Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 48

 The hero of the next generation, meets up with the fortress lord

The Vastela expedition this time is marked by the absence of the Demon Lord and the emergence of a core figure among the current demon race, the one who forced my father, the "God of War" Griellet Garlanda, into retirement.

On the eve of the decisive battle, Jin was invited by Lord Garius to Kukule Fortress, where he learned about the most critical figure in this conflict.

This figure, the "God of War," had guarded Kukule Fortress for twenty years and was known for being so formidable that he seemed untouchable.

He had the ability to control the will of magical beasts and demons who followed him.

Furthermore, he was considered a crucial figure, holding the key to the revival of the Demon Lord.

"The cunning demon, Uva Karma. If we don't defeat him, the crisis of Kukule Fortress and the fear of the Demon Lord's resurrection will not end. The miasma is spreading, affecting not only Kukule Fortress but far beyond. People are naturally drawn to tales of a hero who defies magical odds."

As the miasma thickens, life withers, and magical beasts grow more ferocious. The number of adventurers is insufficient to handle the increasing magical beast incidents.

In this dire situation, Jin and his companions, adept at magic effective against magical beasts, emerge.

The people turn to them, referring to Jin's effective magic as "Hero Magic."

While demons anticipate the return of the "Demon King," humanity eagerly awaits the emergence of the "Hero" from ancient legends who supposedly defeated the Demon King.

Garius, deeply concerned, declares his support for the adventurer party 'Hopeful Travelers Lagridge.'

"I'm one of you. Kukule Fortress will provide unwavering support to 'Hopeful Travelers Lagridge.' If it's to thwart the invasion, no expense or personnel will be spared. Consider all of Kukule Fortress's wealth and military might at your disposal, the vanguard of humanity's counterattack."

However, the challenges in the Vastela Forest surpass what a single party can handle. The soldiers of Kukule Fortress, elite as they are, greatly enhance Jin and the team's strength.

Jin responds to Garius with a mix of gratitude and bewilderment.

"...It's a great relief for us to have the Lord supporting us. But, why choose us, the 'Hopeful Travelers,' Lord? You surely have many accomplished adventurers with proven trust under your employ."

Seeing a lord bowing to an adventurer from a freelance guild was indeed an unusual sight. In this unique circumstance, Garius, unlike before, wore a gentle smile.

"I heard rumors about Jin Fritz, nurtured by the Elves deep in the forest, blossoming into the abilities of a hero."

Jin often spoke about his mentor whenever the opportunity arose.

However, no one believed such a far-fetched story about Elves, especially since Elves rarely appeared in public. The only exception in Jin's party was Lahab, an Elf considered an outlier among outliers.

Moreover, the tale of an Elf effortlessly mastering all attributes of magic, controlling everything at a superlative level, was beyond anyone's belief.

It was a yarn spun over drinks, relegated to mere tall tales.

Yet, Jin was fine with that. Even if he didn't know where Reese and the others were, as long as he remembered them, their existence wouldn't fade.

"Well, no one really believes in the anything-goes Elf stories, but..."

"Master Reese Klein and Ms. Minori are strong, aren't they?"

As Jin tried to brush it off with a laugh, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Garius casually mentioned their names without a hint of surprise.

"Why, how did you know the names of my master and senior?"

"My father, mother, and I have all been in the care of Master Reese. Besides, like you, we've been helped by those extraordinary individuals. Also, one doesn't easily forget people as exceptional as them."

Garius continued without any sign of amazement.

"When I heard stories about you, it became clear right away. Master Reese and Ms. Minori fulfilled the promise with my father. That's why I've been preparing, defending the fortress from their advance until the hero, you, can fully unleash your abilities. Now, from here on, we'll begin humanity's counteroffensive."

"You've been waiting for us..."

"We share the same connection through Master Reese. If there's anything I can do, I'll do it. I want to bet on what Master Reese expected from you. Will you take on the responsibility of leading humanity's counterattack?"

Garius extended his hand.

"The 'Hopeful Travelers Lagridge' has never hesitated to take on any request, no matter how trivial. This time too, we will surely bring results that satisfy the client."

With determination, Jin firmly shook hands.

"Thank you. Now, I entrust this to you."

Garius handed over a paper with a magical inscription.

"This is a 'Teleportation Magic Circle' that Master Reese left when he departed from here. If the time comes to confront Uva Karma, use this. You can summon fortress soldiers to your location."

"Perhaps, in the history of requests, I've never received such generous support."

Jin felt genuine gratitude for the lord's consideration.

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