Sunday, September 24, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 22

 My lady is fighting.

In the heart of the fortress, which was constructed with the efforts of the students, the central command post buzzed with activity.

"The Fifth Squad has returned!"

"We have more enemy reinforcements coming from the southeast, and the Seventh Squad is requesting support!"

"The medical team has reported a shortage of medical supplies."

"There's a fight breaking out among students in the cafeteria!"

Reports from various battlefronts, personnel rotations, supply shortages, and even student conflicts filled the room. It had become a different kind of battlefield compared to the combat happening outside.

"Those who have returned, take a break immediately. You'll be back in action in two hours."

"For the Seventh Squad, assign the reserve Third Squad. That should be enough."

"We are currently gathering medicinal herbs from the surrounding area to make medical supplies. Instruct the medical team to focus on magical healing until then."

"What?! What are they doing at a time like this? Stop them, even if you have to use force! Those fools should skip their meals!"

In the midst of their activities, Milady listened to a flurry of reports pouring in at her desk all at once. She promptly issued clear instructions for each one.

Witnessing Milady's confident behavior as a commander surprised the students, who were more accustomed to her usual whimsical self. But when you thought about it, it made sense.

Milady was the fiancée of Prince Albert, the heir to the throne and future queen of the country. To prepare herself for this role, she had received rigorous training in matters of state and governance since she was a child.

Compared to running an entire nation, overseeing a small fortress was a relatively simple task.

So, from a common-sense perspective, it was impossible for an uneducated girl to become the prince's consort...

"Thank you for your hard work, Milady. Tea is ready. Would you like a short break?"

Returning to the immediate situation, I offered Milady some tea. She had been working tirelessly since last night's attack, and dawn had already broken. Even though those with magical abilities had extra stamina, a bit of rest was still a good idea.

"Well, it seems we're doing fine at this pace, and a break sounds nice too."

As she sipped her tea and leaned back in her chair, Milady's gaze remained fixed on the map spread out on the desk.

On the map showing the area around the fortress, there were pieces representing students and monsters. Right now, the situation was that monsters were approaching the fortress from three sides, except for the west, where a river prevented their advance.

To counter this, students had set up defensive lines in those three directions, each group ready to deal with the incoming monsters.

Currently, there were almost a hundred students in the fortress, including members from Milady's group and others who had been trapped by monsters nearby. While not all of them were experienced fighters, about seventy percent were actively engaged in combat. Having a few skilled nobles was reassuring.

They formed teams of four and took turns fighting the monsters, which helped keep everyone's exhaustion to a minimum.

Of course, this couldn't last forever, but at this rate, they should be able to hold out for at least another two or three days. That would give enough time for the teachers waiting outside the forest to come to their rescue.

"Yes, we're managing medical supplies fine, and we have a nearby water source secured. As for food, we can gather plenty from the area."

"True. I never thought we'd have to eat monsters..."

Milady seemed to recall their recent meal, her shoulders slumping as she wore a fatigued expression.

For now, they couldn't afford to venture outside the fortress for hunting, so most of their meals were prepared from the monsters they had defeated.

In the Empire, it seems that eating monster dishes isn't all that unusual, but under normal circumstances, it's not something you'd do.

"I tried to make it more palatable, taking inspiration from Imperial cuisine" 

Our cooking was based on recipes Dixon and the others heard about from the Empire but adjusted to match the Kingdom's taste. So it shouldn't have tasted too bad...

"Yes, the taste wasn't really that bad. That's what's making it even more frustrating..."

Honestly, I didn't mind eating whatever was available, but it could be causing stress for Milady, who is quite delicate. Still, considering our current situation, hunting for food in the forest wasn't a viable option.

"There's no other choice. We'll have to tough it out until help arrives."

"I understand. It's been a while since we signaled for help, and by now, the instructors have probably called for reinforcements from nearby knight orders and are preparing our rescue. We'll hold on like this."

With a confident smile, Milady refocused her gaze and took command of the situation.

"Ah, I see. It seems she's not entirely incompetent" Dietrich, who had been assigned to defend the South Gate area, remarked with admiration.

There were no signs of moving monsters in the vicinity, so it looked like they could take a break for a while. Dietrich's thoughts now focused on the young girl overseeing the entire battlefield.

Initially, he had seen her as a mere accessory to Crow, considering her little more than decoration. However, it seemed he needed to change his opinion.

Her command had some rough spots and didn't strictly follow the textbook, but that was simply due to her lack of experience. Given her original role, she was doing quite well in this combat scenario.

"I've just returned. Is everything alright on your end?" While he contemplated these matters, Luke, who had been engaged in clearing monsters from a distant location, returned.

His gear was stained bright red with monster blood, a clear indication of the intensity of his battle.

"As you can see, everything's fine over here."

"That's reassuring, but it's still better not to wait until something happens. How about I handle things here for a while, and you take a break?"

Dietrich couldn't help but chuckle at the familiar exchange. While Luke was a trusted subordinate, given their long friendship, he had a tendency to be overly protective, which was his only flaw.

"Don't be ridiculous. Where would you find a servant who makes their master work while they rest?" 

The current Dietrich wasn't an Imperial prince. He was just playing the role of a servant. Even though Luke wasn't particularly skilled at this kind of banter, doing something like that would easily give away the act.

...Well, those were somewhat plausible reasons, but Luke didn't think for a moment that Dietrich was serious.

"Besides, it would be a shame not to join in on something this interesting."

That was the main reason.

Dietrich had come all the way to the Kingdom and was growing bored with nothing to entertain him. It was only when he stumbled upon Crow, an intriguing individual, that he joined the same group to get to know him, and now they found themselves in this situation.

It seemed like a waste to just sit idly by and watch such an exciting turn of events.

"Sigh... Just don't push yourself too hard, alright?"

Seeing Dietrich so excited, Luke, who knew his master's personality quite well, could only offer a small word of caution and leave it at that.

"I get it already. But Luke, have you noticed something?"

Dietrich's earlier playful demeanor gave way to a serious expression as he turned to Luke, not as childhood friends, but as a trusted subordinate.

"Yes, it does seem like there are fewer types of monsters now. Most of the ones we just fought were Ogres."

Luke tightened his expression as he perceived his master's change and reflected on their recent battle.

At the outset of the attack, there had been a wide variety of monsters, but now it appeared that Ogres dominated the scene.

Ogres were humanoid monsters about two meters tall, relying on magic to enhance their robust bodies for powerful close combat. While they were straightforward and relied mainly on physical enhancements, they became troublesome when their numbers increased, forcing close-quarters combat.

"That's right. It would have been nice if it meant the end of this attack..."

"However, the number of monsters isn't decreasing. In fact, it's increasing rapidly."

"In that case, the possible cause is..."

Just as Dietrich was about to voice his own theory, realizing the situation with a large number of the same type of monsters and attempting to express his thoughts...


A thunderous roar erupted, shaking the entire forest.

"Wha...! What's that!?"

As Luke became more alert to their surroundings, Dietrich had an instinctive realization that his earlier suspicions were coming true.

"This could be... troublesome."

Unusually, Dietrich lost his usual composure, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he gazed towards the eastern side of the fortress, where smoke was billowing.

"Reinforcements from the south! The Third Squad is requesting support!"

"New enemies have emerged from the north! We need orders quickly!"

"We have too many wounded! Send more people to the medical team!"

The battle, which had been in a stalemate for a while, suddenly shifted around noon. The number of monsters attacking the fortress began to increase dramatically, and the command post grew busier than ever as they scrambled to respond.

"Ugh...! What's happening here?"

Milady, frustrated by the escalating combat and the need to sort through a deluge of information to issue orders, slammed her desk in irritation. However, amid it all, the situation continued to worsen.

Yet, while Milady was doing everything she could to manage the crisis, it happened.


A sudden roar sent shockwaves through the entire fortress, causing everyone to freeze in their tracks.

"W-What was that just now!?"

"I have a report! A high-level monster, possibly an elite species, has appeared near the east gate. Both the Second and Fifth Squads have been wiped out! The remaining Eighth Squad is currently engaged, but if things continue like this, the east gate will be breached soon!"

"What!? Are you serious!?"

Immediately after, one of the maids rushed into the room, delivering the most dire news.

The report was enough to fill everyone in the room with despair.

"It seems the other attacks were just diversions... Can we send reinforcements from elsewhere?"

"It's not possible! Every area is stretched thin, and if we reduce personnel any further, they'll collapse all at once!"

The eastern side, which had relatively fewer enemy forces due to its thin defense, had become the target. Milady tried to come up with a response, but the students who could have acted were already out, including those who had been on standby during the previous attack.

However, leaving the elite monster unchecked was not an option.

"Lady Isabella!"

"Isn't there anything we can do!?"

"...I have no choice. I'll go. I don't mind if it's students from non-combat teams. Anyone who can move, follow me!"

Amid the chaos and frantic voices of the students in the room, Milady, who had been searching for a solution, declared that she would take action, her eyes widening as she made the announcement.

Given the current situation, where only Milady and the others in this room were capable of fighting, her decision was the only logical one. Besides, she couldn't afford to stay here and oversee the battle.

"No, it's impossible! Lady Isabella, you don't have to take such a dangerous step..."

"Silence! If we don't fight now, what's the point of having this power as nobles!"


Milady silenced the students who desperately tried to stop her with a stern rebuke. Her determination left everyone in the room speechless, their heads bowed in submission.

However, among them, there were students with determination gleaming in their eyes. They believed this would likely work out.

"We're going, Crow!"

"Yes, Milady."

No matter the command, if it was what Milady desired, I would support her wholeheartedly.

Listening to the countless footsteps following from behind, I dashed out of the room to follow Milady into the unknown.


"I can't believe this..."

We arrived at the eastern gate of the fortress, leading the students. Before us, there were the remaining students, bravely fighting, and towering over them were several higher-tier Ogres, trampling everything in their path.

These Ogres included the straightforward Warrior type, the Knight type, known for their skill in protecting allies, the swift-moving Assassin type, and the General type, responsible for overseeing and commanding the others.

Typically, even one sighting of such higher-tier Ogres would be a significant threat. But here, there were multiple of them, not to mention numerous regular Ogres fighting alongside.

"Crow, focus on tending to the wounded. In the meantime, everyone, assist me in holding back the enemy!"


Milady quickly recovered from her initial shock, issuing orders to the students. She readied her staff and moved towards the horde of Ogres. Yet, I couldn't help but notice a slight tremor in her voice.

"Keep restraining it! I'm going in, 『Wind Javelin』!"


Isabella's wind magic spear punctured the Ogre's chest, ending its life. Even though it was a powerful high-tier monster, it posed no real threat to Isabella. She was the culmination of the Duke's lineage, having refined her magical skills for years, merging the finest bloodlines.

"Not done yet!"

While other students were struggling, Isabella unleashed a barrage of magical spells, piercing through the enemy ranks.

(We can do this!)

Though some enemies remained, it seemed like only a matter of time before they were wiped out.

However, amid the chaos, Isabella failed to notice something crucial: the abnormal situation of multiple high-tier monsters when typically only one should be present.



Suddenly, a roar echoed, and every student in the area, including Isabella, found their bodies involuntarily paralyzed.

"This... is..."

There was no mistaking it. This roar was identical to the one they had heard earlier.

Isabella gritted her teeth, forcing her body to move despite the paralysis, desperately searching for the source.

And she found it.


An involuntary scream escaped her lips.

Emerging from the depths of the forest was an Ogre, larger by about two sizes compared to the others, a kind she had never seen before.

It was likely an evolved form beyond even the high-tier monsters, what could be called a unique species.

In its hand, it held a massive sword, more like a crude chunk of iron than a blade. Just seeing this monster lift it effortlessly sent an instinctual message to Isabella.

──They couldn't defeat this.

Every instinct, every survival mechanism inherent in living creatures had been screaming warnings ever since they first laid eyes on it.

Slaying it was impossible.

Escaping was impossible.

The only option left was death.

She envisioned herself surrendering, making a pitiful plea for her life, and then being crushed and killed by that colossal iron menace. It was a humiliating vision.

For an average person, this might have been the point of complete surrender, but she was Isabella Valiaz.


She summoned every ounce of willpower to defy the instincts that had kept her paralyzed, and with a forceful exhalation, she let out a resounding scream.

Isabella bore the noble duty of protecting her people and defeating her enemies. Even if she couldn't match the enemy before her, she refused to meet her end without a fight. She was determined to strike back, even if it was just once.

"Move, you lot of good-for-nothings! Take down the enemy right in front of you!"

"Y-Yes! We'll do it!"

Isabella's commanding voice snapped the students out of their fear-induced stupor. They readied their weapons and charged toward the unique species Ogre, determined to face the formidable foe.


As they moved, the unique species Ogre watched them with a sinister grin, hoisting its massive iron club high into the air.

It swung its massive arm, clearing everything around it in one devastating blow.



That single strike sent the nearby students flying, leaving Isabella alone in its path.

The unique species Ogre's menacing gaze locked onto Isabella as its next target.

"You impudent...!"

Instinctively, Isabella unleashed a lance of wind magic. The magical lance shot towards the unique species Ogre, piercing its chest and creating a powerful explosion, accompanied by a raging storm of magic.

"No way..."

However, the magical lance, which should have easily pierced through the higher species, barely left a scratch on the unique species Ogre's chest. Even that minor wound promptly closed as the unique species channeled power throughout its body, restoring it to its previous state.


The unique species Ogre casually scratched the pierced spot on its chest with its fingers, taunting Isabella with a smirk. Then, without hesitation, it lunged at her with the intent to finish the job.

"You... You! I'll defeat you here!"

Facing the unique species, which moved at an unimaginable speed for its colossal size, Isabella attempted to counter its approach with a barrage of magic. However, the unique species evaded or absorbed every spell she threw its way, maintaining its relentless speed.

In the blink of an eye, the unique species closed the distance to Isabella. With its right arm, it swung down the massive iron lump it held.


A gigantic iron mass loomed before Isabella, leaving her with no means to evade it.

(This... This is the end...)

Faced with imminent death, Isabella felt no fear.

It was something she had prepared herself for from the beginning.

Being born into nobility, fighting enemies was her duty. Dying in battle was an honor for nobles, so there was nothing to fear.

However, if there was one thing she couldn't help but feel some regret about...

(No one will mourn my death, will they?)

Her family viewed Isabella as nothing more than a pawn, and her betrothed prince harbored a strong dislike for her. Even the entourage around her, those who remained with her due to her noble status, secretly despised her.

If she were to die, no one would grieve for her. In fact, some might even rejoice. She would be forgotten, her existence fading away from the world, with no one ever remembering her.

It was an inexplicable sadness, a bitter feeling.


Even so, she wanted someone to remember her. Despite being so despised, she wished for even a tiny place in someone's heart, where she could remain. If that were the case, she could believe that her life had meaning, that she wasn't entirely worthless.

(But that's probably impossible...)

With those thoughts, Isabella closed her eyes, preparing to face her final moments.


──She thought she heard someone's voice.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...