Monday, October 16, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 62

 My lady is resisting

On that evening, the Valiaz ducal mansion's dining hall played host to a rare family gathering. The long table, adorned with a pristine white cloth, accommodated the family members. At the head of the table sat Galious, the family patriarch, alongside his wife Robelia. Following them was the eldest son, Zane. Lastly, occupying the lower end of the table, closer to the entrance, was Isabella.

In the dining hall, after the pre-meal prayer, the family members engaged in minimal conversation focused on sharing essential information. Apart from that, the room was filled with the solitary clinking of tableware, lacking the usual animated discussions.

Amid this ambiance, Isabella, seated quietly in the corner of the table as she savored her meal, couldn't help but occasionally cast furtive glances at her family. She sighed softly, feeling a profound sense of emptiness.

There was nothing particularly unusual about the situation; it was the standard family gathering. However, for some reason, Isabella couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of hollowness tonight.

(How is Crow doing right now?)

As she delicately took a bite of her meal, Isabella's thoughts began to shift away from her family before her and towards her absent attendant.


"I'm exhausted...," I muttered under my breath, trudging down the hallway. I had just finished a massive workload, and it felt like I'd been released from a mountain of tasks. The atmosphere in the mansion was unusually hectic. The entire family, including My Lady Isabella, had gathered here, and preparations for an upcoming social party were in full swing. This meant that not only the regular servants but also attendants like me were being deployed more intensively.

Strangely, today's workload was significantly heavier than usual, causing the tasks to drag on. I assumed Milady had finished her meal and returned to her room by now. I was eager to reunite with her and find some solace.


Just as I was lost in these thoughts, I spotted Robelia down the hallway. She was accompanied by a group of men who were waiting for her. I involuntarily tensed at the sight of her.

Robelia must have noticed my presence, as she sensually smiled and began approaching me.

"Why is it such a coincidence to meet you here?"

I wasn't sure why she found it coincidental. After all, Robelia usually secluded herself in a separate building on the estate with her men. It was unusual for her to be in this part of the mansion without a specific reason.

"Is that so? Well, I should be going," I replied.

Robelia wouldn't let me go that easily, though. She smoothly looped her arm around mine and clung to me. I inwardly sighed, realizing that she wouldn't release me so readily, and I glanced at her with a hint of annoyance.

"Could you please let go?"

Robelia pouted and said, "Oh, don't be so resistant. Isn't it tiring to be with that girl all the time? It's okay to unwind a bit and have some fun."

"No, I'm fine."


With a slight but determined motion, I freed my arm from her grasp. Robelia staggered dramatically and was caught by one of the men who had been waiting behind her.

One of these men, who had been observing the scene, approached me with an irritated expression.

"Hey, you! The mistress is inviting you, and yet you have such an attitude!"

I calmly replied, "I am Isabella's servant. Prioritizing her is only natural, isn't it?"

"What! You commoner are getting cheeky!"

"Your mistress seems quite taken with this commoner, doesn't she?"

As you can see, these men were Robelia's lovers. In this country, it is prohibited for unmarried women to engage in relationships with men other than their fiancés, all to protect noble bloodlines. Noble women are tasked with giving birth to the next generation of nobility as the kingdom's guardians. Once they fulfill this role, they are free to do as they please, and there's no issue with Robelia having men serve her in this manner after giving birth to the heirs of the ducal family.


Truly accomplished nobles didn't have the luxury to waste their time on women like this. They had their hands full with managing their territories, hunting monsters, and pursuing magical research. So, what were these men, lounging around and lavishing their attention on women, really? They were the lesser nobles, those who wouldn't inherit the family titles, and they weren't exactly knights or scholars. They relied on their charm and skill with women.

Their confrontation with me likely stemmed from their anxiety about their own precarious positions. While it was highly unlikely, if I were to become one of Robelia's favorites, they could be left out in the cold. It was a petty situation, and I had no intention of taking them seriously.

"Come on, calm down, both of you."

A man who seemed particularly nonchalant among Robelia's lovers decided to step in and mediate our dispute. He casually slung an arm over my shoulder and spoke softly into my ear.

"Look, it's not such a bad deal for you. Just think about that body, the way she takes charge, and those... well, you get the idea. It's an irresistible sight. If you were a guy, you'd understand, right?"

I chose to stay silent. I couldn't fathom why he believed that describing the mating habits of lesser creatures would pique my interest. Despite my indifference, he persisted with his crude conversation.

"In any case, your precious lady from your place will likely end up attending to the prince once they get married. Noblewomen can be quite a handful, you know. So, I'll teach her a few things while I can. Heheh, naturally I'd like a taste of her as well—"

"Shut up."


In an instant, my mind felt a searing sensation. Unnecessary information was cut off, and the world around me turned gray. Driven by an overwhelming impulse rising from deep within my chest, my body moved almost on its own. I realized my actions when my right fist collided with the leering face of the man.


The unsuspecting blow sent the man flying, crashing into the wall with a resounding thud. He slumped to the ground, powerless. I approached him, grabbed his collar, and raised my fist once more.


The dull sensation I felt when my fist connected with something solid likely meant I had just broken his teeth. The first punch had broken his nose, but now I pondered which part to break next.

"Da, damn you!"

At last, the man appeared to realize that he was under attack. With bloodied lips, he spat out foul curses. His earring, embedded with a magical gem, began to radiate light, accompanied by an intense surge of hostility. He was likely attempting to use magic.

Even though the enemy is in front of him, he's quite leisurely.



With a sudden motion, I opened my clenched fist. I extended all five fingers into a piercing hand formation, and thrust its tip right below his damaged face, into his throat—a critical point in the human body. It didn't matter how much magical power a noble might possess; their physical structure was the same as an ordinary human's.

Blocking the airway caused him to stop breathing momentarily. This created a brief gap in his consciousness. That alone was enough to disrupt his concentration, which was required for using magic. The constructed spell shattered, and the discomfort from moments ago disappeared.

Now I could freely pummel this trash senseless. I raised my fist once more.

"Hyaah, kahyuu..."

Then, I repeatedly struck him. Every time he showed signs of resistance, I continued crushing his throat. His once-handsome face had swelled into a deep red and was hardly recognizable anymore. Eventually, his will to resist seemed to have drained away, and he was left gasping for breath. The sound of his shattered front teeth was the only thing to be heard.

Reluctantly, I lowered my fist, and from my pocket, I took out a small vial containing a potion. I forced it into the man's mouth.


Although he still struggled, I made sure he swallowed it. Gradually, the restorative effect of the potion I had made him drink began to work, returning his once-swollen face and damaged right eye to its former state.

"Ah, thank goodness..."

The man appeared relieved as if he had finally been set free. Tears streamed from his eyes, and his shoulders quivered.

Oh, thank goodness. It's a relief that I didn't kill him here. Killing someone in a place like this would be a problem.

"Well, shall we go for another round?"


I asked the man with a smile and swung my fist down towards his face once more.

"Hey, are you still alive? You're not dead, are you?"

I continued to strike his face until it was unrecognizable. After about five empty bottles were scattered around him, the man stopped showing any reaction. He was still breathing, indicating he was alive, but it seemed like his spirit had died before his body. He was indeed quite weak. Even the men from the slums I had tortured before could endure up to eight bottles.

"I have no other choice. I'm sorry, but can't I leave him here Mada... Huh?"

I turned to take him with me, but to my surprise, there was only Robelia. It seemed that the men who had acted so boldly had abandoned their leader. Robelia, who had been left behind, was sitting on the floor, unable to move, her face filled with terror. Upon closer inspection, the carpet was stained around her, and an ammonia odor filled the air.

"Ah! P-please, don't kill me!" Robelia realized my attention was on her and started pleading desperately. The recent events seemed to have been too much for her.

Now, what should I do? She's Milady's mother, after all; I can't just kill her. But leaving her like this...

"Damn, what a hassle." I sighed, annoyed. I only wanted to get back to Milady, and now I had to deal with these jerks. I'd been irritated ever since our encounter.

"Hey." I knelt in front of Robelia, grabbed her chin, and turned her face toward me. Her eyes were filled with fear, and she trembled, clenching her teeth.

Such an annoying woman. I felt like crushing her.

"Don't get too carried away, woman." 


I gave her a warning, and maybe it worked because Robelia rolled her eyes back and fainted.

"Damn it!"

I had lost interest and decided to leave the two behind as I walked through the gray world. It seemed like my brain had gone completely haywire; my vision didn't return, and my head throbbed.

But surely, this was just a temporary condition. Once I returned to Milady's side and heard her voice and felt the warmth of her skin, everything should return to normal.


While holding my aching head, I staggered back to Milady.


"Eins! I've missed you!"

"Lord Zane. Long time no see," Ains replied calmly, pushing a tea cart down the hallway.

Zane had been searching for Eins, a maid, over the past few days, and her appearance finally brought him great joy. Eins, engrossed in her duty of serving their mistress, Isabella, didn't show much emotion, but she politely bowed her head. Zane couldn't help but gaze at Eins, inspecting her from head to toe.

Her beauty was akin to a masterpiece, surpassing any woman Zane had ever encountered. Yet, Zane was well aware that her real charm revealed itself in her smiles, as rare as they were. The smiles thawing her icy facade were more beautiful and endearing than anything else he had ever seen.

Zane remembered that he had witnessed her smile just once by chance. It was a sweet, gentle smile that had left an indelible impression on him, making him constantly yearn for it.

Since that moment, nothing else seemed to occupy Zane's thoughts, even after indulging in the finest foods, wines, or women. 

Of course, Zane had tried to possess her, but there was a significant obstacle in his way. She was the servant of his sister, Isabella. Although Zane had used his family's influence to bend others to his will many times before, he couldn't employ such tactics against Isabella, his own family. It appeared she had no family to manipulate, and direct threats were equally unfeasible.

In a desperate move, Zane had attempted to have Eins abducted by his subordinates. However, it turned out she was incredibly skilled, and they had all been soundly defeated, resulting in failure.

Normally, Zane would be infuriated, but when he considered Eins's extraordinary qualities, he almost found it natural. Her beauty was so exceptional that it could be called a national treasure, coupled with her immense magical power. Furthermore, her martial arts expertise was genuinely remarkable, and it was evident to anyone that she was an outstanding woman.

For a woman of her caliber, it would unquestionably be fitting for her to bear the child of Zane, the legitimate heir of the ducal family. Ensuring the birth of exceptional offspring was a duty for the kingdom's nobility. Contributing to this duty was the most esteemed honor that a commoner could aspire to.

Some nobles in the kingdom, especially those referred to as the noble faction, shared Zane's perspective. In their eyes, social status was absolute, and the lowest commoners were no different from livestock. Even within the nobility, those with lower status were treated as if they were slaves. Using women to propagate superior bloodlines was perceived as customary and, if anything, a commendable act.

Despite these norms, Eins had successfully eluded Zane's pursuit until today. This compelled Zane to devise a plan to approach her. Investigations revealed that she held the position of second-in-command among Isabella's servants. When the head butler, her superior, was absent, it was likely that she would be by Isabella's side. To lure her into the open, Zane intended to inundate the black-haired butler with tasks. Zane suspected that his mother, Roberia, also held an affection for the butler, which might be keeping him occupied at this very moment. As per the plan, the butler would be engrossed in work, creating an opportunity for Eins to make her appearance.

"That's it for now. I'll take my leave."

"W-Wait a moment! I've gone through all this trouble to talk to you, and what's with that attitude?"

"....What do you want?"


Desperate to prevent Eins from departing immediately after he had gone through the trouble of luring her out, Zane tried to stop her. However, her lack of interest was evident in her gaze, leaving Zane momentarily baffled.

As the heir to the ducal family, he had been born into a life where everything was provided to him, always receiving respectful and reverent gazes. Throughout his life, he had never encountered anyone with such rudeness. Although he should have felt anger at her disrespectful attitude, Zane found himself experiencing a strange excitement.

Simply meeting her emerald eyes was enough to make his face grow warm.

"I-I'm not someone who deserves such a cold attitude. If you become mine, you won't have to do such mundane work. Not only that, I'll give you money, clothing, and any accessories you desire!"

"I'm not interested."


Zane instinctively reached out to touch her shoulder but was prevented by an invisible barrier, unable to make contact. He trailed behind Eins, trying to stop her, but her steps remained unimpeded.

"Hey! You, do something! You're here for situations like this, or I'll fire you!"

"Well, well, boss, this opponent is just too much for us! You should understand the extent of her magical power, right?"

Panicked, Zane issued commands to his escort knights, but the guard vehemently shook his head in refusal. This particular guard had aided Zane in wooing women on numerous occasions and had reaped the benefits of his leftovers. However, this adversary was undeniably formidable. She possessed the strength to effortlessly overpower multiple elite knights. Her mere presence confirmed the undeniable truth of her power.

Facing her alone would lead to an undeniable outcome.

"Grrr... In that case..."

"Big brother!"

"W-what is it!?"

As Zane tried desperately to restrain Eins, Isabella hurriedly approached from the end of the hallway. She stood protectively in front of Eins and gazed directly at her brother.

"I was worried when Eins didn't come back for so long. It was your doing after all, big brother."

"What's with you, Isabella? This doesn't concern you."

"......! Of course, it does! Eins is my maid, you know!"

Zane was slightly surprised by the sudden appearance of his sister, but he quickly composed himself and shifted from the cold tone he had used with Eins to a completely different, harsh tone aimed at Isabella.

Although she couldn't help but flinch at his gaze, Isabella remembered Eins standing behind her and resolutely met her brother's stare.

"Ugh... Th-that's right! Hey, Isabella, hand Eins over to me! If you command it, she won't resist, right?"

"I must decline."


Isabella's swift refusal left Zane open-mouthed in disbelief. In his memory, Isabella had always been a compliant puppet who obeyed their father's commands as the current head of the family. She treated Zane, the next head, no differently. He couldn't fathom her defiance; it was beyond his understanding.

"Moreover, big brother, you've been taking my maids left and right. There are hardly any left in my service! If you take any more of my staff, who will look after me?"

While Zane was momentarily shaken, Isabella seized the opportunity to argue passionately. In reality, Isabella was partly responsible for the shortage of staff due to her own actions, but that was irrelevant in the current context.

"Why don't you just hire new maids?"

"There's no replacement for Eins! Besides, big brother, you have plenty of women around you. Isn't that enough for you?"

"What did you say...!"

"In any case, I will never hand Eins over!"

During their heated argument, Isabella clung to Eins, asserting that Eins belonged to her, and she confronted Zane, her brother, with determination. It was their first-ever sibling quarrel, and Isabella was aware of the intensity with which she defended her position. However, it was too late to back down now.

"Hey, you...! A woman like you defying me? How cheeky!"

But naturally, Zane's rage was provoked by such an insult. He was already prone to fits of temper, and even his sister, whom he considered of little importance after Eins, disrespecting him was a surefire way to trigger his anger.

Zane, driven by impulse, raised his hand high, preparing to strike Isabella and release his mounting fury.



Isabella instinctively closed her eyes, bracing herself for the inevitable pain. Eins jumped forward, shielding her from harm.


Surprisingly, Isabella didn't feel any pain even after a considerable pause. Had Eins protected her? Yet, there was no sign of any magic being cast or the sound of someone being struck.

"What...are you doing?"

"Who the hell are you?"

A voice she recognized, one that hadn't been present before, resonated in the room. Filled with trepidation, Isabella cautiously opened her eyes.

Before her stood Zane, his hand poised to strike, and another man who had grabbed Zane's wrist, preventing the blow.

"Answer the question: What were you doing to the Milady?"

Crow stood there with a sharp gleam in his eyes.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...