn't present at the breakfast table. It seemed he returned early.

Both my brother and I couldn't see Father off, which was a bit disappointing. However, my mood lifted when my brother suggested, 'Let's have Lucienne's birthday party in the afternoon' during breakfast. It wasn't going to be extravagant—just bringing cake and sweets to my room for a slightly luxurious tea time. A larger celebration might make me uncomfortable and feel burdensome, so this seemed just right.

Although my proposal for staying up late and chatting was rejected by Lulu.

"Lucy is forbidden from staying up late~. Proper sleep is essential for growing up and good for your health, you know?"

To this remark from Lulu, my brother surprisingly backed down easily.

Hmm, what's with that?

While I do want to get along well with my brother, he seems to dote on me a lot. Lulu is fond of me, too, treating me like a kitten, but my brother, being an only child until now, may be genuinely happy to have a sister.

"No studying in the afternoon, okay?"

I nodded in agreement to my brother's words.

* * * * *

And in the afternoon, my brother arrived with a few maids. He gave them instructions, and they swiftly set up the room. Adorable curtains hung from the ceiling, and vases with colorful flowers decorated the room. The table was filled with irresistibly cute sweets and cakes.

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...