Friday, September 15, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 7

My lady is being unreasonable.

"Arrgh! That girl! How dare she, coming from commoner stock, act so familiar with His Highness!"

It's been a week since I regained my memories from my previous life.

Today, I'm once again serving as the punching bag for Milady's temper.

Ouch! Hey, stop using your heels to step on me... Stop it...

As I roll around on the long, plush carpet in the room, enduring the pain of being kicked by Milady, I sneak a glance at her demeanor.

Milady, with her usual luxurious golden hair in vertical curls, glares at me irritably.

Her piercing blue eyes might excite those with certain unusual tastes, but unfortunately, I'm just an ordinary person. She's quite intimidating.

"For a crown princess, I am, more, suitable!"


Milady retrieves a training whip from a nearby shelf and swings it forcefully in my direction.

The sharp cracking sound echoes, and sharp pain shoots through various parts of my body.

In this situation, all I can do is endure Milady's anger until it subsides.


I let out a quiet sigh, hoping that Milady will calm down soon.

By the way, you might be wondering how we ended up like this. It's because another one of my pranks on Lady Maria backfired. 

This time, I had planned to put her to sleep with a sleeping potion and then sell her to a slave trader. 

It's gone way beyond a simple prank, but Milady's orders are absolute. 

I had prepared meticulously for it, but for some reason (which was the worst outcome for us), the princes who were investigating the slave trader rescued her. 

Since then, there have always been men around Miss Maria, guarding her, making it impossible for us to make any moves without caution. 

This fact has only added to Milady's irritation.

"Haa, haa, haa......Gosh, thanks to that woman, I've used up more energy than needed. Crow, get up and make some tea already."

Even though she was just beating someone up moments ago, once she's content, she acts like this. Honestly,  Give me a break already.


However, I couldn't afford to complain. I dusted off my clothes, stood up, and left Milady's private room to go to the kitchen and prepare tea.

I've noticed something recently: our Milady has quite a terrible personality.

As I waited for the water to boil, feeling a bit idle, I couldn't help but ponder while holding the bottle of healing potion in my mouth to recover from the damage she inflicted.

She's so selfish, quick to anger, prone to tantrums, resorting to violence without hesitation, mercilessly using magic, and always ready to undermine anyone superior to her. Plus, her opinions change like the wind...

In short, she's quite dreadful.

On the flip side, are there.... any good qualities?

Well, perhaps she comes from a prestigious family and is physically attractive, but that's about it.

She's a lady with no redeeming qualities, the absolute worst, but strangely, I never thought about leaving her side.

Even now, after regaining my memories, that hasn't changed.

It's not just because I feel indebted to her... I think there's more to it.

So, why am I serving her?

Is it because of her lineage? Her honor? Or is it for the money?

None of those reasons seem to fit.

I wonder, why did I...


With the water now boiling, I paused my thoughts and continued with the preparations. I needed to hurry and bring everything over to Milady's room, or she might scold me again.

I pushed the cart loaded with cups and other items and quickly returned to Milady's room.

After that moment, I didn't dwell on why I served Milady. Somehow, it felt like I shouldn't think too far ahead.

"I've come up with a brilliant idea!"

Just when I thought she had calmed down with her tea, Milady started making a commotion again. To be honest, based on past experiences, I knew it was likely not a good idea, so I didn't want to hear it.

"Hehehe... This time, I'll make that conceited little girl learn her place!"

"With all due respect, Milady. Since even the princes are on guard, wouldn't it be difficult to trap Lady Maria?"

"Your job is to do it well, isn't it?"

I couldn't help but sigh. I didn't think I was the one at fault here. Despite numerous failures, her unwavering determination was impressive, but I wished she'd realize it was a futile endeavor. Probably impossible.

"So, what's the plan this time?"

"Listen carefully. This time..." And with that, Milady enthusiastically explained her next scheme.


"Huff, huff, huff..."

Maria sprinted desperately through the dimly lit alley. Instead of fading away, the multiple sets of footsteps behind her were multiplying, relentlessly closing in on her. She could easily imagine the grim fate that awaited her if they caught her.

This was the deepest part of the slums, referred to as the 'depths' by its residents. Unlike the outskirts where her former orphanage was situated, this area was a perilous zone where various crimes occurred daily.

It was no surprise that a beautiful girl like Maria, wandering alone in such a place, would inevitably draw the attention of unsavory characters.

"Ugh! This can't be..."

Maria realized she had been cornered in a dead-end alley. When she turned around, ready to face whatever came, she found several disheveled men blocking the alley's entrance.

"Heh... Looks like our little game of tag is over, missy."

"Don't worry, we won't be too rough. Just planning to have a bit of fun with you."

"Yeah, yeah, we'll take you straight to heaven."

The men spoke one after another, openly leering at Maria, not bothering to hide their desires.

The fear sent shivers down her spine as she felt their gaze.

These men saw women as mere instruments to satisfy their desires, like wild animals.

"Eek....S, stay back! If you come any closer, you'll regret it!"


She raised a hidden magic gem as a warning, but it was evident in their eyes that it was nothing but an empty threat.

The men continued to advance, chuckling at Maria's feeble attempts to discourage them.

"I warned you! 『Light Burst』"

She channeled the magical power and cast the spell.

The magical explosion at the center of the men successfully sent a few of them flying, but they were simply too numerous.

More men emerged from the dust and smoke, their eyes bloodshot, and advanced towards Maria.

"Woman, there's a woman!"

"Ugh....Stay away!"

Maria usually relied on the men in her group for combat skills, focusing on healing and support. At this moment, she wished she had a sword, but there was no time to prepare one.

"......Oh no!"

As she readied her next spell, she tried to fend off the approaching men with physical enhancements. However, she was gradually outnumbered, and eventually, they seized her magic gem.


Without the magic gem, a magic user becomes powerless. The men closed in on her as her physical enhancements faded, pushing her to the ground.

"No, no! Let go!"

Despite her struggles, Maria's limbs were restrained, and the men's grip was too strong. She couldn't break free with her limited strength.

In fact, the men wore lecherous grins, deriving pleasure from Maria's futile struggles.

"Hehe... I get the first turn."


As one of the men covered Maria's body, he roughly tore her clothing apart. They reveled in their excitement as her modest chest, clad in delicate underwear, was exposed.

"No! Nono! Somebody..... Somebody help me please!"

"Heheh, ain't nobody comin' to help you in a place like this" the men mocked Maria as she cried out for help. Indeed, in this harsh world, there was no room for assistance or mercy.

But in this world <story>, she was the protagonist.

"What the hell are you guys doing to a girl?" 

A furious shout echoed through the alley, and the man who had pinned Maria down disappeared.


Startled, the men turned their gaze toward the entrance of the alley, where a young man in a coat stood.

He glared at the men surrounding Maria with irritation and slowly approached.

"What... What are you lookin' at? If you want some too..."



The head of one of the men who had been pinning Maria down was blown off by a magical arrow. It was at this moment that the men finally realized they had gone from predators to prey.

"Why the hell is the boss of the Wild Fangs here?"

"Damn it, seriously? Let's just get the hell out of here!"

"Where the hell do we run to?"

Among the men, someone recognized the young man in the coat and, upon hearing who he was, made the decision to flee immediately. They had no delusions about facing off against one of the three major organizations that controlled the slums, especially one known for their combat skills.

"I won't let you escape! Die! 'Dark Arrow'!"


However, these men had cornered themselves in a dead-end alley while chasing Maria. In the end, they couldn't flee and were struck down by a barrage of magical arrows.

"Jeez... why the hell are you here!"

The young man in the coat, who had effortlessly wiped out the men, knelt down in the midst of them. He covered Maria's exposed body with his own coat to protect her modesty.

"W, waaah! Ralph, Ralph~!"

Relieved by the sight of the young man, Maria clung to him and burst into tears.

Even though she knew help would come in the event, the men's desires were terrifying in real life compared to what she experienced on the screen. She decided that, from now on, she would try to avoid such events as much as possible. But for now, she sought comfort in the arms of her childhood friend.

"You're quite the handful, aren't you..."

Ralph, the young man, scratched his head in a somewhat exasperated manner as he comforted Maria, rubbing her back until she regained her composure.


"The report ends here."

"I see... understood, you may leave."

"Excuse me."

Several days later, late at night, Eins came to report, and I sighed heavily as I read the contents of the report.

"How on earth is she recruiting the boss of the slums like that..."

Enough of this. What's the deal with her anyway?

This time, the instructions were to drop Lady Maria alone deep into the slums.

Having lived there myself in the past, I understand that without any escorts, a woman going alone into such a place would be immediately attacked by the men around there and turned into an object.

While it may seem a bit extreme, considering the goal was to break Maria's spirit, the harassment proposed by Milady this time wasn't a bad idea.

But what will happen when we actually go through with it?

We successfully lured them to the orphanage where she originally came from, creating chaos, and then managed to lead them deep into the slums while separating her from her group of men.

But, in the end, she was caught by those men and then rescued by the boss of the biggest organization in the slums?

And the two of them appeared to be quite friendly with each other.

What on earth is going on with her?

She's had her fair share of miraculously avoiding various dangerous situations in the past, but what is up with this abnormal stroke of luck!

Is the world revolving around Miss Maria or something?


I accidentally punched the wall, my face contorting in pain.

The thought of having to report this absurd situation to the young lady now is utterly depressing.

"Excuse me."

"Oh dear, you're back so soon. So, what happened to that girl? Did she get all dirty and beat up by those men? Or did she die, perhaps?"

As I entered the room, it seemed Milady had her blonde hair down while just finished reading a book and placed it on the nearby table. She raised herself from the bed and smiled seductively.

While trying to divert my gaze from her fair legs extending from the black negligee she was wearing and her ample bosom barely covered by a thin fabric, I cleared my throat and began the gloomy report.

"Lady Maria has safely returned home as per your instructions."

"Hmm...? Did I hear that correctly? It almost sounded like you said that girl is safe."

"No, you didn't mishear. She is indeed safe. After guiding Lady Maria into the depths of the slums as you ordered, she was nearly attacked by the residents. However, she was rescued by Ralph, the boss of the 'Wild Fang.' Afterward, Lady Maria... cough."

During the report, something hit me in the face, and my body was sent flying backward.

"Ouch... What was that?"

As I tried to get up, I noticed a thick book that Milady had been reading until a moment ago was right next to me. In front of me, Milady remained frozen in a posture as if she had thrown something, trembling with anger.

"These fools, always making a mockery of me..."

"Holy crap..."

"These useless fools!"

That night, it was said that there was a continuous roar of thunderous noise and sounds of destruction coming from the Duke of Valiaz's mansion.



As I hung from a tree in the garden, having been battered by Milady and thrown out of the third-floor window, I gazed up at the starry sky over the capital.


My anger bubbled up inside me.

What in the world am I doing?

Every day, I'm pushed around by Milady, forced to carry out unreasonable orders, and if she's not pleased, I get beaten up.

Ah... it's so unfair.

Unfair, unfair, unfair!

"Hehehe... Hahaha... Hahahaha!"

I must be losing it.

This anger is probably a leftover from my previous life.

But... I don't care.

Certainly, Milady has done me some favors.

Even so, I can't take it anymore.


"Yes, Sir Crow."

With a simple call, Eins appeared by my side. At times like these, I was grateful that they were my personal subordinates.

"Ensure that no one approaches Milady's room from now until morning."


After seeing Eins off, I descended to the ground. I checked the small vial hidden in my inner pocket over my butler's uniform.

With a twisted grin, I made my way to Isabella's room.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...